Donald Trump repeatedly accused President Barack Obama of founding the Islamic State group on Thursday...

Donald Trump repeatedly accused President Barack Obama of founding the Islamic State group on Thursday, refusing to take back a patently false allegation even when questioned about the logic of his position.

A day after lobbing the attack against the president during a rowdy rally, Trump pressed ahead during a round of interviews. He brushed off conservative radio commentator Hugh Hewitt’s attempt to reframe Trump’s observation as one that said Obama’s foreign policy created the conditions in Iraq and Syria that allowed IS to thrive.

“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do,” Trump said, using another acronym for the extremist group that has wreaked havoc from the Middle East to European cities.

We saw ,We came, He died.

lol, Hewitt even tried to help him and he's too retarded to take the free pass.


im replying because i dont want hillary to win

He's litterally not wrong

Paid by replies: the thread

But he is right.

better reply den

phew, that was close

What a nice pair of tits


Thats not wrong though.


It's pretty common knowledge the US helped fund ISIS when it was first starting though. The US is just getting bit in the ass now because the cancer spread much faster than anyone anticipated it would.

I'm replying because Hillary is a fucking criminal. The new email leaks show Clinton Foundation contributors received "favors" from the state dept. Scary shit. We are so fucked if she's elected.

>implying my reply wouldnt be deleted

Obama is the founder of ISIS
Everyone knows that ISIS and the Syrian rebels were the same thing when we were funding them

We saw, he died, we came*

Why fund cancer in the first place.

Man i hope wiki leaks comes through soon.

Don't killary me hillary

>Obama allows middle east situation to degrade
>Obama heavily arms and trains FSA and other anti-Assad groups
>ISIS grows out of the chaos, many of its members come from FSA and other anti-Assad groups

Hurrrr Trumps crazy!!

Just wait for him to prove it during debate #3

(((false accusation)))

Have you seen everything that's happened as a result of the Syrian destabilization? It's a globalist power grabber'a wet dream.

is the girl on the right Angel McCord?!

here's a pic of a girl I fucked two days ago




nobody cares

fuck off faggot

That's pretty cool.
I can't into 3D Chess. How do you win? By killing the enemy King?

Fuck you

God the balls on that man. He truly is a genius and few will be able to say it. I don't think I can come up with anyone better at setting the terms of a debate

>debate before: illegals cause damage to our economy but are basically good people
>trump: illegals are often rapists and criminals.
>media: reeeeeee no they're not.
>debate now :are illegal aliens criminals on top of all the damage they do to the economy?

>debate then: Muslims are almost all good people, most should be free to come here
>trump: we can't be too sure. We should stop Muslims from coming here until we can be sure they're not bad.
>media: reeeeee Muslims are good you hitler!
>debate now: are Muslims all really good? Should we or should we not prevent them from coming here freely?

>debate yesterday: isis are bad guys, maybe Obama made some bad decisions that helped the get started.
>trump: Obama literally planted the first isis flag.
>media: reeeeee no! No! Obama is just a retard who helped isis with his shitty foreign policy. He didn't found it though.
>What the debate will be: did Obama actually found isis? How bad has his foreign policy been then has made them rise?

It's like clockwork. Trump pushes the needle so far that liberals instinctively argue the wedge to move the goal posts. So now they'll spend a few days arguing about how Obama didn't literally make isis like a bunch of autists would nitpick. They'll talk about the metaphor trump was really meaning to convey. Which was his goal all along.
