>Trump is going to lose to Crooked Hillary
I'm literally crying rn bros
Is there anything we can do?
>Trump is going to lose to Crooked Hillary
I'm literally crying rn bros
Is there anything we can do?
>Is there anything we can do?
Became a progressive.
>Trump beats 16 of the most powerful republicans in the country
>Hillary has to cheat to beat a 74 year old communist Jew
>Hurr durr not gonna win
kys rpfag
check em
why does it always feel harder for the GOP to win? seems like the electoral votes are always stacked in the Dems favor
Stop being a faggot and support trump harder
>16 of the most powerful republicans
Jeb "Cuck" Bush and the rest of them were fucking jokes. That's the only reason Trump is the nominee.
Me too. I'm despondent. Trump is truly finished
Because dems cheat and are corrupt they are ends justify the means people they do whatever it takes to win because their progrisvisim is their religion
They don't care about truth, they don't care about laws, Rey don't care if their positions are morally bankrupt and hypocritical or if people die in the process
They believe in liberal utopia and will do whatever it takes to get to paradise
The amount of electoral votes California has is a big part is of that.
They haven't even debated yet nigger just wait for hill to have a seizure on stage
This is the shill tactic known as "concern shilling"
>>Trump beats 16 of the most powerful republicans in the country
trumptards are this delusional
>They haven't even debated yet
>implying Trump will even debate her
Ya trump lost.
>has been sacrificing hundreds of thousands of unborn childs to Moloch through planned parenthood to one of the most ancient and powerful deities
>''sacrifices'' repeating virtual digits on a papyrus knitting swamp to a shitskin frog
Maybe in 2020 guys, but again who says trump won't just give Clinton her second mandate on a silver platter again?
I am absolutely despondent! Is it over bros?
Because Republican candidates are fucking idiots and have to try extra hard to achieve what their opponents accomplish while on chill mode.
Trump is a fucking idiot. Every time he opens his mouth it's like I'm watching a horror movie, waiting for the monster to pop out of the corner and kill a bitch. Only in Trumps case, the victim is intelligence.
Clinton on the other hand is a career criminal. Bill cheated on her countless times, and that cunt played it cool as if nothing was going on - because she had ambition, and was power hungry. Now the cunt is running for president.
If Melania cheated on Trump, that nigga would probably go on Oprah and cry, and then have Melania and her black bull assassinated.
This, i'm totes with her now.
Don't give lefties the pleasure to see you cry, stay strong
Hillary's rallies only get like 200 people. Trumps rallies are packed to the fucking brim, they can't even let all the people through.
You gotta be delusional to think that she's gunna win, no one likes her except the misinformed or feministst.
yeah this, its baffling how Sup Forums thinks Drumpf is a genius because he made got lucky and made money with real estate, literally the easiest way to make money if you are born on 3rd base, while ignoring all the rest of his idiotic business ventures (Trump steaks LMFAO, Trump airlines because u know, golden seats is what people want, and of course, 4 bankrupted casinos) and the fact that every time he opens his mouth these days is to say dumb, idiotic rethoric. What makes it even worse is the fact that the man doesn't want the presidency and this shithole doesn't even realize it
fucking ctr samefag
eat shit
>bernouts 2.0
Concern shilling, guys, cheap trick to try and infiltrate.
Vote for the winner, vote Hillary.
How did Trudeau get into office?
You know what I'm happy about lost with trump
Trump has made me realize how fucking awful and cucked Canadians are
It's disgusting I thought we were new world brothers but you faggots are worse than Sweden
Anyone else think that polls are just used to influence voters?
>literally crying rn bros
Fuck off back to twatter, faggot shill.
Just when I think I've heard him say the most retarded thing possible he goes and tops it the next day.
He's clearly appealing to the lowest denominator in society.
Not likely.
Daddy's last name and connections truly helped, and you know, actualy knowledge of politics and education. Unlike your Oompa Loompa reality star moron with next to no knowledge of how the real world works
>he gets 'cucked' without realizing it
Not adding to the conversation
wtf i hate elections now
>implying Trump isn't going to shit all over Hillary in the debates
Most people support hillary because doing otherwise makes you a pariah
>polls are just used to influence voters
No shit Sherlock.
You just figured that out?
Every word printed or uttered by the media serves exactly that purpose.
Time to burn the Reichstag (again).
That'll happen only if he gets his shit together.
Clinton is not Jeb 'the turtle boy' Bush.
Yeah dude, I'm honestly impressed Trump managed to overcome the likes of Ted Cruz and co, I bet that took some real willpower.
