Wow... I never thought about it that way

Wow... I never thought about it that way...

That would be good for the WW3 cemetery's.

You can do that here in germany and I think it is actually a cool thing.

too expensive ... takes too much time ... trees grow too slowly... not enough space

why would you pull a massive tree out of a forest just to plant it on top of a dead person. that's a massive waste of energy

The roots would desecrate the bodies

>more expensive than headstones
Stick to selling kebab, Mustafa.

Not only that but in enough time they'd push them to the surface

Really make moi thinkereding

>American education

Cremated ashes is great fertilizer, actually

Do liberals even understand how the timber industry works?

Do they think fucking white males just roll up in their industrial death machines and start mass-shooting entire swathes of rainforest that houses endangered species? Do they have an conception of future planning, or of the fact that maybe loggers realize it's in their best interest to plant as many trees as they cut down, lest they eventually run out of crop and thus lose their jobs? Deforestation is not the problem to be worrying about; the majority of paper products in the West are from sustainably maintained treefarms.

Fucking hell I'm salty today.

They do this all the time in public parks people plant trees put a plaque on it and spread the ashes

Jesus Christ..
is this a bait ?

We have more trees now than we did in the 20s for example, we actually plant more than we use.. so the whole deforestation meme is just a bunch of horseshit.

Recycling in general except for tin cans is actually worse for the environment than just making new shit. It costs most resources to get the product than you save in the first place.

Except tin cans like I said, because digging bauxite up out of the ground is harder than trucking it and processing it with all the chemical waste and water etc involved.

trees would eat the decaying bodies, your loved ones would contribute to creating new lives, when visiting the deceased you would get to walk through a forest and be surrounded by nature in all its glory., great for the atmosphere and environment in generral.

there are down sides however.
a full grown tree takes up a lot more space than a headstone, graveyards would be enourmous.
In generations to come as other sources of wood ran out there would be huge debate as to wether or not we could or should cut down our sacred forests.

t. someone who has never grown a plant in his life

This is actually a good idea!

Thats all well and fine for loggers, but what about rain forest deforestation for the purposes of creating farmland or developments?

Things are more nuanced then lol libshits

>a superpower
>this is its citizens

Documentaries like fern gully have told them that it's evil white industrialists logging all the pristine western forests who are responsible for deforestation, not brown third worlders in south america, africa and india (that would be racist).

My brain is practicing the precious ability that makes human beings so unique in nature

I am all for this.

>What kinda tree u want for ur husband, ma'am
>just birch my shit up

This can be a new tradition after WW3 when the Earth's population is 90% wiped out

Hmm, really makes you want to self-suck huh?

Deforestation is a lie, but what is real is human population expanding into new areas. Trees are literally a incredibly versatile renewable resource, it's dumb not to use them.

t. someone who has never paid for a burial.

This has been in my will since the first time I did acid. I want a hole dug anywhere but a graveyard and for my corpse to be tossed in with a bunch of seeds.

Commonwealth military cemeteries have planters at the base of every headstone to prevent the waste of cut flowers and frame the graves in beauty year round.

No, we would just have shit ton of spoopy forests.

No it's not
He's right, Amazonian jungle is getting pounded not be the evil white man, but by the noble dark ones. This is what liberals omit

what if we just planted weed 420 3-6-5 24/7 LIT IT UP DUDE

I've grown lots of plants. It's pretty easy. You dig a hole and put the little tree in it. It turns rain water and sunlight into more tree and becomes big.

Come on now - those thirdworlders are doing that because their greedy leaders sold them and their land out to the "Jews".

If you believe your own elites fuck with you and your country, why would you think they wouldnt do that and MORE to other, less wealthy and more vunlerable countries?

Pretty hard to forget our fallen heroes when their decaying bodies are impaled on trees in a national forest

Don't you mean WW2?

All you have to do is plant a sapling. Nature does everything else.

Sure, sapling may wither, get eaten or trampled. But plant enough of tem, say, a few hundred, and you will have a forest.

It's not a bad idea.

What if the tree dies
does that mean your loved one is in Hell?

what if the tree falls over in the rain and rips your mother's half-absorbed skeleton out of the ground with it and leaves it dangling in the air

I'm only okay with this if my remains are put directly in the ground under the tree. No casket. I want the tree to use me as food, so that I technically become the tree.

Mwuhahaha stop me now motherfuckers I am a tree

t. A Fucking Cuck Who Thinks Plants Like Trees Need To Be Coddled
Come back when you have touched a hand tool.

Those trees would be cut to make space for "refugee centers"


Oh boy it's this meme again.

There is almost zero deforestation occurring in the first world, the west is actually experiencing significant re-forestation due to the fact that we farm a lot of our lumber now.

All the deforestation in the world is occurring in third world and developing shitholes, and they are not doing it for lumber, they are clear-cutting forests to create agricultural land and palm oil farms. How many grave sites are there in 3rd world countries? Not nearly enough to make any difference were they turned into forests. You can't change policy in the first world to solve a third world problem.

So this is literally just [woahw really maeks u think huh} liberal fantasizing. It would accomplish nothing at all, but I bet the retard who created the image feels pretty proud of themselves and tells everyone about their "brilliant" idea all the time and gets pats on the back as if they were a genius.

Look at the Haiti/Dominican border if you think that


They get eaten by worms anyway

>what about rain forest deforestation for the purposes of creating farmland or developments?
You're right, we should stop expanding to create new farmland. You know who does most of that? Third-world and developing countries. Let's impose sanctions on them, regardless of how much it might hurt their burgeoning economy.

Oh, wait, liberals don't like that.

Okay, well since we're going to have to stop expanding our farmland, let's instead make our current farmland more productive. We could genetically engineer our crops to increase their annual yield, and then distribute the surplus food to starving or needy nations.

