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Are they 30 minutes out?
What's happening?
i am genuinely curious on what's happening over there.
Will there be another offensive??
calm down Ukraine, you must show proof of this, I don't believe you, show us the evidence.
Links please
where is the proof
heres one
send your waifus.
it's just another snap exercise in the black sea comrade
why so scared
Shouldn't have pissed them off m8.
Ask the Georgians what happens when you piss them off.
RIP in peace the Ukraine.
>tfw happening-tease
What? Again?
what am I looking at?
How much firepower do those subs have?
Typhoon looks big, but no. Not the king of the sea.
You get rid of the scum robbing and killing you now. I hope Russians can learn from their mistakes and your life will be better.
holy shit is that real?
Oh, already? Then I have to run, fucking communications must be off again. Wish me luck comrades.
no you idiot there was no internet in 2001
Russia announces war games after accusing Ukraine of terrorist plot
Reuters - 3 hours ago
The belligerent posture heightened worries in Ukraine that Russia may plan to ramp up fighting in a war between Kiev and pro-Russian eastern separatists that had been de-escalated by a shaky peace process. Using some of his most aggressive rhetoric ...
Yes user, it's 100% real.
How is this a problem?
>one posy by this ID
That's a pretty dumb way to pick your flag desu.
30 minutes sempai
Lazy bait
You are a very smart guy i see...
Ask them to attack Berlin. They wont fight them. Fighting foreigners would be racism-desu.
Well fug, stob attagging indocent radio stadions
War "games"? They'll lose that. No matter what.
Chocolate king said he wishes to meet with putin but putin said he wont accept and will do counter-measures against kiev soon
Why are you fighting for our government's gain?
They're using your country like a puppet.
for you
I think I just got a Six Pack...Oh Fuck my sides
Poroshenko is a big guy, could he take Putin 1 on 1?
We always been there amongst you. Also, why are you so worried? Your cyborgs and other high-tech military already destroyed our army three times over in the last year.
Go ahead and report me to the FSB you communist shits, I don't care
>there was no internet in 2001
romania is nato. interdasting
God bless Ukraine. Russians are scum.
comfy as fuck
is it big enough to drop multiple nuclear warheads on you ass?
>- 'Why, Hell , Yeah!'
Then, its big enough.
Hello where are the proofs xDDDDDDD
do you have any evidence to back your claims :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
>a flag that cannot be seen in its natural environment.
In Montenegro.
Are you saying your a Russian soldier?
3 firepower
Russians going to Russia.
So what?
Good. I hope WW III happens.
About time.
Get off my Island, you Shillary spy! REEEEE!!
Quick! Give me all the Ukrainian qt 3.14s for safekeeping! They must not perish!