I want to start going to church again since ive realized the absolute importance of religion. Which denomination is the best?
I want to start going to church again since ive realized the absolute importance of religion...
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I would say Roman Catholic, but if you live south, I don't think you'd want to deal with all the spics.
Non-denominational. Hard to find a church with that. After that it would have to research and find an interpretation of the Bible that fits your beliefs.
I would say the best way to experience religion, would be to grab an easy-to-read/understand version of the Bible, like NIV, and read front to back THEN find a Church/denomination.
I live in northern VA in a little country town.
Lot of old people in the churches here. Faith is dying.
I would read the NT first desu. Leviticus and Deuteronomy can be a little much for someone if they are just introduced to scripture.
Greco-Roman paganism
I wish paganism was still alive. Id rather be involved in a still living religion, though.
OP try a traditional Latin Catholic Church
The modern Catholic Church is totally cucked by Francis the modernist heretic
Ill lurk to answer any questions you might have but I switched over to a Latin Catholic church a year ago and its the best decision of my entire life
>The pastor is a conservative bro
>We have based organ music
>We have Gregorian Chanting
>Legit altar server squad
>All the women wear veils
>Based architecture
And the ultimate bonus is that you are saying the mass that has been said for hundreds and hundreds of years…the mass that has forged many holy saints and great men and women
Traditional Catholic all the way
It is still living, and it's way more white than that semite religion of christcuck
Mormonism is the way.
anything but catholic
If it wasn't for the Catholic Church all of Europe would have been taken by Islam hundreds of years ago you fucking retard
Have you noticed that since Europe has been overrun by commie atheist liberal fucks the Jews are pushing racial destruction and their leaders allow Muslims to come in and pillage
The only thing that made Europe strong and white is Christ
Before Europe was Christian they were a bunch of fucking wood niggers getting assraped by the Romans
Orthodoxy or Catholicism. Well, Traditional Catholicism. They're just two separated branches of the same church.
Protestants aren't even Christians, so they're right out the window.
If it wasn't for Christianity (a jewish sect), islam never would have started.
And Romans are white
>It is still living
Point me to a thriving community of Pagans nearby my house that isnt made up of edgy teen girls. Ill join in a second.
>it's way more white than that semite religion of christcuck
Im not a fan of the eastern death cult religions. I dont even believe in god. Religion is just something you need though, all Humans do.
If I get a wife and have a family they will go to church and be religious. I will sire no degenerate scum.
Church is for Christians, not people attempting to annex someone else's culture.
>a jewish sect
Judaism is the rejection of Christ.
The key is understanding the destruction of the Catholic Church since Vatican II (1960s)
Before the 60s Catholicism was the ultimate bulwark against degeneracy
Ever notice how great, white and traditional the 50s were
Once Vatican II rolled around the church threw away its traditions because it was subverted by commies, jews and free masons
Pic related…this is what every Catholic girl would have to wear to church every weekend
Long dress, high heels and a veil
Those of you who look at the Catholic Church today with disgust are right…but you only understand part of the story
The truth is that the modernists must be destroyed and the way to do that is the promotion of the old mass (Latin Mass) that existed before Vatican II destroyed it
Its a growing movement and you should get on the train
The spics aren't really a problem. There is something of a phenomenon of there being "2 churches in 1"
Basically, you won't ever see any spanish-speaking friends anyways.
And if you go RC, you'll be committing yourself to the One True Church, the one Christ Himself founded.
God bless, and best of luck to you
>the absolute importance of religion
>Which denomination is the best?
None of them. They're all the same crap. Some might(for some retarded reason) insist "you must do the service in Latin" or "you must do this or that ceremony" but it's all the same shit.
>go to services
>in a language nobody speaks anymore
Absolutely retarded.
humz get more facts at pewforum.org
Don't bother with paganism. It's a lost cause, even if it wasn't so cringe.
>high heels
Absolutely disgusting. Only whores wear high heels.
>a veil
A woman should never cover her hair.
>implying Christianity hasn't been that bad in the past
Traditional Catholicism or bust. Whatever you do, DO NOT GO PROTESTANT. Protestantism is part of the reason we're in this mess.
In Catholiism not only will you find the true deposit of the Faith, but you will find bottomless beauty and intellectual rigor. You'll have *reasons* for believing and carrying out the Faith.
Also, read this book:
Let me explain why Latin is so important
The Catholic Church is supposed to be universal
So in theory with Latin you could attend mass in France, Germany, America, Brazil, Japan and have the same service and not feel lost (excluding the homily which would be in the vernacular)
Latin is supposed to unite all people within the church. Latin is also a dead language which means that the meaning of words cannot evolve or change…which is exactly what you want because you want a consistent interpretation of God's truth throughout all ages
Also Latin is extremely useful to understand the root of the English language and many others
Latin is fucking awesome
The true one
No, it wasn't Vatican II, it was society changing and the mass media and culture changing people.
Protestantism, maybe, but protestants aren't Christian, so...
