reminder that all anime posters are closet pedophiles and need to be gassed
Reminder that all anime posters are closet pedophiles and need to be gassed
Justin Gomez
Eli Diaz
Nathaniel Ross
Hudson Mitchell
>not putting your wifu in a hijab
Muhammad, my son, I am disappoint.
Good thing honor killings are legal now.
Cameron Diaz
anime thread?
Matthew Martin
Op is there a cure? Asking for a friend who used to watch animey
Hudson Williams
yeah it's called 00 buck
Josiah Davis
I think it's just a natural thing that takes time. I had two friends who used to talk about it non-stop, but they grew out of it by the time they were 17-18.
Landon Russell
>Not having a pony waifu
Gavin Sullivan
>implying they are still in the closet
2006 called, you are a faggot