Ask a man who just left Islam anything.
Ask a man who just left Islam anything
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More like "Ask a kafir who returned to live like dogs without faith, descending into mere animal-like existence"
>left islam
pick one
How do you want to die, apostate?
Why haven't you killed yourself for leaving Islam faggot, that is against islam.
>that flag
reported you to the sharia patrol
Are you white or poo skin? If poo skin which mullah country do you come from
I've had this already.
My Bosnian friends ain't happy and I've been outcasted from my community
Allahu Akbar
It says here:
Terms and conditions apply..
Will you become Roman Catholic, and why did you leave?
Do you have all of your fingers or what?
When will your family murder you for apostasy?
Have you tried a pulled pork sandwich? I'd reccomend it friend.
They need to remove the top half of your neck from the lower half.
How great is pork?
What took you so long?
Pretty soon I'm sure.
I've not returned home and I'm flying out to Europe tonight to never return.
when are you going back to your own country?
If the airport sells them. Sure.
good luck dude
The fucking britain flag I swear to god lmao
Anyway, good on you. Islam is bad, it's good that you found the truth and weren't intimidated
Kek, post proofs that you are Muslim, where is your quran?
And I thought Albanians were much more cultural Mudshits and didn't really care as much as Arabs.
Next week.
But first I'm going to Amsterdam.
Good Islam heresy. There is no way some faggot in 760 something AD talked to god. The flood and world creation took place thousands year ago
When are you purging the heretics where you just came from?
also grats on wising up
another soul freed.
Where will you be going?
Safe travels.
What made you leave and how do we scale this up to industrial size?
You deserve this, you abandoned God you filthy apostate. Probably just an rp thread desu.
Amsterdam then Bosnia, then finally settling in Serbia.
who could be behind this post
How long will it be for you to accept Bacon you as your lord and savior?
Bosnia & Albanian are Muslim nations
(obv due to the Ottoman empire.)
I still don't believe you, you're just a limey shitposting
Nobody cares
A servant to God someone who is happy that your nation will be Islamic.
If you know the language, Serbia isn't too bad, especially in your situation. Poland, Belarus, Hungary, and Romania would be good choices too, just depends on your preference. The language is the thing that scares people the most, but in your circumstances I'm sure you have other things you're worried about.
i like how you are a coward afraid to post your real name.
muslims are tiny population here and i dont live in england.
stay mad though.
No, I'm not you faggot
Shitskins get the FUCK off my board
wanna meet a fellow escapee of the kalifat.
currently on home-holiday - back next week.
I've always wondered about stimulating apostate, but I'm nervous about it. Does it hurt? Is it icky?
Also, now that you're no longer muslim, you should probably leave Britain.
Fuck off back to the desert you wog
Add a timestamp to that otherwise it's bullshit.
Also preferably any other Islamic paraphernalia to show you're legit.
How many white women you plan to rape by next week?
Why did you leave?
Were you just crap at flying planes?
just a wanring to all mudslimes.
i will get you arressted.
asia/pacific detected
>If Mark was in charge of the world there would be no more wars.
I kek every fucking time
he's legit
>Ask a man who just left Islam anything.
Doesn't really matter.
If you're brown, you're going down.
If you're white, you're alright.
How much time before your family behead you?
did you replace Islam with a more puritanical ideology or are you a libertine hedonist now?
Syria Genetal baited a canadian jihadi into trying to suicide bomb.
he got killed by Leaf Police earlier because he revealed his plan like a retard mudslime he is kek
Do the people who run the mosques try and chase down people who leave that faith?
what does your family think, if you have kids, or if you do in future, would you discourage them from becoming muslim?
When do you leave Britain too?
might be a problem for him if his kids ever want to meet their grand parents or uncles
What would you like to drink, my rational friend
(first round is on me)!!!!!
Have you had a ham sandwich yet?
Mine looks better desu
>implying I'm a shitskin
>implying I don't just want the bit of Islam he brought with him into a non-Islamic culture to be returned in a proper manner
Why do Bosnians in Canada care more about Islam then they do in Bosnia? I've been around Bosnians here that are like, "Praise Allah Islam is number one!!" while wearing headdresses and shit, yet in Bosnia none of them wore any rags and all of the people overall gave less than two shits about religion.
1) Why did you leave?
2) Do you think Islam on average is compatible with the western world?
3) Do you think Islam regards women as inferior
4) Is it typical that you'd be killed for leaving Islam, even in countries like the UK?
Ow the edge, careful you might cut yourself.
You have to know your enemy. Also, the book is quite amazing, it explains a lot of things happening currently
You became skeptical about islam because your bomb failed?
Who are you now? You going to ask your nearest long pig?
>burning a quran is edgy
Muslim go home
I'm currently at a budget hotel after gathering what I can.
I am flying out to Amsterdam where I plan to lose my virginity to a hooker before making my way to the Balkans via Serbia.
A friend has given me advice to seek shelter in an Orthodox church overnight in rural Serbia as he is not home for 2 days. He said the priests help local homeless people
Any advice?
Bosnia is like being a muslim on the weekends, people drink too.
(1) I left becaucse I need a fresh start in life
(2)To a certain degree.
(4)NotU.K, Yes to Balkans, middle east
Do you know of any attack plans for Europe? Maybe local services will help you if rat out Islamist scum.
I hope you get killed apostate
Seeing people like that on the news made me want to leave Islam in the 1st place.
Is it true that there are large communities of Muslims that are planning to take over our countries from the inside?
you think you'll ever be one of them?
There's no middle road in this life unless you're the returning prophet.
Go armed. If you think the chop patrol won't just invade the church to get at you then you're stupid enough to still be a muslim.
Why do you want to go back anyway? If I had a death sentence hanging over my head, I wouldn't go to gang-central alone unless it was very important.
Is it really true that you are fleeing your country because your former social environment will try to harm you ? That's truly fucked up.
>the book is quite amazing
that's what tom cruise said about his sect before the brainwashing
I'm considering it.
I want help from Christ.
I will be harmed if I stay.
only a muslim would call that edge.
but i know how deep that simple image cuts you.
hypocrite calls me edgy, praises genocide and invasion heres real edge. you soft faggot
So you are a shitskin/balkannigger what ever. Why don't you go back to your shitty country instead of eating white man's welfare?
only retards read propaganda of the enemy
i dont even watch any news outside Infowars.
Every smile you see
every hand you shake
every girl you look at
every where you go
every thing you do
None of it
will have a shred of authenticity.
Congratulations, you are now nobody. Join the club there are fucking millions of us.
>worshipping a fucking cat
I'll be praying for you.
>all these buttmad american mudslimes
I have never seen a vagina with my own eyes.
>I'm 26
Thank you.