What goes on inside here?
is MI6 still active?
why do they never stop muslamic attacks?
What goes on inside here?
There have only been 2 Muslim terror attacks in the UK in the last 10 years, they do a pretty good job
MI6 is allways active.
It's secret secret though, none knows what happens there.
It's even more secret them the CIA, FBI, NSA etc.
They've done some crazy shit.
They let CIA take blame for shit they do. They are literally Bane?
I usually go past MI6 once every few days. Not once, have I ever seen anyone inside those green glass windows.
I'm 100% certain the building is empty and they do their work underground.
>you will never be James Bond
I wonder what they feel like
>be MI6 agent
>work hard to protect Britain
>go past nightclub
>british whores getting touched by arab negroes
MI6: NSA data processing unit UK.
MI6 is the international one - they don't stop terrorist attacks because that isn't their job. They might provide intel that helps stop attacks, but it's MI5 would deal with domestic stuff. Essentially MI5 = FBI, MI6 = CIA.
They are still active. My father once thought of applying for a job there, but decided to stick to business.
this desu
Dude I watched that place get blown up in Skyfall several years ago. How did they rebuild so fast?
They keep a watchful eye on the Falklands my whitey m8y
This. Pretty much everyone in the west is just a dog on a chain to us in international affairs.
check my ID for proofs
>no ramp
I guess French aren't complete cucks after all.
MI5 just dicks around on Sup Forums all day anyway.
Fucking weebs.
Mi6 is still a thing, but just like the rest of the intelligence world they are bogged down with astronomical amounts of red tape and outdated equipment and security processes that are impractical to actually achieve anything. They also don't make a whole lot of sense over who they hire. It's certainly not the most qualified. It's whoever will put up with the years long hiring process I guess. Then you have leadership who come up with ridiculous ideas (fast and furious) get a bullet for their resume and move on before all the shit show falls apart. Intelligence community is no where near as free and powerful as the private sector. Google has far more data on you than the NSA does.
Google didn't change their name to Alphabet for nothing, m9.
Being this retarded. We spy on you, you spy on us. The only caveat is we don't spy on the president you don't spy on the prime minister.
>but secretly we do it anyways
we even are able to kick your f22 with old rafales
start at 2:15 if you don't read french.
this leak butthurted so much the murica faggots it was delicious
I studied French for a few years in high school, so I get most of it.
Also, if you want to say how good your rafales are, maybe not provide a video that clearly says:
>The F-22 were dogfighting with external tanks reducing their maneuvering capabilities.
Yes I think we even got caught by WikiLeaks doing it
It's actually illegal to film that place user
>why do they never stop muslamic attacks?
They do. You just never get to hear about attacks that are prevented.
How did they film those sequences in James Bond then?
they do. those windows work in a peculiar way. you can't see through them
It was a replica set
Its illegal to acknowledge what agency uses the building
It's illegal to say that it's illegal you idiot!
wait didn't they destroy this building for the sky fall movie? and isn't MI6 just the fictional spy agency James Bond works for?
and the butthurt continued..
Do you need a license? Like for watching TV?
Why hasn't Google been arrested?
Need a license for butter knives m8
If you want anything sharper you need to attend a course
They CGI destroyed it, and MI6 is real.
I actually can't tell if you're telling the truth or being sarcastic because of the laws over there
>not realizing most of MI6 recruits are foreigners and mudslimes anyway
If anyone of the Brits is interested how to get in, then look around St. Andrews and Oxford. You'll be recruited, if you are of value.
>not stopping attacks
topkek they do. you just never hear about it. theyre the most intrusive intelligence agency on earth. If you think the NSA is bad you havent heard about what these guys do. Besides they have more important stuff to do like rigging elections and overthrowing third world governments
>third world goverments ALLOW themselves to be over.thrown
no wonder they're third world
Pppplease don't arrest me I did not refer to the building or the agency that occupies it
I dont think they have a say most of the time. psyop game is strong
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6 1 Q 00 8 2
they DO have a say.
a true dictator would butcher 1000 of this citizens before letting a country which allows pornography to over-throw them
I went to italy and the teens wore provocative clothes
Im looking forward to Islamic conquest of europa
SIS doesn't work with inner domestic terrorist threats. Intercepted vital info would be directed to SS and JIC however.
holy shit that operator is a master troll
I never named an agency