>several aerial missions did film color footage (color was rare at that time)
>they didn't use color just like that without reason
>they planned to put a foot expedition through the whole continent to map it out
>pic related is the official missions badge which shows a particular place on antartica they were interested in
Why were the nazis interested in Antartica?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nazi flying saucer theory: the thread.
>makes assumption out of thin air
germany is far away from the southpole
why vest so much interest so far away?
Hollow earth theory. There are some that believe that the Nazis are living in the inner earth and they are waiting for one day to return.
See this interesting trailer:
Also search for the Vril society.
I love these threads
>many missing subs after the war
>admiral said they built an impenetrable fortress for the Fuher
>US does mysterious "research mission" with a massive fleet in Antarctica in 1946
>Germany was developing saucer aircraft
>large door like things can be seen on google earth in New Swabia
>some other strange landmarks can be seen as well
Anyone got anything else? I love this theory.
Look at the badge in OP. Notice how its a map of antartica and it points at something at the middle.
they wanted a place to escape to when they realized their inevitable loss but we beat them to that too
Searching for Thule. Don't if they found it or if it was actually beneath the Himalayas.
Get this....this is actually an AMAZING FACT. The Nazi's spent more money on this project relating to the two poles than the US spent on the Manhattan project that developed the atomic bomb. Supposedly they were looking for the origins of the "Aryan race" whatever that means.
The Vril society was guide by a book called The Coming Race. You should read it. As to what they found I am not sure.
Well it's a small depiction of Antarctica, with latitude and longitude lines. The box at the top is New Swabia.
The expeditions took place before WW2. They couldn't have known about a war breaking out.
>Searching for Thule.
What is "Thule"? Is that like the theory of the Vril energy?
I am aware that there was a Thul society and a Vril society but I am not sure about the differences.
If only WW2 didn't happen, or was much smaller. Imagine the possibilities.
Exactly. Why did they spent so much money on antartica eventhough supposedly nothing is there.
I try not to think about it. It makes me cry everytime.
Look at these cuties. I wonder what they knew.
Why is all the information so haphazard on Nazi occult? Why is everything shrouded in disinfo?
Btw that vrill stuff is just a hoax. It's not real. Forget about it.
I wonder when they're gonna come back with all of their high tech stuff.
It's probably way more advanced than the secret technology we have, and that's really saying something.
Thule was first mentioned by ancient greek writers to be a norther realm where the barbarians come from. Later esoterics like Blavatsky picked it up and declared it the origin of the mystical aryan race.
Because there is no south pole
Maria Orsic
I am well aware lol. A lot of people were guided by the concept though. An energy that united all energies. It had an effect on the occult groups.
hitler read too much poe and lovecraft
Ah ok. Is this related to the Hyperborean race?
See my related pic. Supposedly, according to ancient Greek writings, this place was located in a spot where the sun never stops shinning. This would mean it is located somewhere around the Northern pole since that is only of the only spot where the sun would shine 24/7.
He's being a flat earth person. Some people are clinging to the idea earth is flat and Antarctica is actually islands around the edges of the square flat earth.
someone watched the video in the OP?
The beginning is very interesting
Remember when Russian researchers said they found a giant Swastika under the ice in Antarctica? Was that ever verified or debunked? I can't find a reliable source.
>Is this related to the Hyperborean race?
Where Conan comes from? I don't think so. Thule is usually Scandinavia, in the northern atlantic or north pole, while Hyperborea is supposed to be north eastern europe. Though in modern research this would make it more likely to be the origin of the aryan race.
It's full of resources
interesting, any sauce on it
i think it was a weak ago, a german user posted rares.jpg of Hitler from a book owned by his grandmother.
He posted this one, do you see the handshake the Furher is making to Maréchal Pétain ?
Your thumb on the third phalanx design to a brother mason you are the master of a lodge.
i've studied a lot about the link between NSPAD and the occult, it's really interconnected very deep.
The rise of Hitler and the fact he was really deep into occult sciences isn't a random.
Man the world, or part of it, would be so much more interesting and better than the cesspool we have now.
Interesting do you have the Number of that thread? Also, I am not sure I understand fully. What is different about his handshake?
niggers can't stand the cold so they were studying the power of frost
wouldn't it have been smarter to be looking for Atlantis and get that teleportation shit from them?
We would almost certainly have colonies on Luna and Mars. Damn shame.
Stop user, going to start tearing up. Possible cures for a number of illnesses like cancer, less degeneracy, and the West being safer.
Atlantis drowned and the ancient greeks were shit at underwater archaeology.
I love these threads and am convinced there is some truth to it all.
Anyone hear about that NSDAP high-up who said near the end of the war that there was a hidden aryan paradise that the nazis had established?
almost all nazi higher ups believed in the hollow earth theory
these people had all 140 IQ
me too. I like to dream that they're still out there and that there is hope for humanity.
I'm convinced that flat earth threads are designed to discredit alternate eartg theories and make questioners look retarded, and btw to associate these thinkings with severe evangelicalism.
Same reason the US is: resources (oil, rare metals and the like).
>inner earth
the door is there
We're only a couple of decades from their return in that case... be ready
yes they are because i made some of those flat earth threads to troll a bit
but they were gods among men.
New Germany
Hitler broken vedas' codes and his actions, which seem mysterious from our perspective, had been actually calculated into discovering the greatest mysteries of this world. He was an incarnation of Budda. Also earth is flat, don't trust satan.
