if you have the power just to kill one race who we be
If you have the power just to kill one race who we be
muslims and jews are a matter of ideology
Kill the jews. Sandniggers and niggers won't be a problem.
Kill all muslims
I take down a whole bunch of shitskins of various colour, and any traitorous whites with it.
sandniggers for sure they are the biggest group
>kill jews
>there's no media to brainwash the goyim
>the arabs and blacks get sorted out by people waking up
you sir are the men, i think the same
I think niggers would have to go.
I want to say jews, but if I say niggers then they lose their biggest voting minority.
Blacks probably although it's tough to decide between them and Muslims.
I've seen first hand that those two races are an utter stain on humanity, I haven't really ever met a Jew I had a problem with.
The one on the left.
The other problems will solve themselves.
Holy shit, you would have to be a retard not to pick Jews.
>Kill all Jews
>Degenerate nigger culture eradicated, a culture which destroyed all African-American communities for the most part.
>Palestine freed.
>European-American nations look to nationalistic interests instead of Jewish interests leading to the end of most MENA conflicts and wars.
>Muslims begin to rebuild their lands, Sunni-Shiite conflict no longer being perpetuated by Israel.
>Cultural Marxism ends with most of its ideologues dying.
Jews have been at the center of most of Human suffering and love watching the gentiles slaughter eachother for their own interests.
Jews are the root of all evil
None, because just because a certain percentage of a race is detrimental to society doesn't mean we should just get rid of them. I'm not going to say diversity is our strength, but we have to learn to live with each other even though it's hard most of the time.
Muslims without a doubt.
also I have had black friends and muslim friends but all the jews I know are conniving little shits
the main jewish weapon against white people is encourging mixing with blacks.
without that the main jewish weapon will be removed.
there are still arabs in europe, but arabs are too virulent and blatantly damaging so europe is going to reject them and bring them to heel anyway.
Kill all whites
>traitorous whites with it.
What you gonna kill all White Christians too? Christianity is just as much of a desert religion as Islam.
More like the two communities have no more reason to chimp out.
Hispanics tbqhwy senpai
Kikkes are the ones that move them into Europe.
Definetivelly the chosenites
Change my answer to
rightfull evil/jews
neutral evil/muslins
chaotic evil/blacks
>Implying that isn't the bigger problem
I say the jews, that will "stop" the greater israel project and it might bring some peace to the middle east so we can air-drop these mudslimes back where they came from.
byebye soros
Blacks, Jews can be contained and some of the female muslims are qt
getting rid of the jews will solve problems 2 and 3 in the long run while 2 might get rid of some 3's and vice versa
you're 10000% right
niggers is the only correct answer. jews and muslims will kill each other.
>Jews and Muslims
Niggers. That would kill a good chunks of muslims as well
Mash all the buttons. Idgaf.
Thx senpai
Thanks for correcting the record.
>be german
>get guilted to death by the media that manages to convince you that not all Jews are evil.
Jews, because Muslims and Niggers will manage kill their own groups, and without Schlomo, won't be a problem for the west.
(((Kill all Europeans, oy very)))
you're right
reals Sup Forumsacks will always chose the jews.
only summerfags and Sup Forums retards will selects otherwise.
lets make a strawpoll
get rid of the kikes and the nigger and muslim problems solve themselves, easy choice
the red button race
>$0.05 has been added to your account
im changing my answer to this
Then we can deport all our criminals and muslims to Africa where they belong.
some of the female muslims are qt
but you will never see her ankles goy.
This as nothing to do with guilt. It's about not wanting a fucking genocide.
It's scientifically proven that there are huge differences between races, even though most people are having a hard time admitting this. These differences are the reason people are having a hard time trying to get along. Nobody's at fault, really. It's just that not getting along is the natural conclusion. The least we could do would be not killing each other. This of course also means we can't allow alien cultures that stand against this goal to take over our countries, which is what's happening in Germany right now.
>Muslim Race
My colony, you have failed me!
Then all humanity would be extinct.
(((Them))) would have a giant nose orgasm squirting shekels everywere
Without the jews blacks and muslims wouldn't be a problem.
Christians don't suicide bomb buildings, and shoot up Paris. You fedora wearing scrublord.