Don't lost hope
Post woke shit on facebook to get your friends to hate Hillary, especially shit that shows how she fucked over Bernie, hopefully get them to vote for Stein
Donate to Papa Trump
I'm voting Clinton and I'd rather go to a Trump rally just for the fun of it. It's like comparing a monster truck rally with a ballet performance.
Repeating simpleton statements ad nauseatum while making baseless assertions in a loud voice doesn't work in the upcoming debates
Your petulant small-handed child of a candidate is going to be destroyed by you know, the sociopath candidate that has endured years of vicious attacks by actually educated people and seasoned politicians.
So basically the obongo of Canada, dindu nuthin to get in other than exist.
Yeah most people want to see a train wreck happening in real time.
Nice try viking man
bump :)
how is he worse than your draft dodger candidate who ships jobs to China, has a slew of lawsuits and unpaid bills to construction companies and yet pretends he's a "man of the people" lmfao
where are his tax returns? what is he hiding?
Weedman is not a fucking idiot like your own "GUISE IF WE HAVE NUKES HOW COME WE DON'T USE THEM" moron of a "candidate".
It's one of the only times I get use out of my dual citizenship
>Became a progressive.
More like a regressive
Lol. Maybe you should have used that year for improving your life instead waiting for a meme candidate to save you?
Haha okay leaf. That's a neat trick. Shitposting pretending to be a shill pretending to belong here.
>Is there anything we can do?
call the 2nd amendment people
No matter how hard you try, you aren't gonna be making a difference.
A few unorganized volunteers don't even stand a chance against Clinton's 6 million dollar machine known as CTR on the social media. And given that MSM is also in their pocket, it essentially eliminated all chances that the alternative voiced be heard by the masses.
You might think the system could be changed or brought down from with in by whistle-blowers, but as the Clinton body counts start to pile up I really doubt anymore people are gonna value their conscience over the safety of themselves and their family.
I've given up a long time ago "fighting the good fight", but I am not going to tell you to do the same. However, if you value your life, your safety, or even only your mind if you're emotionally invested in a Clinton loss, I suggest you don't get your hopes up.
Because the electoral college is apportioned based on population, not on voters. This was because in the days of slavery, the southern states wanted their slaves to be counted towards their electoral populations.
This means all the illegals, although they can't vote, are accounted in the apportionment of electoral votes.
Before the borders were opened, California had something like 38 votes or less. Today it has 55
This is a shill for Hilary using counterpoint propaganda to reinforce and manipulate people into voting for hilary. Sage.
"if you lose in november and dont get revenge i will be disapointed."
"seriously. just pick a person and shoot them. just o have the ejoyment of ending a human life" Bill Wilmonson
They were only seen as a joke because Trump blew them tf out.
If Trump would have never ran, it would Guac bowl vs El Rato vs Marcobot 5000. And it would be awful. Dems would have had no problem with those stooges
Hillary can't even stand up properly. If she wins it will be the saddest display. She needs a wheelchair. Will roll into meeting Putin for deals and he won't provide a ramp. We will need Tredeua to lift her up the stairs. Lose consciousness in the middle of important international policy discussion for the middle east. America is incapacitated for next 4 years in some weird shadow government cabal. This should be fun.
>4choukalooka 2016
Wtf kind of language is that?
If things are really so bad in the Trump campaign, why hasn't he started dropping billions on ads?
it's over i am now a #cruzmissile
>Weedman is not a fucking idiot
If you put out a fire, it wins.
Shut the fuck up leafcuck shill
Sage this shit. these retards from CTR need to get a real job
The rnc is starting to pull funding which is bullshit since I donated thinking I was helping trump...got berned
and since then he's been talking about trump 10times more often than hillary to his huge base. He literally dedicated his career on this by campaigning harder against trump more often and harder than any democrats
>i dindu nuffin its all your fault
>why do the alt-right persecute me so
what a toolbag that guy is
Can Trump supporters logically explain how someone who just called the POTUS the literal leader of a terrorist organization without any proof whatsoever can get away with saying stuff like that?
How can anyone with a logical brain claim that this person is fit to own the nuclear codes?
This is the same guy who recently just lied about the NFL sending him a letter when they didn't.
political ads are wasted money
Has an ad ever convinced you to change your political views?
>The rnc is starting to pull funding
From their presidential candidate? Is this a joke??
