What should be done about this?
>62 people worked hard, or at least their parents did, or got lucky
>Half the world lives in shitholes where they get paid 17 cents a week
Not like half the world is setting the bar real high mate
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
Kill the jews
I know you're just being sarcastic, but even the most staunch capitalist should admit that this is ridiculous. There is just no justification for this. Those 62 people do not need that much money or resources.
exterminate the africans and we'll see it even out
Higher taxes, I suppose. You can't just take their fucking money for no reason.
He is sarcastic, I guess. In Denmark they know the merits of a more or less equal society well.
Glass Israel. That wouldn't be enough on its own, obviously. That's why we pick up where good ol' Germany left off in the 1940's
everyone else needs to step it the fuck up
Nothing, this is the natural result of capitalism. only way you could fix it is if you could find a form of socialism that actually worked and brainwashed people
Nothing. It happened for a reason.
I think that simply taxing their wealth away would cross the line from a market to a plan economy.
Wealth unproductive for ages should somehow be tossed back into the market economy.
>Those 62 people do not need that much money or resources.
Of course they don't. Nobody needs more than a couple million.
The question is how efficiently they MANAGE this capital. I'd expect pretty well, considering they managed to accumulate that wealth in the first place.
How many millions of jobs does this represent?
That's a meaningless statistic when a handful of families control all wealth created.
Everything in the world is fair. If you think these 62 people need to be killed then go out and do it.
If you are too afraid of the consequences then too bad.
>muh economy is zero sum game
>we should hate these 62 people who likely made our lives better, instead of wanting to be like them
Yah okay OP. Go shill your socialism somewhere else.
Shoot a ((rothschild)) .
Use the US military to capture them and seize their assets, then cut their heads off in Madison Square Garden on primetime television.
That's what you want, right?
Fucking nothing.
If people are too lazy to work let them be poor. Wealth redistribution is a fucking joke
>worked hard
You had one shot Hans, and you blew it
Interestingly enough that phrase was initially meant to refer to something that was impossible.
Seems fitting.
That would solve a ton of problems really quickly
you know what
Who cares?
Good for them.
What gives other people the right to say that they can't?
>inheriting a shitload of money you don't need or deserve and in so doing preventing others from becoming succesfull through actual hard work is good
Wtf now i hate the worlds population
People who make this "argument" don't understand basic economics.
Do you know what wealthy people do with their money? It sits in banks, in stocks, in bonds. If you waved a magic wand and redistributed that money to all the bernouts do you know what they'd do with it? They'd buy basic shit and all that basic shit would increase in price, effectively making their newfound wealth meaningless.
If you're going to make this argument you might as well argue that the government should just print money for poor people and make all their problems go away.
They should not be allowed to have that much money even though they earned it. :^)
How many are jews?
>earned it
Holy fuck is that accurate?
Fucking 43% seems like alot, almost like the jews are the only rich people in burgerland
>implying all that money is sitting in their bank account, instead of being part of businesses that employ people
>tax them higher
>people lose their job and get dependent on the government
>lizard overlords dont actually pay taxes and get even richer
>tax them higher
>more people lose their job
Etc etc
The only real problem is wealth that is sitting in a bank account.
>I'm sure it's completely representative of their abilities and they could allocate these resources better than thousands of industry experts
Only because the poorest keep breeding like degenerate physically dominated animals.
The numbers are misleading, imagine if there were just two families and both worked equally hard, you wouldnt say the wealth of one was unfair. But then one of the families goes "muh dik" and has 6 billion kids so is immensely poor.
It's literally a fact. A statement. You're spinning it into an "argument" because?
>>inheriting a shitload of money you don't need or deserve
Jelly as fuck.
kill the 62
>What should be done about this?
The argument is implied.
Exercise the US 2nd amendment, duh
Their ancestors and they themselves played their cards right and/or got lucky.
The ultra ultra rich spend their money influencing countries and buying super yachts. If you don't believe this, you don't really get what those global hedgefunds are doing.
>ensuring your descendants remain on top of the world for generations is bad
literally nothing.
The poor aren't poor because the rich are rich.
best case scenario you redistribute that wealth and then suddenly half of the world's population has two dollars instead of one and you've removed all capital from the few people with the connections and ability to create more wealth for the economy.
Jesus Christ.
> Wealth unproductive for ages should somehow be tossed back into the market economy.
How the fuck do you think they go so rich. Investing.
I don't really understand this meme.
What does "own wealth" even mean?
It's not like Bill Gates just swims in a giant room filled with money, Scrooge McDuck style. He owns a company that hires a lot of people and delivers products which help a lot of people. And besides that, he also gives back a ton of his own money through donations and charities.
So what does it really mean "owning wealth"? Should we take away Bill Gates' Microsoft shares and spread them around for the entire US population, so everyone has a little stake in it? Or what exactly is the point people are trying to make?
my friend the real poor is he who's always seeking for money
i don't disdain a comfy life but there's really no need to keep such ridiculous amount of money for youself
it is extremely bad if they have no actual merit
>What should be done about this?
