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Calm down faggot
Lol what? Are you americucks made to pay for narcissistic boomers retirement funds? lmao
Boomers are the worst generation of people the US has ever seen. Entitled and fucking degenerate. They let the jews take over and ruin the country.
I told my boomer dad his generation was the go along to get along generation. should have seen the look on his face he couldn't refute it. he was like "b-but we grew up when they were protesting" and I asked what he personally fought against and he knew he was wrong. I'm going to fuck my mother and kill him soon.
Social security, medicaid, and medicare are one the biggest cons in history orchestrated at the hand of the boomers.
Calm down, you'll be thankful you paid into social security when you retired because everyone here knows that hardly anyone here is doing a dann thing for their future. And you ducks justify it by saying ww3 Will end the world and the money won't be here. Honestly, I don't understand why you assholes want elderly people to work until the day they die.
Boomers created the mess that we're in right now. They caused the financial crisis. They started the Iraq war. They destabilized the Middle East. They made houses and college cost an arm and leg. And they depressed wages across the board (and especially for entry level workers). We're working for pennies while they sick back and relax in their beach condos withdrawing social security, a pension, or some other form of handout for the old funded by the young.
>boomers die off
>country becomes significantly less white
u need to revolt senpai
>Honestly, I don't understand why you assholes want elderly people to work until the day they die.
Not my fault those dipshits couldn't plan for their futures without the government holding their hand.
They are the worst generation in human history. They took the most productive economies in history, and not only crippled them for moral validation, but they were SO SPOILED that they not only wrecked the economy, but they took out loans on future generations. And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, they were too selfish to have enough children to even be capable of footing the bill, but that's fine! Because they get to feel good about importing brown people from all over the world, which they say is to give them opportunity, but in their heads it's because they want that sweet sweet social security money, which they need because they voted to allow the government to Dave their money instead of themselves
If all of this wasn't enough, also keep in mind that they are the only generation in human history that felt no obligation to keep their wealth in their family, but instead to spend it on their retirements in florida
Pic related is a result of their choices. And above all of that, they are so numerous of a voting block and since they didn't have children, that these news organizations still pander mostly to them, despite real people using the Internet for news
They are the only ones that can make Trump the president. You should be more respectful, OP.
And why is that?
Because boomers caused that. Instead of having kids, they were too selfish, then later once they realized there wasn't enough people to fund their irresponsible selves, they import them.
Boomers are the reason people are against closed borders. Because they are convinced that they will get a couple extra bucks in their social security for these millions of brown people
I would like to, famalam. It's a damn shame how limp-wristed today's youth is. I would drop everything that I'm doing right now to protest and see real change on the streets. But millennials are too busy playing Pokemon Go and buying stupid shit to be bothered to make real change in society.
Oh yea, and what are their jobs? All their fuckin jobs are like "consultant". Like they go to a company and say "this company wants to do business with you"
underrated post have a (you)
Why is today's generation limp waisted? BECAUSE OF BOOMERS
That's the problem with Trump! The boomers can't admit that immigration is bad, because then they would actually have to take responsibility for destroying all of western civilization
I guess they are afraid of a real confrontation or the loss of the babying by the govt. If you can migrate my man
The worst part is it IS all of western civilization. Why were people ok with the refugee thing? Because European boomers were told that they would pay for the pensions!
Never mind that the government didn't keep your money and instead blew it all
Nevermind that tou voted for the government to take your money and keep it because you can't even fucking save money yourself apparently
Never mind that you grew up in homogenous high trust societies, and you left your children and grand children with brown shitholes
Pay no mind to the fact that boomers in Europe hold a monopoly on voting, because they live 30 years longer than their parents generation, and they had no kids so they are still more numerous than the younger generations
Fuck I fuckin hate boomers. Pieces of shit
My biggest problem with them is that, in every generation in human history, the family would save the wealth and keep it in the family, building up the estate. Boomers come along, and they have the best opportunity of any generation in history to build up wealth and property. And what do they do? They not only piss it away on boats and summer homes, but they need more! They need to liquidate the family fortunes! Because who needs that stuff anyway, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and give a firm handshake!
They all fried their fucking brains with acid, then got to get a $100,000+ /year job sitting in an office chair, and when they finally retire? They sell all of that shit and move! Usually the husband was the only one who worked, he dies, and the wife sells all the shit and moves
They can't keep getting away with this. We have to do something. Boomers could drop of high school and buy a house after working at some car factory for one year.
this picture is a perfect description of the state which boomers left us in.
