Muslim Country VS. Non-Muslim Country (HONESTY EXPERIMENT)
Non-muslims BTFO
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Man my experiences in haji countries were a lot less friendly
maybe freedom bombs had something to do with that
Jesus fucking christ this is beyond cringe.
>I can verify this. I lived in Saudi Arabia for a while and honestly it is the most peaceful country I lived in. they are great people. honest, kind, polite and really nice.
So all the terrorism is justified then
tired of your shit
>Worshipping an illiterate pedophile
Kek. Never gets old.
If you hate America and Americans so much go back to your shit hole country
Somebody ban these feces faced desert niggers from posting on this board.
Does anyone else hate this brown metrosexual look? This nigga looks like he could be in the Orlando fag shooting.
Wow Americans are rude who'd have thought do this in a white country like Canada and people will help you
Islam practices lying with a straight face
Quick, burn the Constitution
>Choosing NYC
Come to the south, New York is a shit hole full of assholes and niggers
You do know those youtube things are staged, right?
Even real sociology experiments done by non-attention whore spergs end up questionable at best because they tend to throw out a lot of data.
>"Is it okey if I'm muslim and I'm here?"
Eh? Wat? Where did that come from after he dropped his wallet?
This is beyond rigged.
>major shopping mall
>city streets
big fuckin difference
>Qatar=rich country
>NYC=lots of scum and criminals
Why do young American Muslims (that are from the middle-east or North-Africa) always dress and act like dindus?
>Muslim Man wearing Make Up like a total faggot
Inb4 well he cares about his hygiene - f... you, spending 3 hours in a bathroom to shoot a fucking YouTube vid is pathetic.
wtf I love muslims now
Glad you are happy in your third world country that used to be a part of great empires before you moved in. Stay there.
No such thing exists bruh. And dont come at me with that Son of the Muh Constitution Jihadi
>Stay there
Fucking this.
This is why countries should be homogenous in terms of culture and race. This leads to prosperity and peace.
>shopping mall full of rich oil money Arabs from Qatar
>impoverished melanin enriched descendant of kangz in NY city
What a comparison.
Also why look so guy look so gay? It's looks like he could have been among the Pulse nightclub dead.
I wonder why rich sandinggers don't steal when the punishment is getting their hand chopped off. strange...
so, 2/2 on blacks stealing? and All the whites and muslims gave it back?
Maybe he didn't pump enough lead into the shitskins to make them quiet.
He proved me that you can't trust niggers
Oh yeah this guy totally isn't cherry picking or anything. Nope.
Why do niggers and pseudo-niggers wear hats like this? Is that where he hides the bomb?
>stop invading my safe space hugbox
Haf yuu everrr red da khanstitution?
so sharia law works ?