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I love Quebec.
Is it true at they hate blacks though?
We hate everybody, but we don't actively target anyone either.
We're the typical frustrated old man.
Also nobody gives a fuck if you're racist, no "discrimination" case will see much life here, that's for sure. The only people we hate with a serious passion is all the stupid Anglo fuckquers in the rest of Canada. Fuck that scum desu.
It's pretty funny desu, in a good way.
Other Anglos from around the world (even americans) aren't hated at all though.
It's hilarious walking around in Quebec. We can fucking smell where you come from.
If you're Canadian or god forbid Quebecois and come to us speaking english we will shit all over you.
But if you're an American or European or whatever who just doesn't speak french we're friendly af and will gladly speak english with you.
especially in montreal.
all the english tourists say we're very friendly and they love it here, but actual montrealers that refuse to speak french are constantly complaining.
Cheeky little bastards
We love you too
Very true fuck canada
What about an American who is speaking broken French? I would love to visit for a while to improve my French but I'm worried everyone would give me more shit than anything else
Vive le Québec libre.
People will know. You probably learned Parisian French and speak it with an English accent.
when can we petition to get a Quebec flag on Sup Forums
You'll be fine my friend
Obviously don't go somewhere 100% french though, because as nice as they'd like to be they won't understand a word you're saying.
If you go to bigger cities like Montreal you'll be perfectly fine.
I go to university in downtown Montreal and a lot of exchange/foreign students don't speak a word of french and get by until they graduate 4 or more years later, so you'll be okay.
as says, people will definitely know you're not quebecois, but we like tourists anyway. Just one tip though. Don't ever "demand" to be served in English. We'll throw you out of wherever you are. If you're nice about it we'll speak to you in english though.
separatist référendum when?
I thought quebec hated indians and pakis??
Meh. I like Quebec but tornto is a giant shithole
Also like what says, remember that Quebec is French and some people don't speak any English at all, so be understanding. It'd be best if you stay in Montreal
We do hate them, but we hate everyone.
We won't kill them or anything though.
They live on.
Awesome thanks. Should I specifically start learning québec pronunciation? Any good resources?
Are you a Canadian citizen or a foreign exchange student? I would love to study abroad in Quebec. Worth?
Cant quite believe you're the only non cucked area in canada and yet you have the most cucked leader in the world.
When you getting your quexit?
Learn to speak proper French instead of your cringy accent and your outdated vocabulary. Also stop trying this hard, traducing every fucking English title. I swear to god your cringe the fuck out of me and I'm sure Canada feels the same.
Thanks for the flag
>Meh. I like Wales but lndon is a giant shithole
Funny if it was true.
London is one of the most important cities in the world.
Toronto is dogshit
>when can we petition to get a Quebec flag on Sup Forums
please. im tired to be linked to those shitposting cultureless half-american inbred fuck
I hate Quebecois with a passion. Total assholes.
On devrait atomiser le canada rien que pour les putains de doublages de merde que vous distribuez dans la francophonie.
C'est simple, si c'est pas du TRUEFRENCH je télécharge pas, car je sais qu'à tous les coups je vais me retrouver avec un film doublé avec votre accent de putain de dégénéré congénital.
Sinon à part ça les Québecois je m'en fout un peu.
> Be belge.
> Speak about le accent kébékois.
Does Quebec hate Anglo's?
Whenever I see Canadian's posting Brit hate here on Sup Forums it always seems to be Quebecians?
Well it doesn't change the fact the London is giant muslim shothole.
Quebec french is real french, you're speaking the fench aristocrats would speak before the revolution, which is in itself so ironic and cuck tier is has defined french culture ever since.
>quebecflag is now on Sup Forums
>only further show how bad leafs truly are
stay mad ling yang
On en parle des toulousAIIIIIIIIING et des Marseillais ? des chtis et des parisien avec leur accent de fiotte ? Au moins on impose pas nos doublages de merde au monde, Jen-bougnoul.
Et la plupart d'entre nous ne sommes capable d'endurer les traductions européenes.
Is Quebec City a shithole of rapefugees and immigrants lately or still a decent place to live?
I hear the same bs from burgers
>le American English is original English
Made me and some britbongs kek
Same as the Brazillians who speak outdated portuguese compared to people in Portugal.
My ex portuguese gf hated Brazillians too, said they talked in indecipherable moonspeak
We only have 1/4 of the seat in parliament and a lot of these are from Montreal, not much we can do
you tell me
>Is it true at they hate blacks though?
No. Quebec culture is very "laisser-faire". Every controversial issue in the US either happens or is rejected here without much fanfare or anyone caring. We just don't care.