Have people stop being retarded and stop entertaining the cardinal sins of envy and greed.
Don't go beating on the poor. They're to blame, but far less than the people with the power: the people who are supposed to be steering society.
Rich are fearful of the poor, so they breed less to consolidate their dynastic power. 1000 years later, fuckin India happens. This is why people who think "m-muh aristocracy and muh caste" are the solution are fucking spastic cunts.
You need a society where the rich and poor actually come in contact with each other. Wealth should mean more children: and this is how it was and is in hunter-gatherer and rural agrarian cultures. When the rich have more kids, this pushes society in the direction of better breeding as a whole. Moreover, intergenerationally it is egalitarian without the need for deleterious state redistribution: ie itt REDUCES the hierarchy of society, producing more high quality people. This is the most eugenic society, and the one that we have lived under for all of our history bar the aberrant near eastern import that is urban civilisation. East Asia and is the result of a "rich have more children" pattern society.
PS: feel free to screenshot for truth, but youse won't cos yer fags
But muh gibbesmedat?
Sure, some are doing this.
The point is they're not out at Walmart buying x100 boxes of Cheerios, renting x100 $400/month flats or filling their x100 vehicles with gas every week.
If you took their money and forcefully distributed to the lower-class it would massively increases prices on the things the lower class wants.
Well, looks like the only solution is yet more socialism. :^)
Just to play devils advocate
If only a small amount of people own most of the money, can they not very tightly control the flow of money downwards in order to stop the poor becoming richer? Essentially creating a maximum speed that capital can flow down (within the funds they control at least).
Yes i would be totally onboard with letting the poor die off without welfare and charity and encouraging the rich and intelligent to breed much more in order to improve the genetic worth of humanity. But good luck getting even a passive measure like that through.
>Here son, have a dollar so you can buy some snacks at the cornerstore
>Gee, thanks dad!
>*Equality police bust down the door, take the dollar, and redistribute the dollar to poor needy African refugees who are all 25 year old males*
Yeah, fuck those evil people!
> dont deserve
> are the next genetic step from the man who made the money
There is literally no-one more deserving than the children of the rich. Its how evolution and life works.
Some people get rich, others eat shit and die.
Michael Phelps has 21 gold medals. He doesn't need all those gold medals. I want one. Just give me one. Why does he need 21 gold medals?
Listen, man. It'll work itself out. It always does. The world has a strange way of working itself out. Eventually there will be a tipping point. Something always happens.
You are like these people from the middle ages who hated on merchants because selling what others produce for profit was dishonest. If people have money then they have money. Who cares about how they got it.
>there's really no need to keep such ridiculous amount of money for youself
Then you should give every person in the world a dollar so you and the rest of the world become poor? Because I'm sure if bill or zuckerberg did that they would become rich again and the poor would keep being poor because they don't have the means to make money. Even if all the wealth was redistributed and the rich were killed then different people would rise to be the new rich class because poor people are too dumb to make money.
The problem is that the working itself out could involve mass breeding of the 80 IQ poor and an increasing call for the intelligent and successful to give away all they produce until they have none left and are overcome and then the world settles with australian aboriginal tier civilization.
>62 people born into wealth gave money to people in politics to intact policy that made them even more money
Sure, the mafia was hard work. But not honest work.
I don't know if you know this, but they don't literally have that much money, the majority of it is in assets like factories that produce jobs, if we were to just redistiribute all that wealth to the poorest people we would be fucked, who do you think knows how to spend that money more effectively a few million poor people, or the guy who managed to accumulate that much wealth in the first place, if we didn't have a bunch of rich guys at the top investing in the means of production, we wouldn't be where we are today, things would be a lot more expensive and our overall quality of life would be much lower, in the free market, crony capitalism aside, to accumulate that much wealth you actually have to create value, which the majority of those guys did. You know who else is really rich and created zero value? The Clintons
ive 80000$US worth of money. im probably as rich as the top 500 000 000. what should be done about me ?
Yes, it is. The US is Zionist Occupied.
bottom 500 000 000*
People work hard so they can give a better life to their family and friends around them and the people they trust? This is a bad thing?
For that analogy to be accurate, he'd have to be buying off the judges.
Works for me. Having that amount of money sounds like a huge pain in the ass, just look at notch.
Let them have it I say
If other people were clever enough to be the merchants and work in finance they would be, but bitterness and ignorance makes them hate it. They don't understand it so somehow that leads them to believe there can be nothing going on, so merchants do nothing for their money.
My brother is a banker the shit people chat about bankers sitting around and raking it in makes me laugh, he works about 9-8 monday to saturday and with work 'drinks' and 'functions on top of that, which you have to attend.
I know i would never do that work, its too much even for the money.
Why did the thread continue after this?
