Gay Students Fare Worse: New Study Says

Doctors and teachers who work with gay, lesbian and bisexual teenagers have long warned that they are especially vulnerable to a host of psychological and physical harms. Now the first national study to identify these high school students and track their health risks confirms those fears: sexual-minority teenagers are indeed at far greater risk for depression, bullying and many types of violence than their straight peers.

“I found the numbers heartbreaking,” said Dr. Jonathan Mermin, a senior official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which includes a division that administers this school health survey every two years.

The survey documents what smaller studies have suggested for years, but it is significant because it is the first time the federal government’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the gold-standard of adolescent health data collection, looked at sexual identity. The survey found that about 8 percent of the high school population describe themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, which would be 1.3 million students.

These children were three times more likely than straight students to have been raped. They skipped school far more often because they did not feel safe: at least a third had been bullied on school property. And they were twice as likely as heterosexual students to have been threatened or injured with a weapon on school property.

More than 40 percent of these students reported they had seriously considered suicide, and 29 percent had made attempts in the year before they took the survey. The percentage of those who use various illegal drugs was many times greater than heterosexual peers. While 1.3 percent of straight students said they had used heroin, for example, 6 percent of the gay, lesbian and bisexual students reported having done so.

>These children were three times more likely than straight students to have been raped.

So the greatest threat to gay students is gays?

Who is implying the rapes are done by other gays?

>someone with obvious mental illness is susceptible to psychological harms
Its not a chicken or the egg problem.

So women are raping them. Interesting

Women are legally incapable of rape.

Therefore it had to be men.

Rape is forced penetration.

If you penetrate a guy, you're gay.

So all I have to do is pretend to be gay and women will rape me?

Hell yeah.

probably gays going to grindr meeting random men I could imagine

No straight men. They could be being gang-raped as a bullying tactic.

If your dick controls your thinking, you think like a dick, and a dick is not very good at thinking.
The trick is, you control your dick, your dick doesn't control you.

>Dr. Jonathan Mermin


No gay unless balls touching.

>straight men

>fucking men

wew lad

>hey everyone i'm gay
>look at me make out with my boyfriend cuz i'm gay
>please give me attention
>why aren't you giving me attention??? i'm unique
>kills self
truly an epic tale

This idea that rape is mostly done out of some form of dominance needs to end now. I have been in literally hundreds of fights as an amateur fighter. I not once ever thought you know what I feel like raping this guy after the fight. It's a stupid idea.

>raping a man
>not gay

rape is about power

how did the left one get that qt?

Okay just for one moment consider the following:

What if they stopped being such faggots.

>all those other studies saying gay children are doing just as well as straight
>now that a study comes out that suggests otherwise it's all straight people's fault

Did you read what it said? It's because of violence and bullying, not because they are bad at learning, not saying flaming faggots don't deserve it..

Who's blaming straight people?

The only real problem I have with gays is that they're wicked pushy. Story from back in the day when I was a young buck
>be in a tent at some music festival with some people I met there
>everybody's fucked up on ecstasy in a cuddle cluster
>probably eight of us
>I'm personally on shrooms and ecstasy so I'm diggin the platonic cuddling with Like 6 cute liberal festival girls
>3 other dudes, but ones a fag
>things switch from platonic groping to romantic passionate orgy very quickly
>slamming a bitch while making out with a girl who my buddies fucking
>two girls eating pussy right next to us
>fag comes over and tries to grope my ass
>yo fuck off dude
>grabs me by the jaw and tries to kiss me
>seriously I'm not into that shit as a push him off
>goes in again smiling like he's gonna seduce me or something
>still fucking and this dudes making me real mad
>I swing at him and Accidently knock him out
>pacifist hippies kick me out of their tent and my friends fuck all of them
>I find another tent with some of my buddies and we go out girl hunting again
God I miss the festival scene. If you're a conservative dude with even a slightly strong jaw and an average build you will pull all the sweet young liberal pussy you can find. You're an alpha among hippies. Anyway a fag ruined what could've been an excellent orgy for no other reason than to piss me off.

>gang-raped as a bullying tactic
WTF are you talking about?

This guy's never beaten up anyone and took him behind the bushes to pump his asshole while your friends get to watch. What a fag

It's every faggot's dream to be gangraped by straight guys


really, homos are mentally ill?
...that's weird!

Now is this because they suffer from a mental illnes or is it because there's too much white around them ?

