Good thing society has always disliked me.
I don't have to embrace shit.
Why did you kill him you racists? Don't you want to win?
I fucking hate that cunt!
As much as our election process has been a joke nothing is more of a joke than this guy. RIP leafs.
So is he scolding the RCMP for killing the kid?
Trudeau didn't make a statement in the article, m8.
why do cuck always half smile, are thy afraid of offending someone
>shills calling Sup Forums permavirgin NEETs for not supporting Islam
>all whites who convert to Islam are permavirgin NEETs
Literally no mention of that in the article.
Half-smilers don't show ther teeth. It is a automated reaction of dishonesty.
its like potteru desu san
fuck your society
All this posts about Trudeau. You do realise that he will be your president in 15-30 years ?
jesus fucking christ
Trudeau has to be the ultimate Cuck
they ( ( ( ( waited ) ) ) ) for him to blow up first, then shoot
Has he legalised weed yet? You know, the only reason he got votes
he is the alpha cuck.
"they wont let me." Trudeau
The leaf life. Maple syrup, poutine, Québec, subtier shitposting, and THIS guy:
Trudeau cares more about protecting islam and muslims than canadian culture and heritage.
Ironically muslims could give two shits about canada and canadian culture all they care about is sharia law and growing their demographic so they can take over politically and institute it.
Take that poppy off Justin, a fez would suit you better.
sorry, what are we looking at here?
When Trudeau gets blown up you know he will die with a smile since he's won
daily reminder he is a kike
is this google+
or facekike?
at least he is using chrome ultron
What a fucking shitpost!!
I meant this link. I hate leafs so much. I am drunk and still hate leafs this is what I meant. Providing a better example than refugerape Europe on how cuckolded a nation can become for burgers. What's his schedule for gay pride events today?
you are Justin Trudeau, a refugee that got a job as a lorry driver decides to drive it into a gay parade killing 50 faggots, how do you spin it so you don't take a piss at Islam.
Why the fuck am I still a part of this country
How do we stop the eternal leaf?
I was wondering that too, just realized ive never even been on 9gag
you know i remember that canadian thread making fun of americans and europe because we dont have any attacks and how multiculturalism works.
Surrender, it's the only way they can lose
You know the answer.
he could be ashamed of his disgusting teeth as well
Its 9gag :^)
Trudeau is gonna be in office for 4 years, it's gonna be 4 years of Canada being the mockery of Sup Forums. Sit tight lads
>white people
I'm getting the fuck out if Trump wins
Fuck Trudeau and fuck islam
Going straight to the US with my conservative ass
only solution m8
Get the lube ready, leaf.
Are you me?
He's also a ginger, which seems to be a thing
For shame hunbro
At least we have an excuse for being antisocial innawood fucks given how shitty our societies are, shouldn't you feel a bit more positive about yours?
We were so close to victory...
I've heard of 9gag army but this is ridiculous!
Hungary and our society has its problems as well.
We might not be surrounded by Untermenschen (sure, Gypsies might be 6 percent of society, but about two-thirds of them are manageable), but we can be royal cunts towards each other. Although we can be very communal and have strong solidarity towards each other as well... It depends on our mood, really.
Also, I really wish that finding a decent job was easier.
He's such a horrible sack of fucking trash, holy fuck.
I mean Islam is not the problem here, its the radical Islamists is what we should be worrying about.
Pretty much this. Most of my friends are Islam and they don't support ISIS
Yeah, moderates don't enable their behaviours in any way :^)
>muh moderate meme
Just admit your racist
Sorry your country got fed the shit refugees.
Ours are pretty nice friendo