I am also pretty convinced there is a lot more to subterranean Earth than we could possibly fathom. All our lives, we have been taught that there is just an impregnable mantle of rock leading to a molten iron core below the crust. Thousands upon thousands of miles of distance to the center, yet there is NOTHING down there? Right. Antarctica is likely one of many "gates" that allow access to the inner parts/cities/civilizations of the underworld. I once read a good article about King Solomon's Mines being an attempt to dig into the underworld as well.
Very interesting map, what are the origins of it? IT actually does match the flat earth somewhat with Russia, Asia, Scandinavian countries and Alaska/North America forming a ring around the Arctic North Pole (POLVS ARTICVS) at the centre. You can even identify Greenland (GR O E NLAN). Iceland (ISLAND), Scotland. Norway (Noriic), Asia (ASIAE) and Califormia??
I don't have a dog in this fight either way, but is it even possible for the (((elite))) to be hiding such a gigantic secret from the general population?
>Also earth is flat, don't trust satan.
Good goy.
For anyone here who is interested in a visualization of the Hollow earth and how it would look, see this video:
thanks for the video i really liked it
now i believe that the inner earth is real
Its just a theory at this point. I can't confirm if it is real but its nice to think about. Wish I had some money to lead an expedition to Antartica to prove it. :^(
Sounds plausible. I'll have to look into this hollow earth theory a bit more.
If you want to fix stuff you're going to have to go to WWI
wait guys this is interesting, why is the centre always censored on official satellite pictures?
google it for yourself
this one too; censored
Thought Conan was Atlantian.
it's because you idiots didn't manage to develop the atomic bomb quick enough. while otta hahn and his team already discovered nuclear fission, the united states needed around 800000 scientists to develop the atomic bomb as quick as possible.
also the holy grail is burried in antarctica, kek.
I bet they have some sort of scientific explanation for that.
No, he was a Cimmerian.
>I bet they have some sort of scientific explanation for that.
Like how the satellite's orbit doesn't allow it to photograph the two most extreme points of latitude on the planet?
go on google maps
its censored too with a big white dot
Alright, but weren't there any expeditions to that place? Is no one interested in what's going on there?
Probably not, it's expensive as all billy-hell and probably one of the most dangerous places on Earth.
The kind of money you're talking about is funding-money and to get that you need to be able to make up a bullshit excuse to go better than "to see what's there"
A guy tried to cross Antarctica recently, but he died.
You stupid tinfoil hat wearing motherfucker.. mapping satellites are *usually* set in a sun-synchronous geocentric orbit at an inclination of ~98.7 degrees. This provides daily coverage of nearly the entire earth at the same local-time each day. The only trade off is distorted polar coverage but we don't give af because penguins don't use maps.
Any of you want to go on an expedition?
Or killed
> penguins don't use maps
I don't get it. What does that have to do with the center of antartica being blurred out?
>but he died
Yeah, I wonder why.
I don't know. it seems kind of suspicious that they wouldn't put a multi-million dollar satellite into a useless orbit to satisfy a bunch of Schizos on Sup Forums.
Why would it show a fucking dot though? Wouldn't you see something regardless even if it is a distorted image?
Exactly this. It's suspicious af.
Guys watch this, its pretty interesting and seems somewhat plausible, it doesn't go for the big hollow earth but says that maybe some areas are hollow and can allow for some bases.
so nasa doesn't map out the center of antartica but manages to do of the outer coast of it? just because they are too lazy? Yeah no
why are they blurrying out randomly things on the map then?
We're so desensitized that stuff like that seems like a fairytale. We're screwed.
There are even large areas of dry valleys in Antarctica that look just like Mars..
Here is an interesting interview with the famous Admiral Byrd about Antarctica.
notice how the naysayers like this guy in this thread disappear after making one post only
They don't have the data and/or the data is too poor quality to include so it's truncated.
> related
Literal thousands of military and civilians have been to Amundsen-Scott station which apparently doesn't exist according to your black hole theory. Sign up for a job down there and look for yourself.
Unless you want to fall in to the hole.
Very interesting subject.
I posted on /x/ but pathetic kike puppets slided it and instead posted in gay darknet faggotpasta stories.
Not to mention the two biggest pushers of the flat earth theory right now are fucking kikes.
>They don't have the data and/or the data is too poor
We have sharp pictures of the south pole of saturn.
Isolation for break away society. Also in search for inner earth entrance.
Look at that fucking goy. Look at how hard he tries to distract from the fact that it's censorship and not a coincidence because of XY.
HOL' UP! So you be saying that we wuz Hyperboreans n sheeit?
Also there are 3 south poles. The geographic one, the magnetic one and the ceremonial one
the hole could very well be where the magnetic center is
More than likely we got all of our atom bomb materials from you guys. There is a lot of research on it by a guy named Joseph P. Farrell.
it's called chile
Damn look at that sign. X marks the spot on the map :^)
We should organize an expedition to Antartica and go find them.
Tell them all about how the world has gone to shit and how we want them to come back.
I agree that there has to be some truth to the ancient tales of the polar origin, but good luck doing archeology up there. You're going to have to wait until the ice melts.
>mfw global warming allows the white man to recover the lost legacy of Hyperborea
Guys what if.
Bear with me.
What if they planned global warming.
For some reason the entrance to earth was sealed off with the ice.
Global warming is defrosting it.
And the hippies trying to go eco- are just shills to avoid uncoverin the truth.
Deutsch expedition kek
>a multinational bunch of fat neckbeards far away from their basements, only equipped with MAGA-caps, libertarian literature and grandfathers Mauser he stole from some german soldier back then
>on a expedition in one of the most hostile places on earth
The penguins would kill us for fun.
I actually believe it's the other way around. It is actually warming and "they" are from a colder place, so this threatens their existence and way of life. "They" use their tools (the hippie professors and politicians) to implement those complex regulations etc