Quick TL;DR
>Constitutional court rules that every school must make some reforms to their convivence manuals regarding bullying
>Lesbian minister of education is in charge of writing a guideline for the reforms with the help of UN/EU (((advisors)))
>there's a sudden leak of a "draft"
>Said guide had some outrageous lines, like "You aren't born as male or female", "schools should avoid adding to their rules words like 'morals and 'good traditions' " and that you "shouldn't impose a uniform according to gender (ie skirts for girls, pants for boys)"
>It is rumoured that they used some belgian sex-ed booklets where faggotry is explicitly shown to children as inspiration
>Public outrage ensues, churches, schools and parents together with anti-LGBT movements put on white shirts and march in every city to show their indignance
>religious authorities from all over the country are asking the education minister dyke to resign
>#sigofirmeporpapaymama (i stand firm for mothers and fathers) #abanderadosporlafamilia (carrying a flag for the families)
>there's a national shortage of ointment to treat the massive butthurt from the lefties, hippies and degenerates
During the protest you could hear phrases such as
>"Colombia is a country of principles and values, and our kids are educated by ourselves"
>"The family must be respected, and the family is made of a man, a woman, and their children"
>"A mother, a father, children with identity!"
The banner in the picture says "we ask for her (minister of education's) resignation"
"No to the gay indoctrination in public and private [education] institutions"
"No to the imposition of the third gender!"
Colombia NO!, thousands of families march in the streets to say FUCK YOU to faggotry in schools
Other urls found in this thread:
So, Sup Forums, what is YOUR people doing to protect the values of your children?
This is problematic, please delete this.
Well done Colombia. Still doesn't change the fact that on every camming site the majority of trannies are Colombian or Thai.
Some sauce with pics of the march for those who want it
they tried this in my country, but it got rejected by oposition legislators, so they tried again but this time using third parties, like, not official issued faggotry but some drafts were leaked and they had to say the state had nothing to do with it, even tho those organizations are extensions of the state.
Well, Omar killed 50 gays with an ar-15. Does that count?
>tfw you will never flee to Colombia to escape the degeneracy of the West
Feels bad bro..
>the only ones left fighting rampant faggotry in the USA are mad sandniggers
I want a comfy koksal.
Importing chinks and Arabs that have family values
chinks are OK but arabs think honor killings are family values
All Latin American countries are like this, you just can not push your gay gringo shit on us.
>don't talk to me or my comfy roachling ever again
Good job.
I can't believe the nerve of the EU to go to completely different continent and spread their diseased ideologies, which have caused birth rates to stagnate over here, and try and force them down your throats.
I think it's quite a conondrum, because all of our elites are formed in universities abroad. Gina Parody herself did her master's in Harvard, so our elites get indoctrinated with the stupid tolerance and diversity ideas in USA/Europe and then come back and try to impose them here too.
This just goes to show how distant they are to the people. They are always like that, trying to imitate everything the "first world" does without trying to actually understand that we are a different country with different history, society and culture.
>>Said guide had some outrageous lines, like "You aren't born as male or female"
How can educational institutions teach such blatant lies? Isn't transgenderism still classified as a mental disorder in most parts of the world? What scientific evidence is in their possession that prove million of years of evolution wrong? What's next? People can now freely identify their racial background?
They have no shame. They are said to have been using this degenerate comic as inspiration for that shit. Of course people are going to chimp out.
It's completely disgusting.
It never ceases to amaze me how everyone knows that gays and trannies are literally mentally defective, yet the common PC belief is that we should teach our children that living like a degenerate is OK.
It really baffles me why people would want their children to experience such an unhappy and dangerous lifestyle.
Personally I don't care where anyone puts their dicks, but to actively teach children that it's ok to stick your dick in an orifice that increases your chance of aids tenfold, is completely absurd.
It is a reminder to always keep close attention to your kid's school activities.
>chinks are ok
when you come to Vancouver you will regret of your words
>think it's only a few people probably protesting
>see this
Holy shit, that's beautiful
If the protests don't evolve into violent revolution, then nothing will come of it.
Get this through your heads, world jewry WILL NOT STOP UNLESS PHYSICALLY STOPPED. That is the ONLY thing that works.
Godspeed my Colombian friends.
Don't let western degeneracy into your country.
Fucking faggots, batman.