should Bavaria be its own country or part of Austria?
Should Bavaria be its own country or part of Austria?
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Part of Austria.
Bavarians are just German manlets.
Their sausages are good though.
Part of germany
bin ganz deiner Meinung mein Freund
Should Veneto be its own country or part of Austria?
Should be part of Habsburgerreich.
fucking when?
wir brauchen die bayrische Flagge auf pol damit ich die deutsche Flagge rausfiltern kann
Austria is cucked. It would have to be Bavaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, South Tyrol, Veneto in order to make any sense.
Typischer Itaker
gusch du hurns tschusch
ich bin auf Urlaub während du in deinem dritte Welt Land Geld wäscht und dir einen alten Benz kaufst
Südtirol will join Austro-Bavaria
sauba aber braucht a bessere flagge
am besten schon gestern
shut the fuck up eternal German
literal merkel 1 mil refugee tier talking shit about Austria whose chancellor is talking shit to turkey
Well, takeover...
population 8.7 million
GDP (nominal) 329 Milliarden Euro
population 12.9 million
GDP (nominal): 522 billion Euros
The question is, who would be taking over whom?
Also, don't underestimate the culture shock. Austrian and Bavarian mentality is still somewhat different. Bavaria may be more laid back than "Saupreissn" in the north, but Vienna is another level in drifting and procrastination, and generally muddling along. Just one month of trying to get something done in Vienna would drive any upright Bavarian nuts.
maybe leave out the franconian counties. They aren't very bavarian, also protestant
"Bavaria is uncucked" is just a fucking meme. Keep them out of Austria,
>should Bavaria be its own country or part of Austria?
part of Austria
>literal merkel 1 mil refugee tier talking shit about Austria whose chancellor is talking shit to turkey
Austria has double as many refugees per capita than Germany. If Austria had kept its border safe, Germany would never had any problem.
Why was Bohemia in the German Confederation
A part of Austria, together with Baden-Württemberg.
Gott erhalte Karl den Kaiser
It was always part of the Holy Roman Empire and had a considerable german populace. The first german university was founded in prag for example
Ah, thanks.
I listened to an audiobook that said the last German speakers in Prague were Jews, who were expelled in the 40s.
vienna is the door to the slavic world (east and south slavs) and everywhere else
stage1: Austro-Bavaria
stage2: +Slovenien (Anschluß zum Mittelmeer)
stage3: +Baden-Württemberg
stage4: +Südtirol
not important:
stage5: Schweiz
Obviously, we will expell the rapefugees to the prussian north - it was their politicians who wanted them anyways.
Actually, should we invite hungary and czechia too, while we are already at it?
This. Just this. Would be the best country on earth.
forget Coatia.
Croatia only after Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary joined.
but thats not important.
in this case we would have the ***Alpinum*** part (best name i got sofar) on the left like in post stage4
and the east part with slavic majority consisting of Czech Rep, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and maybe Vienna, Loweraustria and Burgenland
bad: swiss is no easy partner
good: with swiss we could continue without that much of a system change.
Please Meister why don't you let us into your Reich, and under your humble protection, we want to be with you
>Should Bavaria join Austria
>Should we nuke Turkey
Flagge für "Ost Teil"
What would be the political institution? Hapsburg restoration, and Constitutional Monarchy?
Elsass want to be part of the Austrian Empire.
>What would be the political institution? Hapsburg restoration, and Constitutional Monarchy?
depends on the "stage" we are at and if we wanna have one big part or two parts (Alpinum and "The East part") like we had in Austia-Hungary
if the system crashes double or tripple monarchy would be best
>Elsass want to be part of the Austrian Empire.
that would be
part 3: with swiss in power.
part 2 ***ost teil*** has vienna in power
part 1 ***Alpinum*** has Munich in power
pic related:
very old and noobish map of part1 stage5 without slovenia and south tirol
What is it with Austrians and wanting to annex Slavic lands?
Sounds like that could take a while. Can you annex sudsteiermark like yesterday or something?
They get BTFO whenever they lust after German lands.
just in order to keep kebab away.
Ifff Croatia would be member of Austro-hungary as it used to be would we have the same rights as everyone as it also used to be?
I wish you would try to annex us Austria, you guys are fucking faggots and nobody wants to be a part of your shitty country.
