Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck
>nation that prides itself on bantz
>can't make them about muslims
I have no mouth and I must scream
Can't wait for Hillary to win, I will enjoy your tears on november
So free speech is out the window in kangarooland?
>mudslimes can't handle bantz
>use hillary money that you got from 400 million $ hostage negotiations
>bribe Australias officials
>still shoot up school
is the whole fucking world incapable of doing an afternoon's worth of research into islam enough to realize they WILL take over the entire world if everyone lets them and they WILL force everyone to submit to their way of life?
>muh religion of peace
it's like no one even bothers to scan over the wikipedia on muhammad. they are literally human cockroaches.
>Sharia law (Arabic: شريعة) is the body of Islamic law. The term means "way" or "path"; it is the legal framework within which the public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islam.
when creeping sharia isn't creeping fast enough, meet it half-way?
because freedom of religion is protected
This is why we need another cronulla riot. Put the slimes back in their place.
Would moving out as a stance against this shit get you arrested, too?
But we need to be tolerant!
You were my last hope.
At least they didn't make a Muslim president.
lol kangaroo fucking cucks
Come on lads, this is taking shitposting to a whole new level
Are you feeling emasculated by the Canucks?
Why hasnt anyone killed them?
I want to say things that would get me in trouble...
This is just fucking sick and disgusting and so much more wrong, there are no words for that.
Come out you Australian cowards. I know you're reading this thread
>Mfw Canada will be the new king of bantz
get fucked you skin-cancer ridden abos
>, so it is now illegal to vilify someone because of disability, religion, race, sexuality, gender identity, and HIV/AIDS status. Vilification can include social media posts, actions in a workplace and wearing clothes, signs or flags that would incite hatred, contempt, ridicule or revulsion
I can't even shitpost about trannies anymore. This is fucked
Somehow the bantz have been replaced with bitter tears. And lube.
Inshallah brother
can't you use a vpn?
Finally the government decided to do something about the shitposting.
>92% white
>0% freedom
>be australian
>wake up
>prep the emu
>eat vegemite and fairy bread
>go outside
>attacked by grass
>dingoes eat my baby
>go to work
>get shot
>go to hospital
>get blown up
>"I'm tired of getting blown up"
>get arrested
Fuck this cuckold government.
Where the fuck was Pauline when this happened?
desu we've had similar laws for years and i haven't been v& yet
>freedom of speech
>no not that way
Been there ages.
Overall, not just islam.
Only here for a while, but it isn't like we haven't had these laws before.
No difference from what we already had
This law is pretty much just telling the crowds you've seen going all around sydney with ISIS attire to shut the fuck up and go home, pretty much why they're saying signs and flags.
Personally I think the law is stupid, but it isn't as bad as OP makes out.
Presumably getting schlonged by Ahmed, same as the rest of you.
Oh lawd. How did you let this happen?
I've got a medium case of high functioning autism, so next time one of you smartasses says something mean to me, i'm going to sue your asses. Better lube up.
They cant jail everyone if all ausies ignore the shitty law
bye bye shitposts
Canada already shedding banter now that Australia can't
I blame cuckbourne
Isn't this a local law and not a national law?
>ACT parliament
Not everything is lost.
God this shit is so fucking vague.
I don't think Sup Forums is listed as social media, it's more of a image board. You just cant say anything on kikebook, Twitter and plebbit.
Some head of state there, attorney general of Idaho I believe, threatened to prosecute anyone who spoke out against it. I was up in Montana a couple of weeks ago, and many of the Idaho people visiting the area were quite pissed, especially since Idaho was a state that joined that protest, which gives some ground to the (((conspiracy))) theory that the gov is bringing them in in the dead of night, with no one knowing. If its of any condolence a small armed militia contested the state capitol for a few hours before the AG made the announcement.
Not even Canada is this bad
Kiwicunt has a good point. ACT has been always hyper socially liberal primarily because they're all state fed brainless retards.
Sad thing is, the man who got this in was a ex-soldier. He would had experienced this first hand. I don't know what the fuck happens to soldiers in the ADF but they all come out as transsexuals or hyper-liberal. It's weird as shit.
