Why do normies get offended so easily? What causes this?
RedPill me
People are taught that they are special butterflies, and some end up believing in it a bit too much.
To be fair that post wasn't funny and the people in the comments do have a point.
Danielle pls go
>Muh safe space and politcal correctness.
Literally the only reasons why these fucking normies are offered so easily
fuck off faggot, nobody should stop talking about a basic part of life just to avoid offending a handful of women who can't get knocked up
Because we live in a society that Infantalizes people
We now have a society where essentially half of the population has an adolescent mindset.
Basically we have a nation with half teenagers and half adults
That's why everything is fucked up
Not an argument.
>this degenerate unemployed looking thing wants to have a kid
The exact same joke was posted by a friend, many people loled. Get better friends.
Women do and it's just due to their nature.
In general, there's a lot of fake outrage. It's easy to get the adrenaline rush of conflict and then an endorphin high, without actually risking anything.
In this case, there's an emotional slag pit around having a baby, especially for women. For many from a young age they're told "this is what real women do, they marry and they have kids and take care of them" (and hey, Sup Forums would agree). Then life goes and fucks them over and they have trouble conceiving, trouble finding a non-piece-of-shit man to marry, trouble carrying a baby to term. They feel like they're failures and disappointments, along with a bunch of other negative feelings.
I don't even think the joke is terrible or anything, I just can't bag on the women who replied as "normies who get offended easily". They're just people working through their own shit sandwiches.
Safe spaces and and more political correctness are results of the offended nature of these people. Not the other way around. Safe spaces is a new phenomenon. I want to know why people became such pussies to begin with, not the effects. The effects are the reason I am asking ._.
The women who cannot produce babies are failures. Since baby making is all they are good for.
But do you really think it's fake rage? I don't know. Things like triggly puff and BLM make me think they are serious....
Sweden yes!
I have noticed woman get offended more easily. But guys are just as likely to point out to someone that they are about to offend somebody. So it's not a mono gender issue. It's an atmosphere. Make me walk around all day sometimes thinking about gassing everybody.
I kinda always thought maybe it was because of first world treatment and pampering. But now I think it's maybe media manipulation and something in the food.
Jesus, most of these charges are a joke. "unauthorized use of a motor vehicle" what does that even mean?
What gave it away? "Illegal twerk"?
It's for derailing threads don't think about it too much.
Alexandra please kek
>the people in the comments do have a point.
They have an opinion, and their opinion is worthless.
Because all stupid normies want to do is eat, shit, fuck, and die while raising a garbage family in a garbage suburban home.
Human nature is to put yourself and your family first and it can manifest in really strange ways, especially if it's encouraged. People will use anything they can to attack another to promote themselves.
Humans are weird.
Rollin for a qt
Rollin for a qt
I'm just fucking pissed if she's seriously selling fake pregnancy tests.
Cmon Goyim!
roll pls sum good
ciri 24 lets go
Let's get this rolling
>TFW have at white nationalist gf but her ovaries are fried
They don't, they execute whatever action will be more likely to gain them more attention.
Like robots.
Women get 'offended' more easily because they're weaker, and know that if they lose their social standing they'll be more vulnerable than a man would in their situation. That's why they go crazy at even the slightest criticism and can't handle any banter.
You just have to be as mean to these people as possible target all their insecurities
Roli 4 loli
Who do we have today?
Goodbye thread my old friend
Do me a favour OP.
Pop over to reddit and open any thread, particularly any of the AMA ones.
Notice how most replies are designed to bring attention to the poster. In AMA's it is always:
> I met you at such and such
> Your album changed my life because 'story'
In fact the entire site is designed for people to self promote and virtue signal with it's karma system.
Your pic is no different.
Somebody posts a pic and somebody else tries to bring attention to themselves because of it.
When you see through the attention seeking it makes dealing with twats much easier.
Go away shill.
We all live in a shitty pussified world.
don't worry I'm sure the next thread (20 minutes) will have entire essays on why normies r gay lol
Pls be good
>barren women
What's the point