Let's talk about the newest data available.
In the last few days Trump has seemed to solidify his deficit at something under 8 points nationally.
Meanwhile, that's only 8 points despite all the negative attention against him.
On the other hand, that's one of the largest deficits by any candidate at this stage in the campaign, ever.
>Let's discuss with seriousness the newest available data and how it relates to a Trump presidency.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wouldn't bet on him being president
America is waiting for an apology.
You can see, according to RCP, that clinton has "clinched" 256 vs. 154 delegates. That basically means Trump needs all 128 of the delegates up for grabs.
He might not have actually read it, I will concede that.
>let's discuss the seriousness of polls that range from 2 points ahead to putting Clinton at 15 points ahead right after the DNC started
I wouldn't bet on brexit.
Meh don't believe it
They seem fairly serious...
Only a paid trump intern would outright call them rigged without anything to back it up
Britfag BTFO
Let's discuss this as men, you and I now, until we are satisfied. As brothers, we will talk, here, just us in this very gathering. Come, now, sit down with an old man and cheer him up.
I dont think they were ever this far apart. Why can't one of you autistic faggots just assassinate her instead of climbing buildings?
Fuck, I wish I was a paid Trump intern.
He needs to make a change
Article 50 has yet to be invoked. They had an advisory plebiscite.
you mean the thing they voted on but will never enact because it's retarded and only uneducated idiots voted for? lmao. that sums up your candidate well.
the difference is brexit wasn't down by 15 pts.
Something wrong with those polls, everytime Trump goes up Clinton also go up, every time Clinton go down Trump also goes down... doesn't make much sense.
Shall we stoke to embers of our new-yet conversation?
Here is some more fresh data coming from the highest sources in our great country. We will be open to all ideas ranging from validity to accuracy to usefulness.
Gather about now and throw new wood in the fire.
Especially in the 2 person race.
I think that if you see Hillary get a true majority at any point on RCP, then its time to throw in the towel.
Is that what you've noticed?
Did you know there is an "undecided" category.
Do not test our patience, outlander.
If numbers are not your strong suit, stick around here and learn new things.
You're coming across as too obvious. Try to act more insane to appear like a liberal.
>""""Only"""" 8 pts
ITT: Trumptards show how retarded they actually are
Is this your first election?
>2 polls
>Taken within the same time frame.
>Of nearly the same sample size
>Taken by (((REPUTABLE))) sources
One says Hillary is at +/-0 for likability.
The other says Hillary is at -16 for likability
Hmmm....really cogitates the calculators.
>how it relates to a Trump presidency
You mean a Hillary presidency right? There isn't a single poll that has Trump ahead of Hillary. Unless Hillary gets indicted there is no chance that Trump will pull it together before November.
We all have our viewpoints, I thought, until I learned some are always on the fence.
As for my viewpoint, try not to pay much attention, as it matter no more than anyone else's.
Please, let us focus on the data rather than eachothers' tendencies.
Will you post one of your own. All new data is welcome to our scrutiny.
>serious discussion
Prepare for:
This may not be your usual thread.
So... Gary Johnson got less than 1% of the popular vote in 2012, we're supposed to believe he's going to somehow get 8% this year?
>Dear lord, boy, it's a poll, not a prophecy.
You aren't supposed to "believe" anything.
Do you need help...help with wrapping your head around this?
>we're supposed to believe he's going to somehow get 8% this year?
ever heard of this "Trump" guy who has managed to piss off like half of his own party?
snowniggers should be IP banned
tumblr is that way
why is OP so desperate for (You)'s
Kill yourself nigger
because I NEEEED them.
no, your'e just delusional.
delusional about what
>clinton shills are ignoring her email scandal
>ignoring whats really happening
>believing sources that are one sided so it must be true
>"it was on the news user, just look at this poll"
>"omg did you hear it was Russia? How dare 'they' release documents that show misstrust and real proof against my first lady!!! Those hackers must be stopped"
fuck this gay earth. people need to wake up and look past "(((((((first woman president!!!)))))))"
Clinton is a stoog, paying her votes and paying people to shill for her online. fuck i hate life.
>muh PRoxy
mby you are a proxy
Yes you mong, because the GOP, especially Libertarians, aren't standing in lock-step behind Trump.
It's not that hard to look past clinton or trump.
stop thinking your some smart ass.