That's because you are a british colony and they are very hard on anti-social behaviour like online bullying, you are just following your motherland.
>Sweden out of all things saying this, who pretty much has this law already, and even a fucking national television show about beating up meanies with opinions the state doens't like
That is nice, senpai.
>but it isn't as bad as OP makes out
Yes, it is. It's an undefined law, what is the legal definition of vilification, which means this is an ordinance designed to facilitate mob justice and legal witch hunts of political enemies.
Why is it that only Americans give a shit about freedom of speech?
because you are the only ones who still have it
>Giving your rights to speech to the government to define what is freedom of speech or not
Mate, chances are is that you've already got this, and it's undermined under the same exact basis that you can't criminalize people with opinions. The thing with social discrimination acts is that they only work via mob rule. Police won't do jack shit against you if you haven't got a liberal horde chasing you to get you arrested.
You've got this shit as well, a great example would be the whole gay cake incident. Surprisingly that hasn't happened here. Don't try to pretend you're land of the free. All you've got now is just automatics, which even then seem to be on the death-bed if hillary wins.
What happened to that old evil bitch? I hope she was shamed into giving the ball back to the little girl
Fine we won't criticize the sand niggers. They can stay all comfy and protected in their camps in Naruu and PNG and we won't say a word
See this: The whole point is to make it vague enough that any dissent from the state approved narrative is potentially prosecutable. Welcome to 1984 senpai.
we don't have automatics.
Hillary wants to take the semi-autos.
I wanted to move to Australia :(
Obviously this is terrible, but just as the msm is biased in not saying they're Muslims, into wars leaves out that they as well were children. I think it was the father high fiving him that really got to me the first time I read it
1984 is global nigger, you've got the same shit everywhere in the west. Even if you LARP that america is some heaven of freedom you've still got all the discrimination acts very live and active, especially if they're passed by the senate alike the gay marriage pass.
Thought I've seen you cunts with SMGs and LMGS, must be limited to special occasions. That is funny then, you've practically got the same legality levels of us, just a tiny bit higher.
So much for fucking american freedom, ridiculous fist-bumping for a dead nation which had it's literal history of insurrection trampled over by the government. How fucking sad.
Our animals are boring and our aboriginals are harmless drunk on petrol. They're the least of our worries.
Canada is now the undisputed king. Better stop shitposting or you're gonna get arrested dumb auscucks.
Canadian genocide when?
Try it stupid burger, we'll burn down your white house again.
>now Australia
why are the competing to the cuckest country out there? Why do they like islam cocks so much?
Posting in all threads
Have fun friends...
Link to 7 page email released by Judicial Watch.
The government was complicit in the formation of ISIS, it is time to know who the Muslim Brotherhood really is. They are the driving force that is using our laws to push and spread Islam a cross the world.
Incoming dump. You must know who is ultimately behind the creation of ISIS.
Stephen Coughlin
Short intro:
"Red Pill" Lecture
Remarks on Benghazi
Long Form:
Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Abrogation and the Milestones Process
Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, and the Milestones Process
The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
The Boston Attack and Individual Jihad
Books & Book Reviews:
You had a law much like this way before us, silly cunt.
>If we fight australia, they will win!
Take a step back and realize it's alot more then just those select nations, this shit goes on from england to america if you count most western countries in between. Discrimination laws like this are just passed under the noses of everyone.
I don't know the exact laws, but if you have an automatic weapon from before 1980 ish and have paid a tax stamp, it is legal to have.
There's illegal automatics everywhere though.
Generally all of the gun crime is caused by people using illegal weapons, possibly provided to them by the federal goverment. Thank you Holder.
Typical canadacuck. You get threatened, and you do us a favor. And your fire STILL isn't put out.
the Libs tried to bring some hate crime laws to the internet but the Cons got rid of it, and pretty much everyone agreed the laws were useless and would only be abused. all the human rights tribunal groups are legally known to be very one sided in cases they'll review and go after, and people only use them to harass someone in the name of their feelings so it's a waste of tax payer money.
I think even under the Libs some religious government thing is being defunded. It's only been used by muslims and other radical religions and waste court time.
