Italy will ban veganism for kids under 16 years old

"Italy could become the first nation to crack down on vegan parents, with a proposed law that would make imposing a vegan lifestyle on children a crime punishable by time in prison.

According to the draft legislation – which is still in conference – any parent that forces a child onto a “diet lacking essential elements for an healthy growth” could face up to a year in jail. If the child is under age three, parents could face more than two years behind bars.

Italy’s far right party, which proposed the measure, says it’s necessary to combat the growing trend of “going vegan,” (eight percent of Italians now identify as vegans) and to “stigmatize” what they say are “negligent parental behaviors that put minors at risk.”

The question, however, isn’t whether there are cases of malnourished children who have vegan parents, but whether an entirely new law is required to mandate additional punishment for parents who make unique choices for their kids. Italy already has strict child neglect laws on the books; do they really need an extra provision to punish vegan parents?"

>Italy's far right party
>Berlusconi's party
Basically it's like saying the German CDU is some sort of nazist party or Sarkosy and Cameron parties are full of dangerous fascists. Top kek these modern journos are unbelievable.

Hard times for hipsters in Italy, I bet the next things we will ban will be the leftists/progressives.
After the disastrous policies with the rapefugees and this outrageous President of the Chamber of Deputies* I'm not even sure I'm joking.

*she's the head of italian feminazis, luckly there are only something like 100 of them in the whole Italy, and everytime she open her mouth to say something italians hate for her grow stronger. And she talks a lot.

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Wow I never Italy was so fucking disgusting. Absolutely tyrannical.

What so Italy is going to have meat police? Are they going to make sure they also get their daily dosage of Muslim meat too?

Nice. Fuck vegans

fucking savages

It's not so much a meat police as it is when the kids come to school and look stunted and sickly because of stupid vegan parents forcing their beliefs on them (usually without the wherewithal to actually eat a healthy vegan diet, which is possible with appropriate supplementation), the have a legal mechanism that allows them to investigate and force parents to change course BEFORE the kid ends up in the hospital for malnutrition.

Seriously though most 'vegans' are fucking idiots who can't even come close to eating a properly nutritious vegan diet.

Go, Italy!

I wonder who could be behind this?

>Seriously though most 'vegans' are fucking idiots who can't even come close to eating a properly nutritious vegan diet.
Aren't vegans the least likely to die from heart disease and cancer?

Protecting kids from their parents utter stupidity is good.
Vegan diet seriously harms kids health, it harms grown-ups health too but to a lesser extent.

>Aren't vegans the least likely to die from heart disease and cancer?
true, but there are many other more serious health risks associated with the vegan diet.

>In general, vegetarians typically enjoy a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), obesity, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (3). A vegan diet appears to be useful for increasing the intake of protective nutrients and phytochemicals and for minimizing the intake of dietary factors implicated in several chronic diseases (9). In a recent report (10), different plant food groups were rated with respect to their metabolic-epidemiologic evidence for influencing chronic disease reduction. According to the evidence criteria of the World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization (WHO/FAO), cancer risk reduction associated with a high intake of fruit and vegetables was assessed as probable or possible, risk of CVD reduction as convincing, whereas lower risk of osteoporosis was assessed as probable


Adult health =/= child health
Srsly, in medicine is 2 separate masters
A "healthy" vegan adult can easily fuck a child up if he's an idiot

Vegan brain devolves and kids on vegan diet end up not developing their brains.

Good luck being retarded and not dying from cancer and hearth disease.

t. Limpwristed vegans with hipster glasses, moustaches and tatoos

Will they ban junk food for kids too?


yes, but because they are already dead due to malnutrition

Vegan lifestyles increase life expectancy

Worked at a school a while back and one day the future first graders came to visit. There was this one boy who was a head shorter than everybody else and looked almost emaciated. Turns out his parents had put him on a strict vegan diet since birth. Sad.

>Absolutely tyrannical
>Let's give the freedom to a dumb parent to let his kid die of malnutrition

We had like 3 case in a month of kids, one was 11 months old, ended up in a hospital thanks to the vegan "diet".

Fuck leftist hipsters and their bullshit veganism.

They have the right to do what they want with self determination. The state is the problem not the solution

They have the right to kill themselves alright but the kids can't consent

t. Projection

Nice to see you guys have some fucking sense.

If they make the dumbass decision to be a vegan faggot they should have the choice to have their lineage cut off because clearly they aren't worthy to be in the gene pool. Whatever happened to punishing future generations?

Spaghetti and meatballs, not rice and tofu.

Just because the parents are shitheads doesn't mean the child will be equally dumb

Sup Forums laughs at Fox New and Breitbart news links... and you post THAT as evidence?

They don't have the right to do whatever they want to their children

You dont get to abuse children because you are a brainwashed idiot just because muh freedom

Our doctors in our mainstream media.

Go google around, there are English sources also and even some vegan sites are talking about that you should use supplements. Truth is - supplements do their job poorly.

Ban on Islam soon, just sit back and watch

Do you really need a source for the claim that vitamin deficiencies in children fuck up their brain and body's development?

Based there have been many cases of children starving at the hands of their insane wacko vegan libtard parents

The state has the obligation to take care of all its citizens, including dumb vegans

Compared to the average stupid asshole who knows EVEN LESS about nutrition

But the thing is that kids eating an unrestricted diet basically never suffer malnutrition in the west, even if many are overweight (which should also be criminal)

So what happens to a 15 year old who decides to follow a vegan diet?

Is Italy the most based country in western Europe?

By that age he's already gone through elementary school which indoctrinates you into following a mediterranean diet (which is not a bad thing)

Then why include those ages?

Well since it's about parents who force their children to follow the diet i don't think there would be any problem in that case

Fuck vegans, good on you Mario bros.

16 years is the age you're on compulsory education. After that you can leave the school if you want and you can do some stuff you can't before, in your way to adulthood (18 years) but you also face more legal consequences than before, for example.
16-17 It's like an age of passage.

idiot cuckservatives banning White values and trying to prop up their dying desert cult ways

>Refraining from eating meat, eggs and dairy is now illegal.
Goes to show how ridiculous can get democratic legislation.

>Mamma mia, they're dropping sales fora spaghetti and meataballs

It's a shame that we have to make legislation on fucking everythung because people are such pathetic idiot. Veganism is absolute cancer, and preventing children from eating meat is child abuse, no matter how you look at it.
Vegans seriously need to be exterminated, they are becoming a fucking plague.

Good job Luigi

For kids only. If you want to eat like a cow and you're more than 16 years, no one is stopping you.

Use your common sense, people are literally damaging their health and the health of their children because of virtue signaling, when people start making really stupid choices, may it's time the state does something about it.

That an adult wants to fuck his own health for virtue signaling that is fine, but the children should be forced to do so on account of the parents and this is the difference.

*children shouldn't be forced

Veganism WHEN ITS DONE RIGHT is the true red-pill masterrace diet but people under 20 should not be vegan because its important to drink milk to get tall.

This law does not make illegal to be vegan but only makes it illegal for parents to force their kids to b vegan which as a vegan I support, people should not be forced into it unless they are like 300lbs.

kek this is good news, veganism for children is subtle child abuse, vegan parents should have their children taken away if they force veganism on them.

The only vegan friend I have is a pallid walking skeleton so not sure about the true pill masterrace thing.

Veganism "done right" means downing more pills a day than a 90 year old HIV-positive Leper with a heart disease