Redpill me on Golden Dawn
Are they based?
Golden Dawn
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Thanks for the redpill Sup Forums
their leader is a turkish malnet.
Why can you not look it up?
lazy shit
Bunch of LARPers.
pick one
Mussolini wasn't any whiter. His WWI pics had him looking like a desert raider. He can still be based.
>white supremacy
>not even slightly white
They're bouncers, thugs and common criminals
It's sad that if we want to vote against immigration there is no other option except these apes
Oh look at that, an Italian of all people came to enlighten us and implied a meme.
And Prime Minister Tsipras was what and is what now? I remember that little shit shut down Universities a few deaced ago all throughout Greece as he didn't want to bring them up to par with the rest of the modern world, so a Greek degree basically doesn't mean much.
Mfw my father told me nt to vote for them but he voted Independent Greeks which are now the sock ouppet of the goverment.
why the fuck would he tell u not to vote for someone?
The classical muh age and i know more than you fallacy.
so join their ranks and grace them with your superior intellect/profession. or you can continue crying about them here. so many choices in greece amirite?!
mama mia thats a spicy meatball
Just repay your debts scrounging thieving fucking greek cucks
so did you vote for them or not
Turkroach manlet faggot detected Lel
will be able in one year, and looks that most of the youth will too.
I just want to remind Sup Forums that because of Golden Dawn and Syriza everything went fucking wrong during refugee crisis. And why Greece did not guard i's borders during 2 million influx of the rapefugees.
Let me explain to you what I mean.
Greece before the 2015 elections, was ruled by the center right party New Democracy which was pretty much a little bitch to IMF, Merkel and the Banks. Because of the complete sudden collapse of teh Greek economy and the disruption of Greek way of life with austerity measures, Greeks voted them out and we have the whole Syriza and Varouakis Saga. Keep in mind that there were very few refugees coming before 2014 and most of them were kept in asylum centers or migrant camps.
Now Syriza in the beginning wanted to antagonize Merkel and the EU on the debt problem which was pretty reasonable considering 5 years of total economic recession. At some point if you all remember IMF cuts the flow of money and Greece is left in a total vacuum during negotiations while capital controls are established.
It was during that summer that Refugee influx increased tenfold because Erdogan gave the Turkish movers of refugees in teh Turkish coast the signal that Greece was unguarded. More than 1 million refuges would pass through Greece during those few summer months alone.
So why did Syriza let it happen? Well apart from them being leftists, they 1. did not want to antagonize human rights groups who are aligned with America 2. Wanted to black-mail Germany and other eurozone countries to accept their demands.
So where does Golden Dawn enter in all of this? Golden Dawn is a neo-nazi party, it is not party like Ukip or even Front National, most of it's higher up leadership is literally skin-heads. There is also evidence that it was by a large amount a controlled opposition party, used by New Democracy to draw more moderate conservative voters.
>a greek degree basically doesn't mean much
says a guy that propably washes dishes or owns a restaurant
underrated comment
lol no they won't nickos
They are an american honeypot...
So the real answer as to why the refugee crisis happened the way it happened, is that Greece doesn't have a real conservative party.
There were talks of a patriotic front with the exiled Greek king supporting it, but nothing of the sort materialized or was brought forth.
So really this was a clusterfuck of epic proportions in which the EU outjewed the Greeks but where they also had the unpopular refugee crisis on their hands.
What if a real conservative party existed back then? What if they managed to get power by promising re-negotiation of the debt and weren't lead by delusional lefties, what if they did what Orban did in Hungary?
None of this shit would have happened, and Europe has only itself to blame for thinking they won this confrontation.
Why named after jew cult though?
Alright greekbros,whats your expectations for next eections? As a supporter of GD i predict at least third to second place.
what you really need to predict is how are you gonna get a job without a high school diploma.
Nice strawman yanni.
Another point I want to mention is that Germany is literally so delusional and arrogant as an economic superpower, that Merkel would go on to invite the refugees to Germany precisely because there was to be no solution between Greece guarding their borders and Turkey stopping to send them.
The main ideology of German elites, bankers and CDU politicians is that Germany will become like the United States. A European Union lead by profit, the refugees will become their worker slaves in German factories and teh rest of Europe will keep on feeding on loans and debt like a crack addict until all profit is squeezed out of them.
There will be no conservative uprising in Europe unless France, Greece, Portugal , Ireland and Spain oppose the EU on economic grounds, and the black mail they are supsended to because of accumulation of private and public debt.
Don't listen to the posturing of Poland and Hungary they are so dependent on the EU funds Germany feeds them, that in the long term they won't lift one finger to oppose them on anything.
If you support GD you are either an edgy kid or a neckbeard. Nothing in-between
do what ya want, ain't no law
They're a bunch of Ev-13 stormfag dwelling """"" white"""""" neo-nazis who are so subverted it seriously does both them and us more harm than good. They're a walking and talking meme.
Kinda like that one black white supremacist Dave Chappelle sketch.
Thank god that failed and the refugee crisis happened.
You are seeing Nationalist uprisings all over Europe now. Thank you Greece for making this happen.
He walked Bob Dylan on stage, who are you? Who are you?
Even if it happens, it will not be in countries like France, Germany and Sweden.
Its an assortment of uneducated bottom feeders and plebs Hitler would use their graves as a shithole
>Sees flag
Lol enjoy your wife ebing fucked by a paki sven.
I heard a lot of police support golden dawn.
Also pic related don't look like neckbeards
uneducated people tend to group together. that's why the police supports GD.
Youre either an antifa or a middle schooler, theres no in between.
Education means nothing, seeing as the "highly educated" people in western countries are the ones voting for more EU, more immigration and less sovereignty. If you are a dumb redneck for voting against that then I'm a dumb redneck