JESUS CHRIST. EVERYTHING is ALWAYS about POWER with you guys. It's like you read some Nietzsche and just decided the world was built on Power. Fuck read some fucking Evola or something. Even Locke or James will help you with that.

>is it because there's too much white around them ?
What did he mean by this

Can confirm... was raped.


they are gay, familia

See this guy knows what high culture is all about. True successor to Rome.

Source that being gay is a mental illness and caused by what

caused by a particular transcription process of course

do you have a source?

>be organism
>evolve into consciousness
>randomly evolve said consciousness to be more effective
>evolve sexuality so won't die out
>accidentally evolve too much
>stop procreating, concentrate on fucking "images of myself" and looking for "the mirror"
>species grinds to a halt
>neighbor species that didn't evolve consciousness too much thrives and out populates me
>be forgotten because gay

there you go. They're just angry we're out populating them and will continue into the great beyond while they remain in the sewers of history along with the gay turk sex circle.

Wow, it's almost like it's a mental illness or something!

>American Education


>being gangraped as a bullying tactic
Top kek m8, to what sort of faggot school were you going?

What the fuck did I just read?

The Evolution of Man.

Your understanding of evolution is fucking terrible

We had a faggot go to our school. How he did not end up killing himself I do not know. But some of the banter was top rate. One class, in art, we dipped the end of a paint brush in brown paint, then picked it up and said to the teacher "ewww, Mr x i think user had some fun with the paintbrush before class". top kek

The Evolution of Man. According to Amerifat

Woah being mentally ill causes problems who would have thought.

well I'm no geneticist. What exactly did I say that was wrong?

Well no shit, They're to busy sucking caulk

That picture is from my high school a few years back like 2012 or 13. Carmel, NY.
I saw those two guys a few times but never actually talked to them, if I remember correctly someone submitted them for the yearbook and a bunch of others voted for them.
Weird how that stuff appears again.

Lol as gays have become more accepted their absurdly high suicide rate stays the same. How can anyone seriously keep pretending that they kill themselves because they're oppressed and not because they're mentally ill?

>concentrate on fucking "images of myself" and looking for "the mirror"
The fuck are you talking about?
>evolve sexuality so won't die out
>randomly evolve said consciousness to be more effective
what does this even mean?
>species grinds to a halt
4% of the population being gay totally grinds the species to a halt.

not always

somewhat true in nigger tribes, not really true in white societies. just degenerates looking for some fuk

>American '''intellectuals'''



I don't know why everyone is having trouble following this post desu senpaitachi

>If you penetrate a guy, you're gay.

So even if you are attracted to women but want to exert power over another man, like is done in prison, you are gay? If a man who is only attracted to women, is in prison, and rapes another man, he is suddenly not attracted to women anymore, and only attracted to men?

okay faggot

Sign me up!

Found the closet fag

>Rape is about power

Thoroughly debunked as liberal wishful thinking

Just like

>Men who prefer chaste women are insecure

ahh I see let me explain:

Images of myself and the mirror are references to the time when gay people tried justifying their gayness in the philisophical scene. See Simone De Beauvoir.

the sexuality thing was an attempt to explain why we have a conscious "sexuality" vs instinctive sex.

evolution is random. By evolving a more complex brain capable of more complex things we could outbeat the other species.

Gays are a species all their own. essentially I was saying homosexuality is a random evolutionary mutation that is taking a hold in our species' group. what we have to do it eugenics to keep their 'gay genes' out of our pool.


We need to hang out. That sounds like my youth minus the fag stuff.

>prison rape is entirely power plays
lmao what a retard

Not in the closet though, openly gay.

Faggot didn't even try and defend his argument

me neither


Raped boys either become Jugallos, screaming at the world, or they look like OP's pic.


I'm really liberal and progay but a lot of them don't know when to stop

>pls let me suck your dick
>pls pls
>puts hand on my croach
>they try it again

Had this sort of thing happen thrice

It's like a strange parallel universe where Jews actively destroy Western Civilization at every turn. This can't be real.

>cherry picking

nice job faggot, you completely ignored the rest of the argument, are you saying that rape doesn't occur with new inmates to try and get power over them? Of course they get passed around for the pleasure of others. But when new inmates are raped it is normally done as a form of getting power over them to "keep them in their places"

ungrateful piece of shit you should appreciate that someone's giving you compliments

Gay guys all have this insatiable fetish to turn straight guys into flamers. They are all convinced that if you fuck a totally straight man or suck his cock he'll convert to homosexuality. It's literally like the most popular fetish in gay porn and generally involves younger guys being coerced into becoming homos by older gay men.