>>I really hate religion, but I haven't shit posted today, so here I am.
high heels are the dress up shoes
girls at church wear them with stockings you idiot so it isn't slutty
The Bible explicitly says women should cover their heads in a religious context so you are again wrong
>You are implying that without christianity muhamad never made islam .alllah is a moon god from the hindu gods ,sand niggers would have invaded the west anyway. Its the christfags what saved us
I know that woman. Gives amazing head
Join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is Heavenly Father's only true church during this dispensation. It's a choice that you will never regret.
Ill give you that
But the church buckled and caved and permitted heresy to formally take root with Vatican II
The church hierarchy cucked itself
I guess Orthodox is second best, but even being born Catholic, I can't bring myself to pray to a human woman, however wonderful she may be, and call her the Mother of God.
Here are a ton of useful books for any user interested.
I always find it weird that woman would be made to wear veils, when the bible says in some arrangement of words that "a woman's hair is her glory".
This isnt just about religion. If anyone can recommend any required reading on western civilization, western culture, the crusades, or anything else id be grateful.
Protestants are not in the Church founded by Christ. By their own admission that are in "protest" of it. This makes them not Christian.
Does that make your little head hurt? Not everything is a fallacy.
>You'll have *reasons* for believing
Those reasons being FEELS.
>Feser suggests, the existence of God can be proved by rationally compelling arguments
Like what?
>The Catholic Church is supposed to be universal
That's the problem. The universalism of it, the "everyone's our brothers in Christ" bullshit.
I am in the same predicament, user. I was raised Lutheran, and have come to the decision of seeking anti-zion, non denominational church(es). I have even compiled a list of questions to ask the beliefs and teachings of the specific church I may attend. I have found some denominations that are liberal in their thinking, but are opposed to Zion worship, and that is a disqualifier to me. For my family, I'm am needing a more traditional, conservative, non-zion worshipping church.
I say plural churches, because I realize I might be searching for a while, and you might have to try a few/several churches before feeling like you fit in, and belong there.
Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant denominations gave been infiltrated, and the modern teachings of those denominations, are tricking Christians to believe and worship in ways that are unholy.
Do you even belief in god cathocuck?
Read into Roman history
This is the Biblical reason why the Catholic Church always made women wear veils up until the 1960s
1 Corinthians 11:2-16
2 I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you. 3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. 5 But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. 6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.
7 A man ought not to cover his head,[b] since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; 9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10 It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own[c] head, because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
I'm Orthodox, so...
And yes. And I belong to the Church He founded. Enjoy your manmade "church."
Your religion is made of quarreling and bickering.
>high heels are the dress up shoes
No, they're whore shoes.
>The Bible explicitly says women should cover their heads in a religious context so you are again wrong
Why should that matter? Women shouldn't cover their hair. It's a part of their beauty. It should be worn in braids and seen not covered like there's something wrong with it.
The Catholic Universalism was corrupted by Vatican II
Everyone should believe in Jesus but you can keep your culture, language, style etc. There is only one God and that is Jesus Christ
Everyone has their own religion and thats fine, you can find Jesus in everything and every faith. Even Muslims believe in the same God we do and can go to heaven
Do you see the difference?
The Church cucked itself in the 60s and is now infested with faggots at the upper levels of control
Are you implying that we should just let whoever calls themselves Christian into the club?
Literally tranny logic.
>my opinion overrules the Bible
again go look at 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
I agree long female hair is beautiful but it should not be exposed in church
protestants are christian. They have valid baptisms.
But yeah, they are cringe-tier Christians
>valid baptisms
yeah no lol
I dont know but orthodox was 61% absolutely certain. You are like the cathocucks one step away from being a atheist
Jesus didn't "go to church."
Just something to think about.
Church is literally built on "No true Scotsman" idea tho, read the Bible m8
Christians belong to Christ's Church. Their baptism may warrant them something on the last day, that is for God to say and not me, but they are objectively NOT in Christ's Church.
>statistics prove religion
By your logic we should all be J-dubs. Go shitpost somewhere else.
Not even. Christianity is so divided and broken that they fight over themselves constantly. Look at the fourth crusade, and the thirty years war. All over retarded details, when they should have been united in the face of Islam.
Read the thread you retard. I already said I dont believe and never will.
That doesnt mean religion has no value and I will try to find a wife that does believe or at least believes in the values and morals.
Are you implying that paganism is any better in the division regard? That, my friend, is what I call a big glass of rose-tinted bullshit.
He did not found no church , remember jesus says that he would rebuild the temple in 3 days . it was his body . judas betrayed jesus peter lied . jesus knew that man would corrupt
except they do lol
Has there ever been a large war with many dead over how to 'interpret' paganism?