Their parents lived through the great depression, and what did they do?
They fuckin dropped acid and cried about wars that the U.S. was in.
They had the greatest jobs in the history of the world and they sold those jobs off and wrecked United States protectionism for the sake of GDP
They did drugs all through their 20's, the man would get a job, marry a nice white woman (because this is before they destroyed the nations through immigration) and bought a 2 story house with a guest bedroom and a pool for $50,000 dollars.
Their parents had the hardest times, and instead of learning to save in that way, they learned nothing, other than that they could vote for more money from the government. They became nihilists out of the immediate pleasure which it brought them. They didn't care about the future of anything, because they were revolting against mommy and daddy's christianity.
And then? When they are old and dying? They "become christians" again and say "sorry lord, I could have done more for my kids" and they feel COMPLETELY forgiven, GOOD about themselves even, because they never had souls to begin with.
Yes, that's how retirement funds work. Collect taxes from currently working people and give the money to retired people.
the only thing we CAN do is a radical answer to this. If we answer with radical conservatism; if our generation hordes real wealth (as in gold and property), if our generation becomes wholly pro-white, then the boomers will have been a godsend. Because they will have been a self-caused plague that we learn from and never committed again.
the fact is, that we need to, as a generation, become entrepreneurial.
Only entrepreneurship will save us.
All the boomers did was get shot, Walter Kronkite killed the war.
>boomers say millennial are lazy
>millennial say boomers are selfish
>gen x sits back and watches the world burn.
No, we're not fuggin gommies. We'll definitely suspend their financial IV drip, but we're not fuggin gommies.
>boomers led by Hillary sacrifice millennials in war
>many less needy millennial social security medicare etc needed when they're oldoing
>also how Hillary is going to support all the plebs with social programs
>killing young male citizens in war to give illegals what these sacrificed Americans would get
Fuck Hillary fuck the establishment fuck the boomers we need Trump now!!!!
Can it come sooner?
well speak for yourself because some gen z are already burning the world
it's actually Jews led the charge, and boomers fell flat on their faces before following them to the cultural slaughter.
The only thing that is going to save white people now is a NEW religion. Not christianity, and definitely not european paganism, which in terms of the nature of power, has already proven itself to be less powerful.
Imagine if all Europeans converted to Judaism right now. We would
A. be able to do business with, and hire, only europeans, because instead of a racial thing, it would be religious
B. we would have religious obligation to collect, instead of being consumers, we would horde wealth
C. we would have the religious means to create communities and networks, which would benefit us by allowing us to both create private schools full of our own peoples more easily, and educate them in ways which would be more beneficial to them, but also help us in preventing our children from breeding with lesser out-groups, because they are not "chosen"
Now, should we conver to Judaism? No. We need a brand new religion. In fact, I don't even think that Judaism is that powerful. I think we could, with modern knowledge, create a much more powerful ideology that would propel europeans back to power in a short number of generations, considering our superior numbers especially in terms of the amount of geniuses. Also we need to get out of the zeitgeist of abrahamic prophecy.
But we do need a new religion. Nations rise and fall. A religion with a central text, but also supplementary texts that are constantly being added by scholars, is forever. Because it is ever changing to fit the times.
After a short while of amassing people into the religion, we would be capable of creating an intelligence service. Not only would that help us but the religion would also include marriage rites that provided incentives for intelligent people to have kids
Autists can argue all they want, but it is undeniable that the power jews hold is derived from ethno-religion.
For being (((redpilled))) it's awfully suspicious that Sup Forums is unable to overcome the gut reaction to the idea of religions that they have,
And also it is suspicious that they can't realize that this gut reaction must have come from somewhere, and that it came from the very (((media))) which they claim to not believe
And furthermore, it is rather strange that they refuse to believe tha Jewish power comes completely from the fact that they have an ethno-religion, and that whites do not. Why can they practice nepotism and we can't? Because it's RELIGIOUS nepotism and not "RACIAL"
What an odd string of coincidences that there are always a bunch of people whom immediately shoot down any mention of a religion that would benefit white people
Especially considering that despite how obviously retarded Mormonism is, it has been verifiably successful at benefitting it's followers with community, power, wealth/ influence, and in maintaining homogenous white communities.
