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>trump cucks on LITERAL suicide watch
The 2nd amendment people will take care of it.
>trump getting BTFO in Georgia as well
surely if the polls are accurate, south carolina prefers Hillary. To suggest otherwise would make you a conspiracy theorist, right?
If the United states can really be manipulated into voting for Hillary than the country is long past time for armed rebellion.
All this means is the system is rigged and it's time to water the tree of liberty
>what is margin of error
>literally nothing: the thread
but I thought Trump was losing everywhere
>he thinks these polls represent the public's actual opinion
Do you really? Surely you see they are attempting to influence opinion through herd mentality.
>look guys everybody is favoring hillary in the polls you should too
It's all very weak.
You're missing the point. They're actually releasing polls suggesting hillary has a chance in south carolina.
Take a look at the margins in the recent elections. Look at the voting history in SC since the 70s, and you tell me. Are the polls accurate?
Inb4 a leaf or euro says >drunphkin on suicide watch
As they cackle and applaud for their globalist Slave masters
Im from SC...These polls are literally rigged I PROMISE YOU. Drive throughout SC talk to the people look at how they voted in the past. this is easy to see.
Is there any proof of the polls being rigged?
Sup Forums BTFO
>Trump leads
Is all that we need to see, thank you for correcting the record.
do you really believe trump will lose be real tea srs.
You have to expose the Central Banks of the world and the Money Printing Scam if you want to get a grip on reality.
That issue is the one thing that can unite a fractured America and world. No leftist I have ever met has been ok with a bunch of plutocrat bankers controlling everyone else through money control.
Spread the word!
It's official.
America voters are as dumb and shallow as Canadian voters.
Democracy was a mistake.
You left out Time Cube.
or both are rigged...
Yeah exactly. It's just that no conservatives are capable of conducting a poll to show the truth.
The people claiming SC is going blue have never been to SC lol this place is redder than Kentucky
Just that they hurt Trumptards' fee-fees.
At this point, consider all polls in both national and state levels are reflecting this downward trend, it's more likely that American voters are easily cowed idiots like we are up here.
All the normies ate up the Khan crap without scrutiny and proceeded to push the polls down.
Democracy was a mistake.
2nd ammendment incomming!
Clinton hasn't even bothered campaigning in South Carolina or spending money on ads there because no one thought fucking SC would be a battleground state. And she's only down by 2 points!
All "the people" have to know, right, left or otherwise, is: Whom ever prints the money controls all who use that money!
Elitists get sicker every time that information gets posted.
Stick that in a leftist's Hillary Hole and watch them squeal.
delusional trumptard hahha
It's a well known fact that conservatives can't conduct polls so all polls have an evil liberal bias.
Nobody but us will see them anyway because they sure as hell won't be published on any msm broadcasts or websites.
>Americucks will have a woman in the white house
trump is literally kkk approved. no blacks will be voting for him.
many evangelical white christians will stay home this election cycle because of trump's adulterous past.
hillary has a real chance in the south
>US always manipulated on international level
>Surprised they use it on domestic level
US propaganda no different than Best Korea
Makes you think... I guess #imwithher now
Blacks aren't going to vote historically they never vote they only voted for Obama
It's funny to because Hillary is definitely more racist than trump
Exactly all media sources are controlled by the liberals so conservatives can't do any polling because they aren't allowed to tell people about it.
Elitists will still print the money everyone uses and get to decide who uses it first.
Turn in your leftist card if you think that system is fair.
If you are right wing, turn in your high school diploma if you think that system is fair.
I can hear the Money Printers crying all the way up at the Federal Reserve building in DC.
Could someone post pics of hillary being helped to stand up ?
lol no
>people seriously, legitimately, unironically believe Trump has a chance of losing in South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona
Can't wait to see the polls where he's also losing in Wyoming, Texas, Alaska, and South Dakota just to see this delusion reach its peak.
SC is a republicuck stronghold. the fact that polls are showing a tossup is an embarrassment.
Each election is different. Black people and hispanics (who stastically don't vote) are incentivized to vote in this election.
