"Bias" instead of "biased"

>"Bias" instead of "biased"
>"should of" instead of "should have"
>"could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"
>"Columbia" instead of "Colombia"
>"Ghandi" instead of "Gandhi"

Other urls found in this thread:


>should of
This shit honestly annoys me even more than the your/you're mistakes.

So what is the point, McDonald

>any slang that niggers come up with and then everyone parrots it into normality through social media


this angers the gök-tengri

>there instead of "they're"

>"should of" instead of "should have"
This is the worst

I could care less.

the colombia one is understandable at least, the us federal district is columbia, and every other instance of columbus deriviatives an american sees is spelt u