The Jews in Prague spoke mostly German and were mostly holoshoahed I guess. There were also a few thousand German Germans who were either killed after the war or expelled.
It's the other way around.
Kebab is in your country, not theirs.
We kept the muzzies from Vienna for 200 years. We got good at it.
Guess what the problem is now again?
>implying removal of kebab wouldn't happen when Austro-Bavaria was formed
come on m8 that's fucking leaf shitpost tier
>"we kept Muzzies out"
Maribor? Go pick up a book
>muh ebin and kewl Anschluss fantasy
ugh, I'm too old for this shit, Sup Forums.
If only Sup Forums wasn't shitposting galore 24/7 for just 1 hour, that would be seriously great.
Why do you want to give up your own sovereignty, and retry and failed multicultural empire? Yugoslavia didn't work after two attempts, neither will a neo-Habsburg empire.
What does annexing Slavic lands have to do with solving your kebab problem?
Slavs have been removing kebab back in the old days and they still hate kebab with a passion to this day. Doesn't matter if Russians, Poles, Croats, Serbs, Slovenes and so on.
i came.
Well, I live near the border, if I were under Austria I'd be taxed significantly less and made significantly more money, all the while the expenses would be the same.
Also, small country mentality probably - sounds nice to be a part of something big.
Like previous poster said, it's never happening, but I find it interesting to discuss anyway.
>nothing will ever change.
Pls Baden-Württemberg insignas into the flag
i am actually for that. schluchtenscheisser, not so much. they're too cucked in the head.
oh yes i do. i knew it was genetic, no one can have such a hate without some kind of origin, and i'm merely a 2nd generation half-serb. besides, the fucking nato destroyed that country, and even if i know literally nothing about it or speak the language, i say they made it possible that the first mudslimes could rise to power in the middle of europe. they have been planning this for a long time now, the payback for that will be legendary....
Split up. Nieder/Oberbayern to Austria, Franken and Schwaben to Germany.
West Austria + Bavaria should form a new state and finally free ourself from the NEET parts of our former countries.
well, the weaker countries are needed for regulated economic growth - to strengthen the core(s).
they are savety & buffer zone PLUS they make borderless movement arround the Alps to Mediterranean Sea possible
Ja der gute Ede...hätte er mal lieber den Memehofer die Ohrwaschl langzogn....
Wie schauts aus? Hofer Präsident und FPÖ Regierung?
It's should be part of the austo-Hungarian empire.
would be non-Alpinum flag like or pic: Dienstflagge somone posted in another Austro-Bavarian Thread
>Wie schauts aus? Hofer Präsident
Hof-fentlich. Fdb wäre null Veränderung und mit Bleifuß gegen die Wand.
>und FPÖ Regierung?
egal wers anpackt, die richtung den die Regierung einschlagen sollte wird und wurde vom österreichischem Volk unmissverständlich und mehrmals wiedergegeben.
>Based duo.
You god damn cuck. I'm disgusted.
Vergelt's Gott!
Kern ist zwar neu aber motiviert. Außerdem denke ich das er ein Concept hat.
Maschinensteuer wird in einer automatisierten Zukunft sehr wichtig sein zum Beispiel.
Weiters gehört der unkontrollierte Zustrom von feindseeligen Menschen aus mittelalterlichen Kulturkreisen gestoppt.
Da sind beide nicht schlecht.
Was noch fehlt ist eine besteuerung von Ländern ala TRUMP die mit Niedriglöhnen die Preise ihrer Produkte drücken und es für die heimische Wirtschaft unmöglich machen zu konkurieren.
>Außerdem denke ich das er ein Concept hat.
Das einzige Konzept der Spö ist, dass deine Schwester von 20 Abduls geraped wird du dummes Kind. Kern ist noch viel weiter Links als Faymann. Das einzige was Kern durch die Kritik an der Türkei will ist innenpolitisch zu Punkten und als stark dazustehen. Und Idioten wie du kaufen ihm den Scheiss auch noch ab.
was ich Kerns position zu 5 sterne abschiebungen mit Herkules?
Dachte er ist von der ÖBB?
Müßte er nicht wissen das man Milionen von Menschen niemals mit einer popeligen Herkules wegkriegt?
was man da wegbekommt ist weniger illegal nachkommt
was ist*