>muh CTR
>muh rigged eleckshun
Face it trumptards, in the year where you could've picked the fucking janitor at the RNC convention and he would've beaten the least popular Dem nominee in probably ever, you had to pick the one candidate that actually made her look like a sane choice
do all the Drumpsplaining you want, twist it in whichever way fits your echochamber narrative, the fact remains that nobody wants to give the White House to a short tempered idiot who doesn;'t know how things work in the real world. The least popular candidate, after 8 years of Dem prez, and you still managed to fuck it up
Repeat with me
They work on stupid people
His failed foreign policy created ISIS
How fucking stupid are you
>he would've beaten the least popular Dem nominee in probably ever
I guess that's why Bernie won right?
Hillary is just so beatable.
No. He actually just clarified that he meant Obama is the literal leader of ISIS. How stupid are you?
>clarified that he meant Obama is the literal leader of ISIS
>people will actually believe this
Thanks trustworthy press.
First stop correcting the record this much
Second, enjoy the ride, Trump is more then competent to beat a dying old hag
>Manlet rage
Weedman is a fucking genius compared to your clown of a candidate. Drumpf is a fucking idiot with the vocab of a middle schooier and with next to no knowledge of anything politics. He talks loud and he appears "smart" to dumb fucks like you because his job was to sell worthless shit to dumb fucks like yourself
repeat with me
b-but you can't st-stump the trump
I feel sad too, OP. America is doomed. Brazil 2.0 here we come.
Leaf posters please exit now
>Hurr media bias
Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."
Trump objected.
"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."
>bush invasion of iraq creates power vacuum
>bush fires the entire iraqui army and police
>disgruntled unemployed military people create their own militia
>obama sells arms to a few groups of "freedom fighters"
>turns out some of said freedom fighters are actually turrists (first time it has happened in the history of the US I swear)
Remember this image, Sup Forums, steel your determination
>listening to what a leaf has to say
Not even once
I wouldn't worry about it, Shlomo
not like a trumptard like yourself has any analytical skills to listen anyway, remember, drumpf loves dumb fucks like yourself
I'm still waiting on an actual Trump supporter to explain how a guy running for president can go around saying the POTUS founded ISIS and have people applaud him for it.
Instead of just posting pictures of Jews. How about you defend your mindless candidate unless you're admitting you'd eat his feces if he told you they'd give you immortality.
ISIS was able to take over vast swaths of territory because they had access to high powered US weaponry. They simply rolled over everyone else in the region.
Where did they get these weapons? Much of them they got from the US embassy in Benghazi. Others were supplied to them by the surrendering Iraqi army, and shipments from the State department through Turkey. (Rand Paul went off on this during his filibuster)
It's hard to imagine what the State Department hoped to achieve sending them weapons. But then, they turned the entire middle East into a giant clusterfuck. With their overthrow in Egypt, and Lybia, and Syria, and everywhere else. It was a fucking disaster, whoever was directing these efforts either had no idea wtf they were doing, or had some other motivation.
Then you dig deeper and learn that before many of these arms shipments, the Clinton foundation received huge donations from Middle Eastern countries, most notably the Saudis. Those Saudis sure are known for their interest in charity aren't they?
You also need to consider that Clinton's close personal aid Huma Abedine is a Muslim closely associated with the Muslim brotherhood. They bankrolled her college, and payed for her house before she started working for Hillary. It's highly likely that through her, the Muslim Brotherhood and other organizations have had access to top secret US intel
>Where did they get these weapons?
the chickenshit, useless iraqui army who fleed 9 times out of 10. international donors, saudi arabia, duh
>defend your mindless candidate
Why should we waste time trying to convince a shill to vote for someone he's been paid to attack?
You don't need someone to explain to you that you're wrong. Anyone with more than 5 fucking brain cells can understand what Trump was saying.
The only reason people have a problem is because they're virtue signaling and exclaiming to everyone HOW CRAZY Trump is enforces their social image. It's like indirect cognitive dissonance.
Obama took that pile of shit Bush left him, and instead of throwing it in the gutter, he made a nice shitcake and fed it to everyone.
isis was created under obama's presidency.
Libya went to shit under obama's presidency.
Syria went to shit under obama's presidency.
Egypt went to shit under obama's presidency.
Yemen went to shit under obama's presidency.
Iraq and Afghanistan are in a worse state today than they were 8 years ago.
Europe was overrun by mudshits under obama's presidency.
Obama also created a huge rift between Russia and European countries (thanks Brzezinski!).
As far as foreign policy is concerned, Obama is a worse failure than Bush - largely because he inherited a clusterfuck and somehow managed to make it much worse.