We care about government corruption and our absurd taxes being spent stupidly. That's it. We don't even care about the language law stuff. Only the newspapers care about that because it's easy "clickbait".
beau drapeau
>Lin yang
Acadian master race reporting in. Every time I drive my truck through Montreal i start shitposting on the CB radio about how "these stupid quebecers can't speak French and they can't drive for shit" and I sit and laugh my ass off when the CB radio blows the fuck up. Literally the best part of my job is driving through Montreal and fucking with those retards on the radio.
Fun fact: Everyone in Quebec smells like pic related
>trailer park boy
>master race
did I posted laughing_porngirl.jpg yet?
im driving up to montreal tonight
Trailer park boys are always anglos
Do yourself a favour and skip that hellhole. Go straight to Quebec City instead.
>call yourself acadian to separate yourself from anglo not not speaking french and piss on them just like the anglo does
are you also jewish?
>Learn to speak proper French
Says the fag who's every fourth word is an English word.
Get cucked more, Jean Pierre. You're somehow more colonized by the Brit than we are.
On anglicise d'une facon différente, c'est tout. J'parie qu'on utilise autant de mot anglo qu'eux
Doux Jésus
ce drapeau est magnifique
Most of our English loan words are from decades ago, back when we were serfs to the Brits.
But the one good thing the OPLF has done is create French equivalent to new English words. Especially if they're easily translatable composite words. Like why use "week end" when "fin de semaine" is all words that exist and mean the same? Why use "electronic mail" when you can use "courrier électronique".
I'm okay with Quebec separating. It'd be a great precedent for getting the prairies out of this tire fire of a country
Quebec is great, I lived in Inverness for years and they've got no problem fucking their cousins, brothers, sisters, parents, children, and pets, while they eat authentic poutine from The Village Grill for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
You're the reason we have Trudeau fucking maple frogs. The French are cancer...
Trudeau is a federalist and a Canadian, he's one of yours. You corrupted our national pride with your multiculturalism.
He's been corrupted from the Quebecois way forever
The French ARE multiculturalism, we have no need for French fagguette culture here and you keep leaving your containment province
>select all images with french fries
Reminder that if we separated from the disease that is Canada our taxes would go from 50% income tax and 15.1% sales tax to 23% income and 7% sales
Fuck Canada fuck Trudeau
Fuxking leeches
Every other province is filled with chinks pajeets and Caribbean slime
Give me a break
>current year
Mais qu'est ce que tu fais, Pierre?
are you fucking retarded our french is more "true" than yours you belgian fucking waffle
>go to quebec
>can't speak french
>don't understand what anyone is saying
THIS. I'm tired of all the leaf shitposting.
>t. not a country
You're all queers.
the only thing im afraid of if we separate is Quebec becoming some kind of european-style socialist hellhole
I want Quebec out from Canada to stop leeching off the superior Saxon race while these fucking manlet Quebecers continue to live off my tax dollars. The only value you have is the women, which will be shipped over here after the revolution to dismantle Quebec.
Northern Quebec will stay in Canada cuz of natives. The rest of Quebec would instantly be bankrupt.
Just like Britain, Australia and New Zealand, right?
This. If you don't like my great country you can fuck off
>tfw outside toronto quebec has literally all the business in canada
>tfw outside of alberta (up in flames and bankrupt anyway) quebec has all the natural resources in canada
>tfw hydro quebec
Don't quit your day job, armchair economist.
>quebec is leeching
see and proceed to go fuck yourself anglo scum
natives actually like the quebecois kek
je suis d'accord avec toi ,les doublages québecois avec la tappette De Joel Legandre et Yves Corbeil ,je suis pu capable.Sa doit faire 8 ans que je regarde les séries télé ou film en version anglaise seulement.
>that bane voice
>cant stop laughing
But they run our hydro plants and we pay them to do so. In fact, it's the basis of their economy
You guys will never leave, live with it.
France is rightful Anglo clay.
France and UK should unite and remove the kebab in their lands.
The situation in France is dire already, 40% Muslims and rising.
United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and France, When?
t. Anglo expat.
enjoy it buddy
you'll never ever ever ever see one even if you're looking for them. it's whiter than the weather in january.
only canadian anglos
can't speak french detected
leave it to fucking canadians to have free fucking schooling basically holding their hand throughout learning one of their official fucking languages and still not be able to say anything but "bonjour" and "merci"
hardheaded braindead fucking retards
this. our french is more authentic, deal with it.
yes I'm Quebecois. We have pretty great universities depending on what you want to do. McGill is the best in Canada for basically anything. Universite de Quebec network is huge and good too (lots of science and compsci research here, especially UQAM). UdeM is good for medicine if you speak french.
we should at least get a Sup Forums flag.
>Manlet queerbecer thinks his maple syrup factories provide enough gdp then the debt they take in every year
Hydro is so much cheaper here in Quebec than Ontario. I live in Gatineau, literally 1 km from Ottawa, and my hydro bill is a fraction of what it would be if I move to the other side.
Natives most definitely do not like the Quebecois enough to have "their land stolen a second time".