Oh, wait, liberals don't like that either.

Okay, well how about we just plant trees in graveyards then. That sounds really nice, and will definitely somehow affect rainforests on other continents.

>documentaries like Fern Gully
Well meme'd friend

Not to mention the people who complain about logging the most use tons of paper products, live in big wooden houses, etc.

You can't have it both ways, you don't want wood you don't get wood it'd that simple.

Haiti is full of the dumbest beings on Earth. Good luck trying to push deforestation policy on them when they can't even read.

>Mwuhahaha stop me now motherfuckers I am a tree

you are only a leaf

>Yes goy, take those ugly white tombstones that let you remember your ancestors and replace them with nameless trees for us to cut down! Who needs memorials to the past when it's the current year?

>le libruls meme
>le racism strawman
It's common knowledge that Brazilian ranching is responsible for much of the world's deforestation.

A forest has more plants than a few types of trees. The person who made this has never seen a forest.

this would be a nice idea, except embalming literally turns your body into a mini toxic waste dump

unless there's some species of tree that grows really well in formaldehyde

Nothing will match the beauty of old growth lumber, but it can be recycled and used where exposed grain is desired. Old buildings with old growth timber are demolished constantly and the timbers used by wood workers. Plenty of trees are also killed by natural fires and their unburned lumber used.

Today, we grow farms of trees bred to be straight and quick growing, and also trees bred to make the best paper. If you shut them down, they're just going to be clear cut and sold to cattle ranchers to pollute the world with cow farts.

>leftists being retarded is a meme.


90% of the redwoods were cut user

retarded liberal ideas. 5 trillion fucking trees on this planet or more.

I merely gave an example of deforestation proving that it is real, calm down lumberjack

>zero deforestation in the first world
>first world
>tiny percent of Earth
There's your problem.

how about little trees growing in glass statues of trees, like those silver tree things.

we had a gold one, it was lovely.

That's 100% because they are too retarded to plant new trees and manage the land.

>You just need sunlight and water and its all hunky doory nigga.
Weather, cold, snow, infestation, animals, bugs, and virus's that target certain tree's all play a contributing factor in the death of tree.

You have never grown a tree clearly.

Plant a new one

How the fuck do you use that much wood

>build house out of cemetery lumber

>this wall is about 80% earthquake victims, lawl

because trees feed on $100 bills right

i think this is a great idea, it also has alot of sentimental value.

No they don't actually, they very slowly get eaten by bacteria but not worms.

Bodies in graves actually take a surprising amount of time to decompose. Did you play GTA V? Remember when they dug up Brad's body after 9 years and it still looks pretty fresh? That's actually totally accurate.

So your plan is to tell other, less well-off nations what to do? Sounds great! You can break the news yourself. It'll be just like that service trip to Central America you took in college.

Use japanese ivy. It never dies.

So it's real

Bend over and I'll show you

Calm down with your le ebin nigger meme.
If you don't want a country to be shitty, you shouldn't have helped shitty dictators there like we did until very, very recently.

Nice strawman.

There was a massive population boom at that time. It was cut into timbers like any other tree and used for housing and other infrastructure.

Yeah, trees can die. However, there are billions of trees on this planet doing just fine with no help from humans whatsoever. Why are you growing such bitchass trees that you need to babysit them so much?

Literally not an issue for any tree with even a bit of fortitude. You must be a southern cuck.

Even if this is bait, it's a nice idea.

But because this is pol, people are going to argue against it as if they need to be against everything that gets posted

>documentaries like fern gully

Never leave, Australia. I love you all,

Do you have any idea how much they gouge you for burials and tombstones?

Trees don't serve as a reminder of the dead.

Implying a free hundred saplings makes a forest, fucking retard it takes millions

pulped for paper, if you'd believe it

I would absolutely love to impose sanctions on Brazil and Indonesia and other shitholes around the world for ruining the most beautiful places on the face of the Earth for quick cash, believe me. It disgusts me how they rape their own countries like they do, but we have absolutely no control over it.

They used that one for a dance floor actually


don't forget the vault, coffin, embalming, flowers, and perpetual care racket

That's exactly what they think.

>you shouldn't have helped shitty dictators there like we did until very, very recently
When did Canada do anything like that? We give humanitarian aid, that's pretty much it.

not with that attitude, traditionalist

who do you think they sell that timber to, user?

I wasn't referring to Canada. It was the US who did that.

How long will a man lie i' the earth ere he rot?
First Clown
I' faith, if he be not rotten before he die--as we
have many pocky corses now-a-days, that will scarce
hold the laying in--he will last you some eight year
or nine year: a tanner will last you nine year.
Why he more than another?
First Clown
Why, sir, his hide is so tanned with his trade, that
he will keep out water a great while; and your water
is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body.
Here's a skull now; this skull has lain in the earth
three and twenty years.

>of course this was before they embalmed people

how is this getting anyone
fucks sake


You're a moron.

>Cremated ashes is great fertilizer, actually

Honestly I think it's a great idea, but you'd have to use trees that last for decades. Like Redwoods.

Another problem though is: what if there's a fire?

And don't forget the person dying! Death alone is absurdly expensive, especially if you die in a hospital. The price isn't even for the painkillers or anything, it's all about the certificates and paperwork.

They don't clear-cut to sell the wood they do it for agricultural land. Granted, much of this agricultural land is used to produce palm oil and other industrial products that are sold to the west, but I avoid buying palm oil products and that's really all I can do as an individual.

>tfw forester
we have tumblrites come and shout at use a lot, especially when we are doing things like coppicing (which benefits the forest)

i can firmly assure you not one of them know what they are talking about

I think I lost 10,000 brain cells reading this shit.