I don't know, must just be another (((coincidence))). Never mind that the media constantly shits on any religion that who're people have. Never mind that there is an obvious character assassination on all of Christianity. And I don't even like Christianity, I think it's cucked. Never mind that DESPITE how cucked it is, they STILL discredit it. That doesn't show how much the Jews fear whites creating their own ethno-religion. No, not at all. It's definitely not how Jews got into power, no never.
You fucking dumb goyim. And don't come to me with this "European odinistic paganism!!" Shit. That's not an ideology that provides channels of power and you know it. If it was, it wouldn't have been defeated by the giant cucks that are Christianity.
exactly. Let's discuss the existential pros, benefits/ and cons to having a religion for white people:
>a unified front. A religion can provide a channel for a base of people whom can all receive valuable information on how to act, how to vote, things to lobby for
>a body that can be fought for with a lawyer firm. People of a religion can hire people of their same religion, and ESPECIALLY in the current circumstances where Muslims are being used as a battering ram, there is already the jurisprudence for us to discriminate racially, under the guys of religion
>the ability to do eugenics. With a religion, you can justify why your people should marry and have many kids, especially with intelligent folks. You'd have to be retarded to not understand that a religion can incentivize births of certain kinds of people. For example, if your God had huge feet, guess what? eventually, all of the people in your religion would have huge feet, and you would have created a new ethnicity.
>communities. Homogenous communities.
>centralizing power. Centralizing power, to a central authority that is ACTUALLY pro white.
>survival. Guess what, weather you autists like it or not, the religious will inherit the earth. Of white people, only the religious people in the West have positive birth rates.
>autists will say mean things about us. Autistic people with a mental superiority complex will think they are so much better than you, because they are free to be degenerates, and to not have kids! ha!
>what other cons are there? None.
I don't care if anyone here thinks it's a good idea. I am already creating a religion, I have been working on it for years because it is the only thing that will save us. I am not the hero whites want, but I am the hero we need. That is not to say that I will be the messiah figure, it is absolutely necessary that there is no messiah figure to this religion, because it detracts from the power that the religion can draw.
Christianity is the reason of all this.
Christianity is the inversion of all values.
>NEW religion
The Third Reich would give you a "This".
Back then, they knew the power of Religion and wanted to start their own one.
A true Christian is sorry for his sins. Being sorry for something means you wished it had never happened in the first place. To be so flippant, means they would not be converted.
that doesn't change the fact that both Jews and Muslims garner their power from the fact that they maintain an ethno-religion.
can you deny that the Jews have power because of their ethno-religion? They see the last names and they feel a kinship.
It's not even Christianity that is the reason, though. It is the pollution of christianity. But I agree, christianity is beyond saving, abrahamic hyper-moralism even amongst secular people is responsible for our cucked countries. But orthodox christians are not cucked. Because they have not been destroyed by the media.
Does this lead me to think we should abandon all religions? No, and infact, the idea of abandoning something ebcause of one small flaw is wholly Jewish in origin.
It leads me to the realization that we need a new religion, which is unnassailable. Based on Nietszche, Heidegger, Jung, Machiavelli, based on history, philosophy, most of all
We need a religion that acts as a magnet for power, drawing it to ourselves, which will allow us to bring even more white people into the fold.
anything else is futile. Any counter-movement other than a religion with a text that can not be changed will simply be infiltrated, as every movement has been. Think about it. Every white nationalist movement is infiltrated by letter organizations skinheads, who are anti intellectual and destroy the image of the movement.
Whilst this is possible for a religion to the greater public, it is much harder, because membership can be easily verified, plus look at the current political climate. #NotAllMuslims. A religion has a sort of umbrella protection, because of religious history.
We would fly under the radar for a long time, because it would take a while for people to realize that it is mostly for white people. Especially if the breeding laws are worded in such a way that "any race" can be bred with, as long as they have an IQ of about 20 points above the average in our religion
yes, I am well aware, that people in the past were well aware of the power of religion
only recently has religion been so railed against, that people have a gut reaction to it.
it has been associated with racism, which, as well know, is conditioned from a very young age to cause a subconscious reaction. The first naked people you see are holocaust victims, not only the first naked, but also the first dead bodies, and it's PILES of dead bodies, all associated with racism
When I was 5 years old, I had platinum blonde hair, and kids in my school called me a nazi. 5. YEARS. OLD.
but anyway, religion is the only thing that will save us. No matter how much we uncuck our nations in our generation, it only means that it will take media finger on the scales for a little longer, to destroy us
A religion can get people out of that culture. Instead of a culture of the media, which is really no culture at all, instead of all of your ideas coming from the TV, your ideas can be balanced with a pro-white religion.
