Hillary Clinton up 7.9 Points in New Polls

How can we stop this? I'm starting to think Trump is losing on purpose. He continues to fuck up, in just the past 2 days he called for his supporters to kill Hillary and now he's saying Obama founded ISIS, which is only going to make him look like a dumbass on foreign policy in the mainstream news circles.

She's gaining .5 points each day, it's like she's unstoppable. I've never seen anything like this. It's not looking good guys.


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thank you for correcting the record : ^ )

Wake me up

Can't wake up!!!!!!!

holy smokes
why has no one mentioned this in the past two weeks?


Realize that my picture and your picture mean the same thing.

Just hang on tight and have faith that America has had enough of Dem rule for the last 8 years, political dynasties are now impossible thanks to the Bushes, and the Trump Bump (closeted trump supporters) hasn't occurred.

Plus, anyone who has seen the DNCleaks knows that polls are a tool for controlling public opinion, not independent indicators.

(He's not)

You can't, it's over. The party was fun, and there's still the debates to laugh at but unless Hillary Clinton dies Trump is never going to win.

Even then the death would have to be public. If she died in her hotel room or something, no one would notice her missing until Inauguration Day, because the press never ask any questions and no one goes to her rallies.

>How can we stop this?

Pic related.