You can't really compare, for example, Bush v. Gore with Trump v. Hillary. It's really easy to see why someone would stay home in the fromer, but this election is quite different and at least all the hispanics I know intend to vote, and not for Trump.
Hillary's weakness
Just like the polls that had Trump up in Pennsylvania, r-right?
You're thinking of libertards who don't get their way
Well by (((coincidence))) once trump starts winning major polling organizations started to change their methodology so disafected reps count as polled reps
Its going to brexit 2.0 with the msm trying to shill away reality
I wonder how much Hillary is spending to rig all of these polls :)
>believing the polls.
The MSM is so in the tank for Hillary now. They are not even pretending to be unbiased.
We are seeing the same thing that happened to Barry Goldwater - the normies are going to be told that Trump will bring about war and scare them into voting for Hillary - WHO WILL BRING ABOUT WAR.
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Except Trump isn't actually Republican.
Republican Senators already know this.
Rank and file Republicans are starting to realize it also.
>Clinton hasn't even bothered campaigning in South Carolina or spending money on ads there
Bull fucking shit.
I live in Minnesota. A state so blue (unfortunately) that only an idiot would ever think it would flip in the next 30 years.
But I see at least 10 Shillary ads shoved down my throat on a daily basis. And on olympics airtime no less.
Shillary is dumping ads fucking everywhere. They're spending shit tons of money on this election, probably the most the dems have spent in history on an election, because it's so unconventional and they realize that the media polling is seriously off.
Who are all these Republicans voting for Hillary man? What about principles? Fuck.
leading is bad?
The fucking establishment probably does it for free.
They don't exist.
The polling methodology changed to poll more democrats than independents, where previously independents were always the most polled party. That's why literally every state shifted left post conventions, even the ones that would heavily support what Trump was saying about Muslims / immigration, and be heavily against what Hillary was saying at the convention.
Just watch the hundreds of Youtube documentaries on it
because its rigged and none of us have freedom democracy is a scheme
Probably a lot. It must be to stop any conservatives across the entire nation from conducting a poll.
Exactly and every polling service uses the exact same methodology as required by law.
Your asspain fuels me to MAGA
Reuters, IPOS, and CNN all clarified that their methodology changed.
Push polls are no match.
>Americucks will have a woman in the white house
>Canada pls
Additionally, this shit with the Khans will blow over in a couple weeks, especially after the wikileaks dump on Hillary they're planning. Currently they're probably waiting for it to slow down a bit to dump it, so it has the greatest effect without looking like damage control.
Yep! Which is why PPP which is know for a slight republican bias (en.m.wikipedia.org
i hope clinton is dumb enough to spend money in sc and georgia.
Fucking biased liberal media. They will say anything to paint a narrative that Trump is losing.
lol there is no polling law
Of course the polls aren't accurate. Look at the polls for the primaries. Trump outperformed every single one, usually by a lot. As many as a third of Trump supporters do not openly admit it to pollsters.
On top of that, the media is flat out lying in polls and oversampling democrats to discourage Trump voters. They've pushed it too far now. Pretending Georgia is going Hillary has tipped people off that these polls are bullshit.
He's shitposting at .05 a post.
Yes there is, that's why every single polling service is biased in exactly the same way every time
I fall in that category. I live in a very liberal area with very liberal family and friends. I would be disowned and tossed aside if people ever knew I supported Trump, so of course I would never admit it over the phone to someone calling in.
lol you got a link to that "polling law"?
Incorrect, these are facts. The entire media is controlled by liberals and they have total control over every poll conducted.
>the country is long past time for armed rebellion.
I realized this once every elected politician was condemning Trump for his Second Amendment quote. They're scared. They don't want millions of people with guns rising up.
CTR please fuck off with your shitposting
It isn't a law, again, he's just shitposting. Probably for le epic screencaps to say "wow look at how stupid drumpf supporters are hurr durr" and shit like that.
I don't need one. It's obvious when you know Trump will win but all polls seem to state otherwise. The polls are corrupt and wrong otherwise they would be saying that Trump is ahead.