Kill the Jews
Then most problems with the other two will either fade away or become less problematic
nah humanity would make artificial wombs and sex robots, niggers and spics couldnt afford them so theyd go extinct instantly.
would just be a world of intelligent rich men
kikes, the kebabs and dindus aren't a probeblem without them
what ever man, chill and watch the world burn when White people start to kill each other again and a large number of shit skins to reset the pecking order.
Whitey all be like, "Gotta get that top perch".
Who opened the gates of Toledo to the foreign hordes of muslims Albertos Barbosas?
i am using the same language as the left (i am widespread)
There is only one answer
Only choice because they breed like parasites and follow a medieval doctrine which won't go away anyday soon.
Blacks in Africa are already mostly Christian, work from there, let the coons kill each other until all the smarter ones and bleached versions are left
If anything they can help burgers with their birth rate, doesn't look too good outside the midwest.
Jews have far less influence one might think, Israel only survived because of the US so far really.
Also they have made actual achievements that mattered throughout modern history.
the main diference betwen goat fuckers and christians, is the fact that there are no heads of state that control the jews, while the christians use an centralized religion.
kill the pope christians would stop beying alienated.
kill themajor jew, they would continue beying goat fuckers.
Say, remind me who spurred your women to be "liberated"?
The Jews
Jews will kill the muslims or die trying.
If the blacks die we can just sit and watch.
Jews, there's no use in attacking the symptoms when you can go after the disease
>kebabs aren't a problem
You have to go back ahmed
The other two aren't as much of a problem in my country.
Who is there to stop me from bashing all the buttons repeatedly?
indo aryan arabs live I take it though since it just says "muslims" which isn't a race?
if the symptoms are deadly, yes there is
An actual redpilled person on here, im shocked.
Muslims probably, because you'd wipe out a third of all the niggers in Africa as well.
It's a hard choice, though.
Jews are few in number and aren't a direct threat to our demographics, but hold a disproportionate amount of political power and cultural influence.
Niggers are savage animals, breed like rats and there are going to be billions of them in a few years, but they're too stupid to organize or gain political power.
The muslims are somewhere inbetween. They're as numerous as the niggers, but they're not as savage. They're dumb, but still smart enough to organize, and have enough outliers to rise through the ranks in a country's economy and politics.
Getting rid of the muslims would be the best immediate solution for Europe, as that would wipe out the majority of immigrants. It would also clear up the entire middle east, northern Africa, eastern Africa and a good chunk of central and western Africa.
>Then all humanity would be extinct.
Only the parts which have not developed the technology yet.
>(((Them))) would have a giant nose orgasm squirting shekels everywere
(((They))) won't have women either
Some old bitter dyke trying to find some meaning in her pointless life
So you only just figured what you said was stupid? good goy.
i am using the same language as the left (i am widespread)
t. Female
you missed the most important
>without them
in anons post
Jews, obviously. Once their spell wears off the White Man, he can clean up the other problem races.
I would hit the Jews and Muslims button
Black people can be trained to work fields again if shit goes down
jews all day nigga
Blacks, Muslims and Jews will kill themselves.
they fund both the niggers and sandniggers
Literally no arguments.
>watch the world burn when White people start to kill each other again
There will never be a war between western countries again. It's just not going to happen, and if you think otherwise, you're deluded.
>find out friend is Jewish
>gets offended
>"oy vey my great great grandparents were killed on the show"
Hmmm...what a tough call, because I hate them all equally.
I might have to go with the Muslims, though.
>Jews want white people's money.
>Niggers need white people's money.
>Muslims don't want or need white people's money; they just want the infidels to die.
Nigs and jews would be easier to control by just waking up. The muslims can't be bought off.
Trick question.
> Muslims :
Why? Cos lots of niggers are muslim too. So you kill 90% of sand niggers and 20% of niggers.
Is a win win.
The rest of niggers would be shot or incarcerated by police so no need to speend on them and jews are jews and they will allways be jewing.
No I already realized it, wrote it out so you'd understand.
Oppai is a copy paste troll anyway, the picture is rigged Nige
anyone who doesnt say blavks is retarded. crime here would fuckimg plummet. fuck dindus.
all blacks because my girlfriend is a jew :/ crucify me Sup Forums
jews. Anyone that said otherwise is dumb
blacks and muslims aren't a problem if there's no jews to say THEY DINDU NUFFIN DA WHITE IS TE REAL PROBLEM FUCK BORDERS AND SHEEIT RACEMIX IS GOOD.