This board

is depressing. All everyone here ever does
is post "le epic dank Trump memes xD",
happening threads and Hitler/Nazi appreciation
threads. The fact that these activities
have become so repetitive, almost an hourly occurence,
that it has become devoid of any meaning. People
here just shitpost for the sake of shitposting,
in order to be validated by others through
achievements such as "dubs", "trips" or "quads of truth".
Essentially what this board is doing is eating
back all the shit it is excreting ad infinitum,
just like the mythical Ouroboros.



american elections are always this way, idiot newfaggit.

Get leafed

>Says the paintbrush to the wall

Well all incompetent crackers do is complain about problems than actually do something, so I don't know what you expect


Blame flags.


>This board is depressing