"Clinton's health" is sinking her campaign. The media is trying their hardest not to cover it. How hard would it be to pay even the slightest attention to it?
>Clinton's Health Issues a Problem for Some Voters
Good for Drudge for pushing it so hard. We need to keep doing the meme work until it can't be ignored.
Incorrect, I'm merely spreading the truth of how biased all of the polls are.
I said it once and I'll say it again. Tell me about it in November.
You speak like an anime character too. Just end it and kill yourself rofl
Sup Forums is retarded when they say rigged. They think Sanders losing by hundreds of thousands of votes means the primary was rigged.
Now most of these polls are Registered Votes. Clinton barely has a 2 and 4 point lead with Likely Voters.
Libtards joke, but the "silent majority" line has a lot of Truth in it. I'm a pretty open Trump supporter, but most people I know are not open about it. I work in a financial consulting office, and nearly everyone there is voting Trump...but the majority of them tell others they're supporting Hillary or not voting. I can't imagine this is an uncommon scenario, especially in swing states.
This is the last election in which republicans can win. After this, conservatives will never be electable again. This means that the US will have open borders, be socialist, have high taxes, promote diversity and put down whites, promote feminism and abortion, put down families and promote single mothers, take away your guns so you can't defend yourself, and limit free speech so that you can never go against the majority.
You think republicans were fascist when they held power? Just wait until leftists hold all the power. You will not allowed to be an independent individual under liberal rule. The left rose to power by mocking and offending the majority. Once the left is in power, you will not be allowed to do that because they do not allow free speech and free people. You cannot think against their will. And not only that, only whites believe in universal rights. Watch what happens when America is majority non-white. I hope you're ready to pay reparations and getting openly discriminated and punished for your race.
This race determines the future of the western world. America outlasted the USSR but communism won out in the end because the left successfully infiltrated and dominated society.
I say I'm voting for Gary Johnson (who is a cuck) since people know I'm a libertarian capitalist.
Damn shame what happened to the libertarian party though, I actually love Ron Paul's policies since he's not a cuck about TPP or borders. No idea why they abandoned all of his core tenants he set.
Can you tell me why you "support" Trump?
Is there a specific policy he has that appeals to you?
>hard mode
I don't want you to talk about Hillary. This isn't about her. You don't have to support Trump because you dislike Hillary.
Do you really think I am going to sit here and listen to you guys talk shit about my Sup Forums and "BTFO this" and "Trumpshills on suicide watch that"? No way Jose. Watch me move to another thread and ignore you.
>Republican Senators already know this.
>Rank and file Republicans are starting to realize it also.
What the fuck is "Republican" nowadays?
Wanting amnesty like Rubio? Wasn't he called "the future face of the GOP"
Reagan? The cuck who legalized three million illegals and supported gun control?
The Republicans who openly admit they'll vote for Clinton?
If they can't even support their own candidate, I wouldn't call them Republicans.
>take away your guns so you can't defend yourself
Lol, good fucking luck to the liberals there.
The media is going batshit about Trump's comment because they know its actual meaning. He meant that, if the government ever tried to do an actual gun grab, that the American people would not stand for it.
And he's entirely right. If the US tried a mandatory gun buyback program like Australia had, there would be thousands of dead police officers and civilians because of it. They would put a stop to it in less than a day out of fear of a complete civil war breaking out.
You know the Republican candidate has fucked up when traditionally red states (LIke South Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona) are in play for democrats.
Not him but
1. The Wall
2. Ending Obamacare in favor of allowing competition across states
3. Ending common core
4. Erasing NAFTA and TPP
5. Increasing relations with Russia.
I like the health care plan.
>all these CTR shills believing "polls"
Man you guys have been at it these past few weeks, polls are worthless and always have been.
Wish I saved the video of hannity listing off all of Trumps positions, because theres about 20+ of them, and every single one is great.
Saw it like 2-3 weeks ago or something, hes done it several times, about 5 minutes into the video or when hes talking to Trump.
My local /Bay Aryan/ newspaper, unbiased as always.
There have been Clinton TV ads here, which surprised me. Why does Clinton need ads in California? Isn't it a shoe in?