Can the Republicans survive a Trump loss? Would they be able to pull off a victory in 2020 or would America be doomed to Democrat rule?
Memes aside, what happens in 2020 if Hillary is elected in 2016?
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If that honestly happened I'd really consider moving to the UK. Imagine if a bunch of redpilled white family's left the shithole USA is becoming and essentially made UK go far right for eternity.
Republicans have been BTFOd the last two elections.
Even now it's hard to call Trump a republican candidate, they hate him. No matter how things go for Trump, the republicans are fucked as a party.
This happens, replace the dates with 2016 and 2020
No. This is the last shot that republicans have. By 2020 it will be demographically impossible to elect a Republican
A backlash will happen and when kanye west runs as a third party candidate he'll win. Trump will be his VP.
But seriously you're asking Sup Forums to predict the future. Hell the world might end by then.
Kanye West will become the new republican president in 2020 and will remove hillary
>Hillary wins
>imports millions more nigger and sandnigger and taconigger Democrat voters
>literally impossible for Republicans to ever win again unless they hop on even juicier welfare policies
It will be the rise of third parties. Both democrats and Republicans are seeing loses to third parties I wouldn't be surprised to see green and libertarian have an actual shot.
RIP billy
>Hillary gets elected
>Imports millions of mexicans, """"refugees"""" and dindus
>they all vote democrat for the gibs
>US goes hard left until it goes completely bankrupt.
>Civil war II, martial law, etc.
Same as every other democrat president.
Same as Obama.
Everyone will ignore her plethora of mistakes and praise the very few good things they have done or even didn't do but still get credit for.
Where as Trump would get the opposite.
The world has turned upside down, hasn't it?
Republicans probably need to change their game plan because as the brownification of America occurs, it'll lead to more lib votes.
They need to pander to Hispanics, as much as I hate pandering.
The year is 2018. After the election of President Hillary Clinton, the USA has entered a period of unseen civil strife. Black Lives Matter snipers began regularly prowl the streets, leading to rapidly dwindling police forces and 5000% rise in crime in major cities. Texas officially seceded from the Union after Barack Obama was nominated to the Supreme Court, and the first act of the Court was the abolition of the 1st and 2nd Amendments. In response to Wall Street having a sudden, catastrophic drop in stocks the Federal Reserve chairman authorized printing trillions of dollars to inject liquidity into the one remaining bank: J.P. Goldman Citigroup Bank of America United. Several million "Syrian" refugees have been poured into the lands of North and South Dakota, and now Shariah Law is strictly enforced and the states have been renamed the Islamic States of Dakotastan. No one knows what happened to Donald Trump. All of this matters very little compared to what's happening in the rest of the world: World War 3 rages across Europe, the middle-east and the far east. Several nations have ceased to exist, leaving nothing in their passing aside for smoldering radioactive holes. Australia upgraded their internets, and now shitpost faster than ever. In short, the World as we know it, has ceased to be.
She will bring in so many "immigrants" that the US will never see another Republican president again.
Holy shit that picture is deep
Would not matter.
the UK is also fucked.
We'd become super poopers
>Hillary goes for the guns
>Civil War 2.0 begins