>enough gdp then the debt
>anglo can't even fucking speak english
Quebec makes more money selling blank fucking newspaper than your entire province I fucking guarantee it, ignorant imperial monkey.
>their land stolen a second time
When will these meme end?
We treat them much more humanely than they do in fucking Ontario
everything except taxes and internet is cheaper here.
a friend of mine was thinking of moving to ontario a few years ago
their fucking car insurance costs twice as much as my house insurance. And they call us corrupt
>provide enough gdp then the debt they take in every year
Quebec has consistently been able to avoid deficit spending, unlike fucking Ontario.
Which makes Trudeau forcing federal level deficit spending double insulting.
I seriously can't understand the love Anglos have for the Federal government. It fucks you guys just as hard as it fucks us. The bigger the Fed is, the more ALL province waste money and resources. We should all want smaller Fed and more power to the provinces.
I have a young son and we were considering staying in QC permanently, but the healthcare system (at least in Gatineau) is pretty fucked up in terms of waiting.
I'm a grad student and the rent, hydro, insurance, daycare, beer, etc. is a lot cheaper than Ontario. Politically, Quebec is probably better than Ontario at the moment too (it's a toss up).
>Natives most definitely do not like the Quebecois
Too bad for them, the reservation niggers are a minuscule % of the population and they have no say in anything. We're inching ever closer to the time where they'll lose all gibs too. I can't wait.
And considering any Quebecois who has ancestors here from 300+ years ago is also part native, it's our land just as much as theirs, so fuck them. Hydro Quebec is still one of the biggest success stories in Canada, and the Feds had NOTHING to do with it, neither did the Liberals, to the eternal butthurt of both. Which is why they always do everything they can to torpedo it.
>but the healthcare system (at least in Gatineau) is pretty fucked up in terms of waiting.
I've never had to wait more than an hour the (three) times I've ever been to the emergency in 32 years.
Stay healthy and you'll have no problem with our healthcare system.
Ain't that like a Canadian to want their shitpost to slide other threads.
j'suis quebecois osti'd colis d'ignorant tabarnak de face de chien
je ne suis pas fucking "Canadian", va chier.
>Stay healthy and you'll have no problem with our healthcare system.
Yes but people invariably age and their health declines. I have a family now so I consider things a bit more long-term than I used to.
>I've never had to wait more than an hour the (three) times I've ever been to the emergency in 32 years.
I know to many stories to bother writing, for example a guy who is waiting 10 months for an MRI consultation on his knee and someone who had three fractured vertebrae from a fall and had to lay in a neck brace for 6 days and told not to move or he could become paralyzed... because they could not accommodate him for surgery yet. That's like third world country shit.
Are you sure it wasn't just one unlucky time?
I'm a grad student too.
I do know that a lot of people panic over the slightest shit and abuse the emergency room though, and those are usually the ones who end up waiting.
Usually if it's a real emergency you will not wait very long. Their priority system is pretty good.
that on the other hand is not normal. Does your school/work provide additional health insurance? Most companies do, which means you never have to wait at all because you can go to all the pricey jewish doctors and not have to sit in the CLSC until you start decaying. (the government pays a certain portion of your medical fees and the insurance pays the rest)
btw is beer actually cheaper?
the SAQ gets a lot of bad press about that.
I bought additional health insurance through my university. That isn't going to help me if I'm waiting in the ER though. I'm not worried about this or anything, just a consideration if I'm thinking of actually settling down here.
Where I end up is likely to be dictated by future job offers, but there is a change I'll stay in Ottawa so I've been thinking about Ottawa vs. Gatineau. Houses are a lot cheaper here too, if and when I decide to buy.
I like this guy.
Beer is A LOT cheaper. You can get an 80 pack (lol) of macro shit beer at Costco really cheap compared to Ontario. I've brought lots of beer over to Ontario for friends who are having parties and even a wedding. It's often half price versus Ontario.
Wine seems to be a bit pricier here and, oddly enough, everything is basically labelled "white" or "red" without the grape variety.
Wow, I didn't know it was that much cheaper. I never bought alcohol in other provinces.
Interesting though.
Apparently SAQ says the majority of wines are paid for in euro and usd, so they blame our weak dollar for the high prices.
>Apparently SAQ says the majority of wines are paid for in euro and usd, so they blame our weak dollar for the high prices.
Interesting. Yeah I figured wine would be cheap here but LCBO seems cheaper and with a better selection in some cases.
Most people I know still buy beer in Ontario instead of driving a couple kms and buying it for half price. Lots of Ontario microbrews aren't in my area, which kind of sucks, but Quebec beers are really getting good and lots of selection.
Is duolingo a good way to learn french without having to leave my basement? I've completely forgot all the french they taught in school.
Duolingo is pretty shit. I took a German class in cegep and wanted to learn more and tried it, but basically every language program out there is shit. Books are better
like french for dummies or reading french literature?