A religion can create a nebulous conglomerate of media, education, community, wealth. A religion can be a white nation and culture WITHIN the globalized nations that have been hijacked. Know what I mean? It is from the ground up, and as a result, much much harder to subvert.
Not only that, but I would, of course, develop a separate language for this religion, because it is much harder to slander a religion when the people speak another language that can't be controlled by the main stream media.
If you would like to know more, email me at TheDataPagan @ gmail . We do have a forum going, but I haven't contributed to it in a few weeks because I've been busy, but I have all the information on chapters of the text and much more concise descriptions of how we will operate this thing. It seriously is the only long term solution. The.. "Final"? solution, if you will.
Speaking of if you will. The religion is based on the Will.
Boomers are worthless trash, they are simply a burden, we should send them to the third world so they can get that cultural enrichment those pathetic pieces of shit preach so hard.
that pisses me off more than anything. Is that, they preach cultural enrichment, they live in gated communities. They don't know what it's like to be jumped because you are white when you are in middle school
(luckily, at age 13, I carried a knife with me, so I didn't get jumped)
"oh that's just a select bad eggs"
fuck you boomers.
You will pay for their houses, you will pay for their pensions, you will pay for their health,
you will pay for the big government debt that has been used to stimulate the economy and to keep their house prices high, you will pay for handouts to all the immigrants they bring in to make the economy grow,
you will pay lots for some degree that gets you a merely adequate salary.
Because gen y are the biggest faggot useful idiot generation in history and boomers owned your arses so trivially because you are faggots.
bernie kids are pissed, they have nowhere else to direct their frustrations towards the productive members of our society
this this, this, and this
they fucked us hard and walk around smiling
i hate them so much, and i let them know at least on a weekly basis
LOL even boomers in multi million houses and with I think 500k-1m in cash can get a pension or part pension in Oz.
>And then? When they are old and dying? They "become christians" again and say "sorry lord, I could have done more for my kids" and they feel COMPLETELY forgiven, GOOD about themselves even, because they never had souls to begin with.
This isn't an exaggeration, I've seen this first-hand in the Republican party. Nearly all of the "conservatives" are ex-Democrats that came over in the Reagan years or found Jesus and still support every element of the liberal platform except for religious shit like abortion. They were among the loudest and fiercest opponents of Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012.
They want their social security and their medicare, they moan about food stamps and Obamaphones as if those are breaking the budget. All these affluent childless boomers are causing havoc on the local level too, as they hate paying property taxes so in places that have large numbers of retirees there's still poorly funded schools.
yea exactly, they are giant fucking babies.
I don't understand it. I think they are the first generation that was the break down of culture, and raised by the state.
All that 60s and 70s era rock music? That shit was MK Ultra'd. All these people resented their parent's educations, because they got the government teet education instead.
But yea, I've seen it firthand too. Countless Grandpa's who died, and the grandma sells the house and moves, usually to Florida, to retire. The grandpa worked his hands to the bone to buy that house and support the family, then the grandma resents her kids and thinks that they simply want her shit once she dies.
Other races will overtake us easily if we keep on this path, because they pass their wealth on and we don't.
I am planning to buy land, and develop that land. I am planning on developing my land with highly personalized things, because I don't want my fuckin kids to try to sell that shit off when I die either, but I am not so selfish that I think they shouldn't inherit anything I've made
If you don't snap and do something yourself, you are a part of the problem and deserve everything you get. There is only so long that you can sit and blame others.
Gen x are the children of the boomers, they see the issues with them. They are the parents of the millennials, they see the issues here also, but are unable to look inside of themselves and see the problems in their own generation.
They have had a lot of brainwashing to deal with too. Not all were shit tier.
cool story, good luck getting people to follow you.
Jim Morrison pls
it's not about people to follow me, as I said, i don't want people to follow, I simply want to synthesize a lot of powerful ideologies, combined with religious law that incentivizes generational rises in intelligence, as well as the collection of wealth, put those all into one book, and set it free
there can not be one central figure. Too easily corruptible.
>tfw boomers will die off before life-extending prosthetics become the norm
feels tasty
>>tfw boomers will die off before life-extending prosthetics become the norm
Came here to post this.
We will all live to see the boomers die of common ailments, which, by the time we're in our 70s, will be either cured or greatly reduced.
Give us your blood...