Why did they do that Sup Forums? Doesn't being president mean loving your country?
This does not look good for you America.
Why did they do that Sup Forums? Doesn't being president mean loving your country?
This does not look good for you America.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Doesn't being president mean loving your country
Not if youre a dem
Now that's what I call foreshadowing
this will surely turn the election
alert everyone
>be the Democrats
>use someone's dead military son to slander your opponent
>throw American flags on the floor
Why haven't you disregarded the notion of nations and embraced globalism?
omg those stupid little hand flags?
fucking non story right here
i remember when americans laughed at that merkel gif
And? This is the reason why you shouldn't vote for her? Just kill yourself already pathetic trumpkins.
Hillary wasn't elected to head of the country threw times in a row
She did say she was looking up to Merkel as her mentor...
America, you're fucked.
wtf i hate hillary now
When I went to the trump rally in san jose they made me strip the wood out of the flag but I still got to wave it to the emperor.
You don't know what patriotism is
Fuck off
>one of those $1 flags you buy at the dollar store has never touched the ground
are you 12?
Germans should be PROUD that their elected leader is working hard to make Germany a Muslim Paradise!
It's about symbolism.
Make sure to spread this.
This is the kind of ammo we needed.
I was at a football game in the US maybe a 1-2 months after 9/11.
They handed out these little dinky paper flags on wooden dowels and had a show of force (jets flying overhead). After a while I put the flag on the ground and forgot about it.
Either myself or someone around me must have kicked it a bit because this fat American in rutting season started yelling, "WHO DROPPED THE FLAG? WHO DID THIS?". There were lots of drunks around and I was about to say I did and my dad just looked at me and said "keep quiet".
The guy freaked with impotent rage then picked it up like it was baby Jesus and walked away muttering.
It made me think: what the heck do people do, save every shitty flag memento they come across or bury it in consecrated ground? What about those flag pennant banners - you're telling me these are holy because they have a Made In China flag printing?
I get respecting your country and its ideals, but this is a bit much. People who get worked up about this probably don't contribute to their community or give a shit about others, it's just a way to look holier than everyone else.
Symbolism doesn't trump reality. It's this kind of thinking that makes Muslims kill and riot over perceived disrespect of their prophet/holy book.
Because that flag actually means something unlike this faggy leaf one. It's not the flag itself but the idea it represents. The fact they let spics burn it as "freedom of speech" is disgusting and all involved should be charged with high treason.
It's easier to love your flag when it's not a fucking leaf.
>the idea of freedom is more important than freedom itself
Makes sense.
>Hurr borders are just symbolism so they shouldn't matter anyways
>Durr Traffic lights are just symbols and not real so I'll keep driving.
Terrible analogies.
e.g.: traffic lights serve to prevent accidents and improve traffic flow, therefore ignoring them as "meaningless symbols" would actually cause more accidents and increase traffic.
Whereas placing a symbol above freedom is inherently treading on freedom.
Remember, she told you she would emulate Merkel.
>Terrible analogies
said the person who compared a flag on the ground to shitskin murderers
>hurrr hurrr hurrr
Having a good summer?
>"Well, I have to say that I highly admire Angela Merkel."
>GERMAN NATIONALISM ON THE RI- oh wait, never mind.
>terrible analogies because they defeat my argument
This isn't your aboriginal studies class where your feelings matter in an argument.
You got fucked in the ass, buddy.
Why is it that most people who overtly champion individual freedoms are actually closet fascists?
>be a democrat
>vote for gibs
Because this is Sup Forums and we can be as hypocritical as we want in our hugbox. If someone disagrees, call them a shill.
fuckin' right.
We aren't advocating she be locked up dumb fuck. It's about the symbolism of her team not respecting the flag of this country while she's running to take the presidency.
God damn I can't believe I had to spell that out to you.
Not yet
>went to a hillary rally cause fuck it i went to see trump and bernie might as well
>same shit no flags signs only
>ask guard wtf?
they are scared that she will be stabbed to death with a small American flag
let that sink in for a second
>just came from my veteran grandfather's funeral
>lots of ceremony around the flag, presenting it to my grandmother
>really respectful, showing appreciation for his service
>come home to this thread
I'm not even mad anymore. I have transcended rage.
But the idea of this woman being commander in chief fills me with indignation, not only for my grandfather, but for every veteran. She doesn't respect them, or their sacrifices.
>Burning the "idea of freedom" which respects your freedom to burn
Makes sense.