Brexit was actually leading in many polls though, and how does it even relate to US polls?
tfw Hillary becomes president and starts ww3 destroying all my foreign property in Russia :(.
yet here we are discussing the same topic over and over again getting nowhere. this election isnt trump or clinton. its globalism vs nationalism.
tfw then OP replies to himself by proxy
Youre saying people will vote Trump into office but government collusion will prevent him from ever actually being elected? And thats a good thing?
This election has tons of people riled up. There are more people are paying attention than there were in 2012. But ironically, both candidates are struggling so much in the public eye (due to the media's shameless misrepresentation of Trump and the fact that Hillary is so corrupt that not even the media can save her) that many people don't feel they can vote for either candidate. That spells nothing but good things for third-party candidates. When the entire election is being televised like a sporting event, and a fifth of the nation hates both options, you can expect a lot of people to intentionally throw their votes away on Johnson and Stein to send a message that they're dissatisfied with the current system.
>Believing the Media representation of Brexit
"Everyone who supports Brexit is a retarded racist! Hey user, you look like a smart, tolerant guy. You oppose Brexit, don't you?? You're not a retarded racist, are you?!?!"
the only real way for trump to win this, is to drop some massive anti-bluepill on everybody, not really a redpill, but he needs to outplay clinton's meme game (i mean meme in the sociological sense, this is literally a meme war.)
either clinton's strength isnt as powerful as we see it to be, which it would seem if trump were playing the slow game, or trump is playing into it purposefully to beat it with a massive push of his own
>I wouldn't bet on brexit.
The UK is much whiter than the US tho.
I've been a Trump supporter since last July, but It looks like he's finally been Trumped, he's way out of his league here. He got demolished by a veteran politician (and a ruthless killer). The best chance the GOP has is to force him to drop out and run someone the general public doesn't hate.
Trump will likely win because Democrats are going to lose the black vote this year.
That is, blacks will simply not turn out to vote because Obama let them down, they don't like Trump and Hillary is not actually going to convince them to go stand in line at voting centers just to punch her ticket.
And since 95% of blacks vote Democrat (this is no exaggeration, that is the actual number from previous elections and holds pretty firm), Democrats are going to miss a lot of votes.
Phone polls don't pick up on this because it's easy to answer the phone and say, "Uh yeah I be votin for dat white bitch dis year" but come November, who really thinks blacks are going to go out and elect some old white bitch?
actually 2 weeks before Brexit, it was (((17 points down))).
Realize that the polls are faked. You can literally look at their polling methods yourselves. And once you realize, you are faced with one of two options
1. They are faked in order to rationalize the inevitable attempt at voter fraud
2. They are desperately faking them to discredit and dishearten Trump voters
As long as the debate goes fine, it doesn't matter who wins. As long as Trump makes himself out to be steady handed, he will be fine. It will be the final nail in the coffin, as all of america sees that "the media made him out to be bombastic and crazy, and he's not. They are liars. He was right this whole time. Trump was right"
Fair nations, I implore you
how much longer?
For how much longer will we allow the scourge which is the canadian filth, to subvert our nations, and bring all of our fair people's into his chinese ghetto-owned gutter!?
misery loves company, and indeed, nothing truer has ever been said of the canadian!
the polls are of (((likely voters))) and what do they mean by this? They mean that they think these people will come out for Hillary the same they did for Obama
how can they honestly think voters would show up in the same numbers for a proven criminal, as for a cool, hip, young black senator, with absolutely no record
furthermore, Hillary lost to Obama.. so that is literal proof that the democrats don't like her as much.
> Fake polling data to show large leads for Clinton
> Perform election fraud to get Clinton elected
> When accused by opponents of fraud, shrug and point to how the results align with the polls
"All warfare is based on deception" -- Sun Tzu
I'm reposting this from the other thread. Last 10 days of polls.
If you remember that "Neither/Other" thing, it looks like the polling companies are putting in the two third party candidates now instead. You see absurd things like Johnson +7 or +10 and Stein +4.
I think this is a tactic to draw away undecideds. No way these two will get ~10 of the vote. Who the fuck are they anyway?
Trump will win easy.
>Clinton campaign gives donors a 'wake up call': Memo says Trump raised 'far more than anyone expected' in July and Democrats are falling behind
>'Trump also has the capacity to write his campaign an eight or nine figure check, which could single-handled tilt things in his favor.'
>Mook told donors today, 'We anticipate that his grassroots donor support will continue to grow dramatically in the final three months.
wow those polls sure do look bad. I guess I won't go out and vote now. I wouldn't want to vote for a loser.