>over how to 'interpret'
they murdered raped and pillaged eachother for much sillier reasons
Protestant Christians are still Christians
Mormons, JW's, 7th day adventists, etc. are something else
>implying christcucks didnt rape and pillage natives and africans and asians
absolutely trash design.
needs more contrast
from the top of my head, you should read works of:
>Thomas Aquinas
>Traditional popes
>G. K. Chesterton
>Feliks Koneczny
Also book from the pic
Baptist Protestantism is considered one of the most conservative sects of Christians in the United States they despise the typical degeneracy with faggotry, pedophilia(Catholics), and Muslims. Baptist master race all the way.
Satanism or pastafarisnism.
Thats because he had to create the church and hand off the reigns to Peter
Why do Protestants love to claim
and then blatantly ignore shit that doesn't jive with their bullshit
Ill give you a hint
its because they are fucking
Matthew 16:18 disagrees with you.
>bible alone unless it disagrees with me
Generally pagans warred over the rights to rape each others women or live in the other person's huts or something equally stupid. They weren't evolved enough to even have a concept of ultimate truth.
Let's not muddy the waters here. Christians are in the church Christ founded. That it has split into two branches (Catholicism and Orthodoxy) is irrelevant, as they can both still claim succession from Peter and the Apostles.
Protestantism is not a Christian religion. Maybe we could call them biblio-pagans?
i wouldn't lump SDA in with mormons and jw's.
they have a lot of heterdox views on lesser issues, but with the central issues that are definitional to christianity, (trinity, virgin birth, incarnation, etc) they're in alignment.
Go try to hold a fart after Father Paco fucks you and the other altar boys
priest baptises you 10 minutes before he got his dick sucked by a 12 year old , do you think the baptism is legit?
>But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head
>but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.
>long hair
>as a covering
Long hair counts, case closed. Hijabs unnecessary.
Again, I'm Orthodox. If your only rebuttal to my argument is "lol pedophile m i rite guise?" then I guess I can consider this debate over and won.
>Matthew 16:18
>And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
please nigger what does that even mean with all the parabels jesus did .
greek or russian orthodox
Orthodoxy is garbage as well that church was Constantine's bitch that he used for his political gain with all of its idolatry and false doctrine and after Rome fell the Russian empire then exploited it all the way up to Stalin who used it to btfo of non Bolsheviks get a church that hadn't been raped by numerous dictators
Im not an expert in veil theology but if the church did it for hundreds and hundreds of years Im pretty sure there was a good reason for it…and I'm pretty sure there were people much smarter than both of us that get this
I mean what do you have against veils? I think they make a girl look really beautiful
And then when she takes the veil off its basically like she was saving her prettiness for you
Muslims are retarded and just took it way to far because Mohammed was a fucking freak
Jesus explained his parables. He felt that this statement explained itself.
Oh boy, it's the Constantine conspiracy again.
Baptists and Brethren aren't too liberal and don't turn religion into fancy rituals and traditions without meanings. Many people go to Anglican/protestant churches and end up leaving after a year because they aren't fed the gospel, go to a church that preaches directly from the Bible.
"Conspiracy" when Constantine literally controlled the church and shoved his way into every council. Nicea was literally an imperial Byzantine city do you think he isn't going to exploit that council for political gain?
Churches are the fucking plague of religion and everything wrong with it. Purely social gatherings for people to flaunt how "holy" they are. Do yourself a favor and just self study a bible instead of listening to some nut who probably wasted 4 years on a useless theology degree.
Here, read this, unless you're afraid you might learn something.
>this statement explained itself.
it certainly did, Jesus is the rock.
according to the old testament (Psalm 118:22; Isaiah 28:16, Deuteronomy 32:4, 15, 18, 30, 31, 37; 2 Samuel 22:2; Psalm 18:2 31, 46, 28:1)
according to Jesus himself (Matthew 21:42)
according to Peter (Acts 4:10-12; 1 Peter 2:5-8)
and according to Paul (Romans 9:32-33; 1 Cor. 3:11; 10:4, Ephesians 2:20)
For the love of our Lady Juno
>read this biased orthodox apologist argument about how they weren't Byzantium's bitch when it's a historically proven fact
No thanks
>literally a cult
So we're in agreement that he founded a church? Good? Good.
>I only listen to whut Pastor Billy Bob tells me
I was like you once. Then I realized little baptist evangelical pentecostal churches are just cults of personality for the local pastor.
The one that you believe.
Do not follow memes, they're childish
>Roman Catholic masterrace reporting in
The one which is most common there or which is practiced in your community. Religion is always about your community. Every other answer is meme tier bullshit. You don't choose something like that, you're born into it.
>puts baptists and Pentecostals together
Thanks for proving how ignorant you are about theology how about you actually read a bible instead of eating up everything your freak church father tells you
Heresy is heresy. Baptists don't even have a consistent doctrine between churches. The two baptist churches in my hometown are literally right across the street from each other, and they both think the other church is leading people to Hell.
>Generally pagans warred over the rights to rape each others women or live in the other person's huts or something equally stupid. They weren't evolved enough to even have a concept of ultimate truth.
I think you're forgetting something here