>"whoncares if he only has 18% support. He won the GOP primary"
>"insulting blacks and Hispanics will win him the presidency"
>"the polls are skewed"
>"4D chess people, 4D chess"
>"whoncares if he only has 18% support. He won the GOP primary"
>"insulting blacks and Hispanics will win him the presidency"
>"the polls are skewed"
>"4D chess people, 4D chess"
Other urls found in this thread:
Hispanic here, he didn't insult us only illegals. Fuck off with your propaganda.
>insulting blacks and Hispanics
Source your bullshit faggot
>Hispanic here
You have to go back
>thinking your mayo ass will get this neo-Fascist elected
Here legally so don't, can't wait to join the Trumpstaffle.
Also Spic here.
Fuck off.
Mexican people are rapists and murderers. Trumpsters tried to reword it saying he only meant illegals.
>Here legally
pick one Pablito
Well....my parents immigrated legally and I was born here... user do you know what immigration is and how it works?
Post the whole part he was talking about you stupid pussy, I'm Latino and had no offense to what he said because unlike most of you retards I can understand the context and not a part of a sentence because it fits my butthurt feelings.
Spic who has voted for Trump checking in.
If you wish to get this message out to more people you should have the mods sticky this thread. How do mods know what threads to sticky? Easy you type "sage" in the options field. They're people who type sage the more requests are sent for a thread to be stickied and the more likely it is for this thread to be stickied.
>Hispanic here
as a blankity black I feel bleepity bloop
When did he insult blacks?
I wouldn't be proud to be black, thank God I'm not.
>do you know what immigration is and how it works?
Yes I do you miserable shitskin. Its an anti-white ploy created by Jews to exterminate whites over a period of time. Holy shit how new are you?!
You spics do commit more crime on average so yes Trump is right. Please vote for him and then pack your shit, thanks!
The same time he insulted hispanics, never.
Hey retards remember when he said the judge couldn't do his job because he was Hispanic. I'm not the only one who gets this, just look at trumps polling numbers
>derp derp never insulted hispanics
next level shilling 2bh
don't feed the hillshill
they're actually dumb enough to think that trump supporters actually hate hispanics/mexicans.
Ha Latino not from Mexico. Stay mad neckbeared stormfag.
>muh jewz
>reptilian conspiracy
Fuck off.
friendly reminder they don't make any money if you don't reply
The propaganda never stops. All they're doing at this point is preaching to the choir though.
holy shit get off my board reddit
See you election night for the Trump landslide retard.
>s a g e
he said it was because of his mexican heritage, and he was right to call him out on it.
it's very possible that a mexican might not rule impartially in a case involving trump.
He had a point, that judge was fucking retarded. Glad he called him out, Latinos from Mexico are garbage, Latinos that aren't are a higher breed.
sources amigo
stop being racist and making trump look bad
>ties to la raza
>not biased
He said it was because he was Mexican. Don't go painting all Hispanics with same national origin you fucking bigot.
Warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads warning WARNING we are under seige by shills sliders. Warning WARNING they are here they are shillling they are sliding warning WARNING they are sliding chris seth threads.
His point was that the judge had ties to La Raza.
It's like having a black judge affiliated with BLM ruling over a trial regarding a white cop.
Guess what? Judges can be biased.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Great fine, Trump can say whatever he wants to. He can even say this racist shit. He just can't act surprised when Hillary crushes him in a landslide.
>trump support at all time high
>media shits itself
>starts claiming trump said things he never actually did
>start outright fabricating polls (cnn poll didnt include 18-34 demographic for example)
>perpetuate an outright lie that trump called for hillary's assassination
>collude and craft a narrative that his campaign is having a meltdown
>pat selves on back
>trump still selling out rallies
>clinton cant fill a school gym
I dont know what theyre trying to accomplish by lying to brazenly, all they're doing by being dishonest and lying are pushing more people to team trump.
>literally said "please vote for Trump"
>Voting for Trump is now shilling
((pic related))
Why would a Hispanic judge be impartial to Trump? Is it because he has insulted so many people of color?
>Trump says illegals are criminals and rapists
>white liberals in 99%white suburbs are appalled and offended
>actual Mexicans know he is telling the truth
You're delusional if you truly believe he's only talking about illegals. Make no mistake, he's bundling all of us together.
Sup Forums is now Spic/pol/
Reconquista now!!!
>not an argument
Anything else?
[citation needed]
No he isn't, duck off Mexican you're the ones who make Latinos look bad the most. Duck off back to cartel land, don't fucking lump 's with you degenerates.
The polls have been proven to be skewed. The data is there, they're adding 10%-15% more democrats to each poll and the majority of "independents" they poll are left leaning. Trump was 10 points ahead before they adjusted their algorithms, which just so happened to change when he was winning by leaps and bounds. You're not fooling anyone, CTR shill.