Thanks for correcting the record :)
yes, let's talk about those polls
Yeah but how many Crowley moments will there be in the debates. You know, when she saved Obama's ass in debate two when he was getting handled again.
"Brexit is stupid" says the successful European, non EU country
It was not a scandal at all. Just the GOP making hay.
Highest Hillary has been up so far rn is 10% and it just keeps dropping to about 3% if I look at RCP.
Literally the entire week before and after Jo Cox's killing, the lead went from 6%+ for Brexit to 10% down
Yet hardly anyone shows up for her rallies. Why is that?
>its August
>m-muh rallies
Guys I just can't do it anymore
I stuck with trump through the primaries even though I knew he had no chance in the general. I was deluding myself then into thinking he had a chance.
I now know why he is losing. It's because he's a bigot. It really made me think about my life and how I was a bigot for supporting him. I am now #WithHer
Please be like me and acknowledge the error you have made her, Sup Forums.
I saw this exact same post yesterday, swiss flag and all.
Fuckin' shills.
>Please be like me and acknowledge the error you have made her
>I am now #WithHer
She is the error, user said so.
In my opinion, the polls are rigged. They manipulate the numbers as well as they can. They are trying to leave Trump low to mask his rise, which their fudging won't be able to eschew, during and after the debates.
>1. They are faked in order to rationalize the inevitable attempt at voter fraud
>2. They are desperately faking them to discredit and dishearten Trump voters
What if it's both.
I'd like to correct your record if you know what I mean
>candidate explicitly shows how much of a fucking idiot he is, every day, for like a week
>numbers accordingly drop
Trump needs to open his wallet and flood the media with adds in his favor.
He has spent pretty much nothing in the past 12 months, now is the time.
Most Americans agree with Donald Trump.
The polls don't.
What other explanation is there?
>What other explanation is there?
The obvious, which CTR calls a (((Conspiracy)))
>Most Americans agree with Donald Trump.
I have heard word that he is willing to spend 1 billion dollars. It is hard to believe, but think about it, if he loses, him and his dynasty will be destroyed.
Trump is the most based man in US modern history. He has gotten himself into a death battle for the republic. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE
that's what I am thinking too, except if you think that the Trump campaign hasn't anticipated this from the start, you must be confused. He wouldn't have gotten himself into this battle, if he didn't have the channels to win. One of the reasons he is saying "we have to win in a landslide" isn't because he thinks it will happen, he is saying that to motivate EVERYONE to VOTE
>Muh Nate Silver's opinion
what kind of idiot thought of the hashtag "WITHER"
is that what the country will do if we elect her?
You've been shitposting on this board for years and you've never talked to an American before?
70% of Americans want the right to bear arms.
That tells you all you need to know. Just push that you will lose that right under Clinton. That's literally ALL YOU MUST DO TRUMP
(after, start your own media conglomerate)
Obama both created ISIS and Trump.
>statistician who predicted 59 out of 60 states in the last election
>wronly predicted 1 state by an error of 1%
repeat with me
>What other explanation is there?
That most Americans don't agree with Donald Trump.
Trump has started something bigger than an election. Though I am certain he will win, what Trump has begun cannot be stumped. Not even by Hillary.
Trump is working on making it one of the most lopsided elections in history, after which he'll say "I was just trolling the GOP, go Hil!"
>trust me leaf I just KNOW IT my unle bubba and all of my friends are trumptards
>every poll, liberal and conservative, every bias, giving HC the lead over Drumpf by a wide margin
repeat with me
>That most Americans don't agree with Donald Trump.
That's not obvious at all. Most Americans do.
Poll results like this mean nothing. Remember how many times we went through the same exact thing in the primaries? How we'd get a poll with him dipping below and all the threads shouting TRUMP IS STUMPED? Now the same exact thing is happening except instead of another Republican candidate it's the final boss. We have nothing to fear.
Oh, you meant to spell uncle. What else can't you C correctly?
I repeat "Madam President" often. Whenever I need a good laugh. "Commander-in-Queef" is another zinger.
>That's not obvious at all
hahahahahahaha you mean a variety of polls, from liberal to conservative, all painting the same picture, and its still "not obvious" to you?
I mean I knew you trumptards were stupid but holy shit
>Primaries are the same as the general
and this is why and your clown of a candidate will lose
A couple dozen establishement cuckservatives =/= millions of voters.
>can't into greentexting