What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>paying for healthcare

hmm, really makes you think

>because health care premiums have never gone up before obamacare
>because obamacare wasn't designed to lower premiums but to expand care, with cost containment as a secondary issue.

>because a bunch of underpopulated square states make the map look bad when the states with most of the people in them had pretty reasonable premium inflation
>because insurance companies had to make a guess about where to pin premiums and volatility in the first few years is expected


If it weren't for Obamacare I wouldn't have health insurance that I need for muh diabetes through my mothers healthcare plan.

I have literally no reason to vote for Trump and anyone who is poor and votes Republican is just a useful idiot for the rich to lower their taxes

>""""""""""""Free"'""""""""""""" healthcare

>because a bunch of underpopulated square states make the map look bad when the states with most of the people in them had pretty reasonable premium inflation
Fuck you faggot, we're still people too.

Get out statist cuck. Surely the answer is more government subsidization!!!

Freer than having to pay for healthcare at various levels - like you're sorting out your internet bill, kek.


he has diabeties

Obamacare was sold to the American people on the idea it would lower the cost of healthcare, and you could keep your current plan and doctor. All of which were lies.

So you have no job or a shitty job and never bothered to apply for medicaid?

So you're a parasite and proud of it then?

Woah who knew Obamacare was actually good for me

Nothing went wrong, it's exactly the bloated clusterfuck kamikaze it was designed to be.

And when it goes completely to shit, the government will be here to take over the whole system and save the day~

>Alaska getting aboslutely boned

holy shit

>cost containment as a secondary issue
>for the "affordable care act"

>Not knowing how healthcare actually works here
>Not taking responsibility for your own health
>Expecting other people to pay for your bad decisions

Bwaaa ha ha.... America went wrong. Dumb asshats voted for a non American, black muslim in chief.

just do your country a favor and kill yo sef nigga

or you could work hard and earn enough money to pay for your own.

probably not though. poor genetics messed up the mind and body