> work hard your whole life to make sure your children have more than you did growing up
> a bunch of people who hug eachother all day decide that your money should go to someone else instead
The more the rich hoard money the cheaper everything becomes. If the rich managed to get a hold of 99.99% of all the money, regular goods like food and gas and rent would drop to pennies. And the average people would just start transacting in pennies instead of dollars. The rich might be able to prevent anyone from obtaining $1M in this case but it wouldn't matter, a few 100 would afford you the same effective wealth.
I'd far prefer a $1b to be in the hands of some rich hedge fund manager than distributed to x1000 bernie supports who are going to be out there buying the same goods and services I want and raising the price.
>im probably as rich as the top 500 000 000
You're part of the chosen ones according to the georgia guidestones.
>People work hard so they can give a better life to their family and friends around them and the people they trust? This is a bad thing?
Why don't aspies see a difference between owning hundreds of billions of dollars, while influencing media/public policy, and working hard to provide?
>The problem is that the working itself out could involve mass breeding of the 80 IQ poor and an increasing call for the intelligent and successful to give away all they produce until they have none left and are overcome and then the world settles with australian aboriginal tier civilization.
I'm sorry, but that is the world working itself out. It's on the intelligent and successful people to educate the 80 IQ poor on why this system is the best system. If they don't? Welp, sorry. Should have had the foresight to realize the problem.
Eventually, the intelligent and successful will rise up from that group and the process will start over again.
That is the world working itself out.
Its old money. I guarantee only a few of them earned all of the money on their own, the rest has been passed down from generation to generation.
I have no fix for this, we can't take all their money just because they have it.
Except that in the free market, these 62 people at the top are as worthless as the millions of people at the bottom.
No reinvestment into the country and low taxes. They are hinderences on the free world and capitalist system.
Is there a list of these 62 people? How do these researchers know each indivomidual's net worth? Just curious. I can't be the only curious as to the identity of these 62 people who control the globe.
they have merit by virtue of their genes. a captain of industry lives in them. excess wealth allows them to more easily mate with higher-class individuals who are also descended from other captains of industry. These children innovate and create more wealth, for themselves and their society.
Or one's descendants could be retarded and blow their inheritance on dumb shit. But this just serves to stimulate the economy.
You could divide up the wealthy 62 people's money and distribute it to the poorer half of the world and it will make no meaningful difference in theirs lives.
>wow I can now afford to put more mud on my hut
>with all of this extra money I can buy better traps to catch more cats to eat. cool
>I think I'm going to buy that sweet pair of pop bottle sandals I've had my eye on lately
There is literally no problem with this.
Like pottery.
> Skip school because dude weed and trying to get laid
> Spend 15-35 clubbing because movies said its cool
> Hit 35 with a kid and love life like soap tv but no discernible skills or interests and decreasing health
> Struggle to pay any bills because you arent needed
> Media tells you "you da man" and that society is built on your shoulders, you deserve bank
> See rich banker and go apeshit, how come he has all that money??
What is stopping you from owning hundreds of billions of dollars and influencing media/public policy?
Before you answer, "the people who own hundreds of billions of dollars and influence media/public policy," don't.
They did not start with hundreds of billions of dollars and influence media/public policy. They worked hard and were smart enough to come up or to be put in charge of a product or a service worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
>wealth is a zero sum game
Leave it to the potato fucker to believe something so retarded
I think forbes has a list.
>and working hard to provide?
>work on something because you have dreams/family
>get filthy rich
>fuck, I worked too hard shamefur dispray
>62 people hoarding all the resources gives more buying power to everyone else
Lol wut
The headline is intentionally misleading. To a less observant reader, the headline makes it seem as if 62 people now own half of the world's wealth. It's sensationalist journalism at its finest
It better be a list and not a bullshit these people piece.
Well that's a nihilistic understanding of "working itself out", if working itself out just means "what happens happens" then we shouldn't be too concerned about a comet smashing into the earth; oh well hey-ho.
No, we have a view of what is good for existence and the world and we feel that what will likely happen is not it. Go cry into your camus.
They were born into that money. You don't get to pay off politicians in 2016 by working hard.
He said hoarding all the money, not hoarding all the resources. He's talking about monetary policy to create deflation.
Unfortunately, they're not hoarding money. They're hoarding wealth.
They're poor for a reason, so more likely:
> Wew thank god i can buy more ground up baby for harder erections to please Boniqwa.
> Im giving all my money to the local prophet who says we wuz kangz.
Not an argument.
>anyone owning billions of dollars
>not incredibly lucky
Being smart can make you rich, but no amount of smarts and hard work can earn you a billion dollars intentionally
i see ireland is getting BTFO
That's not an impressive number, considering the poorest half of the population have virtually nothing. I mean, I probably own more than the poorest one million people, considering they own nothing.
Old money is nothing compared to new money. It's the elon musks and the bill gates of the world who are setting the standard for wealth and entrepreneurship nowadays.