>calling yourself a "spic"
ooooohh how edgy
you guys are dumb
>start outright fabricating polls (cnn poll didnt include 18-34 demographic for example)
Requesting the 2012 posts about how the polls were being skewed and how Romney would win in a landside
I am less impressed by how you handled that but I'll let it slide
>The media manipulates what he says
I want this stupid meme to end. It comes from his mouth, we all see and hear the things he says on TV and he has no one to blame but himself if his ridiculous hyperbolic statements could be construed as racist/violence inciting or crass.
close, it's because so many people of color think they insulted them
>unironically linking to leddit
>trying to make us believe you aren't a shill
Are you even trying? Do they not even provide you with a basic packet on how to shill on Sup Forums properly?
>Hispanic here
what did trump say that was so bad, jose?
>Mexicans aren't allowed to call themselves real niggas.
Wow, you CTR guys are actually oppressing another nationality.
>stop being racist
Not falling for your bullshit.
>said the mongol
>establishment trying to make counter-signal memes
>real niggers
Fixed that for you.
I know how Joe Sixpack conservaturd thinks
Every nigger island in the Caribbean, and every sudaca nation is a shithole, Franquelis Jhon Garcia. Sorry to break it to you.
Hey retard, he had Mexican heritage. Of course he would be more pro-Mexico, if only because a favorable review of Trump my give him grief at future family get-togethers. Trump calling him out on it put Trump in a win-win situation. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
Do you have an actual argument or are you going to keep posting cartoons?
> Time
Wtf I hate Trump Now
thats not a citation
you havent proven your claim
Just take literally any of the major talking points that have been on Sup Forums or making the rounds through different outlets, yes maybe some of the people reporting on him and what he says might be biased but he has countless times dug himself into a hole by not being able to shut his mouth.
>The entire Khan family incident
>The mothers should be punished for abortions comment
>The Hilary second amendment comment
There's plenty of others. Normal well adjusted people don't come up with excuses or try to scape goat for Trump, they just see these comments as being short sighted and crass and wonder to themselves if this kind of man could be president.
>insulting blacks
Lol, when do shills clock in again? 8:00 eastern burger time?
Stop LOLposting. this isn't Sup Forums
Also, Sage should go in every field.
Clarence Thomas is black, and he's the biggest uncle Tom out there.
waiting on a specific quote, jose
you know, something that trump actually said, not just these vague situations the media has blown out of proportion
>spic judge was a sitting member of an organization that gave scholarships to other wetbacks
>organization has "LA RAZA (The Race)" in it's name
>no spic bias
>not an argument
Anything else to try and sway us racist?
If Byrd was a judge would you trust him to give a fair trial to a black man?
Remember it's only racist if you're white ;) now get to the wall
Go back to youtube
>posting on Sup Forums
>not embracing the appropriate terminology to describe yourself
mayo honky cracker white trash cum skin reporting in
It's not what Trump says. but Trump is responsible for what his supporters hear. Trump flip-flops constantly and his sentences don't make sense, so anyone can hear anything in what he says.
>time trying to push this bullshit
Didn't work with Brexit, won't work with Trump
Why don't you make any of Clinton's mistakes front cover news, you fucking Clinton funded fucks? Oh wait I answered my own question
If people take offense to what he has said then they take offense. It's not up to the people he wasn't talking about to say whether or not his comments were uncalled for or ridiculous. It's like how when you're being an asshole to someone you don't have the right to say you're not being an asshole, if someone tells you you're being an asshole to them then you actually probably are.
>h-haha i am hispanic
as you guys like to say...
not an argument
Make that hat mega
>mayo honky cracker white trash cum skin reporting in
Those aren't real insults, come on
`peruvian here
we love trump here. he insulted illegals and he is right, we all hate illegals. many of us put a great effort of entering the usa by legal means and it costs us a lot to enter or live there and then there are other criminal assholes who skip all that and demand free shit
I'm not trying to make you believe anything it's just the neatest list of all of trumps racist remarks and actions.
I donated to Hillary so she not paying me I'm paying her.
Yes I'm actually paying her to post on here
Finally a person with common sense
Black here. He didn't insult blacks. I don't remember that happening.
Yeah I watched crooked fucking assholes who will cheat to win do this shit to Ron Paul in 2012. It's easy to use the media to create a false narrative. Ron Paul had rallys where they hall's were packed to the rafters, just like Trump, Mitt Romney's were fucking deserted like Clinton's yet Romney won the primary. The Media is going to spin this as Trump is unpopular although social media websites and the pictures of Trumps rallys show a wildly popular candidate in spite of the missteps. The media need to create the sense that Trump is unpopular and losing so no one will be suspicious when they throw the election in November.
??? >trump is responsible for actions he did not do
>white judge is exposed as kkk member
yeah that would float
You literally have nothing against me because I don't fit your "evil whitey" theme. Keep trying liberal.
Yeah except you don't actually think for yourself and are offended because you were told to be. Typical "loyal hispanic" behavior, I can see why you're such a sought after demographic.
>Trump flip-flops constantly and his sentences don't make sense, so anyone can hear anything in what he says.
The guy is smart it only took him a year to figure out the game.
>muh tax returns
Yeah bro that's totally on the same level as breaching national security, taking bribes while holding one of the highest offices in the USA and literally contributing to the deaths of American diplomats. Forget all that shit, Trump's taxes are what's really important!