You're posting this like we don't already know senpai, you're better off posting anti-islam thread.
I was genuinely thinking of possibly immigrating to alaska, but now I see it's pointless, I'm better off staying in my lovely little nation and just applying for a hunters lisence to shoot .308s at little foxies.
No one in America has ever been convicted, in fucking federal court no less, of discrimination for writing an newspaper article. It's not like we don't have libs that would love to institute these laws, but we actually have legal protections for offensive speech and you don't.
irl australians can't handle banter for shit
> Muslim rape gangs. Muslim rape gangs. Muslim Trojan Horse rape gangs. Everywhere.
Take your SJW PC LAWWWWWWWWWW and keep it, you cannot touch me.
> B but you are breaking the law user
Case would have been thrown out at the federal level.
not shitposting anymore, are you?
>shitposting on facebook is a criminal charge in Australia
Thank fucking god I live in America.
>damage control mode engaged
>w.we can still bring the bantz, just let me put up my three firewalls and a vpn
>Both Labor and Liberal supported the move put by the Greens Shane Rattenbury, who said the display of hatred, intolerance and offensive behaviour towards Muslims was one of the biggest intolerance issues in Australia today.
>According to the 2011 census, 476,291 people, or 2.2% of the total Australian population, were Muslims.
Unless all 476k of them are being relentlessly BTFO on a daily basis, this is all PC bullshit.
If this law was applied consistently Islam would be banned by it because the Quran frequently vilifies Christians and Jews.
I'm a coward, a manlet, a surrender monkey, but one thing is certain: I will NEVER embrace any religion, let alone the religion of pisse.
>Vilification on the grounds of religion is now illegal
>on the grounds
what did they mean with this?
We don't get convincted you dumb cunt. If you read the article we get fines. Your people, in a reference I said exactly earlier aren't exempt from this like the case of the bakery dismissing gays. You've got the ammendment, but that has literally been shit on. You can try to pretend you're land of the free but don't come crying back to me when your neighbour gets fined for discrimination. Remember the state can piss all over "Your freedoms" if you allow them to do so. I love how americans lash out against everyone to pretend that they're free, but in reality if you actually look past the broad ammendments you're just as fuckin screwed as us.
>Don't post on nealy any social media site which is man-handled by the government, which is literally fucking balls easy.
I could be posting on Sup Forums with extremist intentions and still get into the ADF. You over-estimate the state. They're weak as fuck.
>incite hatred, contempt, ridicule or revulsion
Can't report about muslim rape now
This whole thing has really struck a nerve with you, hasn't it?
Maybe go for a walk, buy a felafel or some kebab or something. I'm sure you'll feel better.
Holy shit and I thought Sweeen was KEKED.
Get your shit together Aussie cunts. HaHaHaHaHa holy fucking shit.
>Why is it that only Americans give a shit about freedom of speech?
Unless you want to talk about the holocaust
>make joke
>thought police come to arrest you
>shoot them
oh wait, they took yo guns. what did you aussies think would happen?
alaska is woke as fuck and is beautiful.
If you can handle six months of night go for it.
just call eveerything by a new name you idiot
It's important to know yourself France.
Good on ya for that.
Make sure to keep a clean pair of tightie-whities in case you need an emergency flag.
What? If Straya lost her bantz they will have nothing!!
>buy a felafel or some kebab
Kebabs are actually decent, I buy them a lot. You're kind of retarded if you don't reap the benefits of foreign food even while disliking their populace.
It hasn't struck a nerve, I'm just making everyone aware that they shouldn't roleplay as amazing crusaders of freedom and liberty when they're just as shackled and cuckolded as anyone else in the west. We're all fucked because a result of our ancestors we let the state take away our freedom for comfort.
You don't get arrested, you get fined. Police in australia need warrants for searches, which they can't just randomly pull out of their arse. Just like in the united kingdom you can practically bull the police and they'll go "Okay, we'll come back next time"
I may vacation there, I don't mind night at all as I find it beautiful and I think sitting comfily in a log-cabin with a fire and my cuteboy fellating me, after a nice day of hunting would be fun.
fuck islam