>gang-raped as a bullying tactic.
It's like my Japanese doujins!

that all sounds so degenerate

>It's literally like the most popular fetish in gay porn and generally involves younger guys being coerced into becoming homos by older gay men.


>Gay guys all have this insatiable fetish to turn straight guys into flamers.



no, i'm a gay man, i don't hit on straight men, it makes them uncomfortable, and makes me a gigantic asshole. If i see someone i find attractive, i want to fuck them. But i wouldn't try and fuck a straight man anymore than a decent straight man would try and coerce a lesbian into having sex with them. And i definitely don't want them to turn into some feminized prancing faggot, why gay guys claim to like men and go for these gigantic flamming faggots is something i'll never understand.

I am 100% OK with gay people, and will defend their right to be so, but it is a mental illness, and needs to be treated, and researched as such.

This 50 year old guy convinced me he was going to give me music lessons if I smoked him out but it was really a ruse to make me let him suck my dick

He went on about his life of degeneracy at porn theater glory holes

When I thought I'd made a friend no, turned out to just want my rod

Strange most people who try to befriend you want something

so Sup Forums is /lgbt/ 2.0
time to go to lgtb and spam "im gay and neonazi" threads.

These two look like brothers.

>sexual-minority teenagers are indeed at far greater risk for depression, bullying and many types of violence than their straight peers.
probably because they're mentally ill.

>It's a mental illness
prove it. If anything it's an evolutionary trait to stop overpopulation

>Someone thought i was gay because i'm too autistic to get the hints and say that i'm not

sorry to hear you got triggered

I wouldn't say that. I've never had a serious relationship and been 6 years since I got any. I'd never had rape fantasies until about 6 months ago. I'm not going to act on it, but sometimes the guy is just frustrated. It isn't about controlling someone, I'm just poor, and have been lonely forever.

Which does not disqualify it as a mental illness.

Being Schzo is natural, and is a mental illness.

I have literally nothing against faggots, but every one of them that I have known has had some serious psychological problems, and they deserve help in that regard, so they can bang dudes and be generally gay productive citizens

My bad, i misread your comment, i was seeing it more as
>They're mentally ill and need to be in an asylum for being gay

source that being gay is a mental illness?

It is totally degenerate. That's what being young is for. If you're a tight asshole your whole life you'll end up having no stories when you're old.

>it's not really a mental illness
>it's a mental illness meant to prevent reproduction

>Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.

>Evolution is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

It's not like gays can't donate to sperm banks.

That's not just gays, hun, that's men.

Faggot names create faggot people

Faggot names create faggot people.

Yeah because sperm banks are a naturally occurring thing, retard.

But you're there everyday.

>it's not natural so it's bad
lets shut down hospitals then. Let's get rid of government, get rid of books, get rid of chairs, computers, the internet, after all, it's not naturally occurring you fucking dumbass

This is a very Sup Forums way of putting it, but it's mostly correct.

Natural evolution tells us that traits that develop in a species have basically 3 outcomes: it's better (white fur for animals in snowy environments), it's worse (white fur for animals in jungle environment), or there's no significant impact on the species (an arctic animal is born with a gene that lets them survive better in hot climates).

Darwinism tells us that the evolution of good mutations leads to better survival and the ones with inferior genes will die out as they struggle to keep up with their superior brethren in a hostile environment.

In the case of humans, we've evolved past the point of needing to worry about our environment and protection from predators. Our evolution is almost entirely social at this point. What do we need in order to keep the species alive and thriving? Instead of developing physical traits like wisdom teeth to chew raw meat, we need to improve our society and community which is responsible for basically our entire well being.

This is why "progressive" platforms, like homosexuality, transsexualism, and integration of opposing cultures, are actually REgressive because they are bad for the species. If 100% of the population turned homosexual, humans wouldn't see another generation. The same is true for transsexualism since a lot of transsexuals (accidentally) chemically castrate themselves, but also, almost every study on transsexualism reveals a whole slew of mental illness that often leads to suicide. Integration of opposing cultures can create tension and violence between them, and obviously being murdered isn't good for a person or the species.

So yeah. Homosexuality isn't good for the species. It's basically unnatural in the sense that it encourages a decline in production of offspring. All of this has basically nothing to do with morality. If you want to say there's nothing morally wrong with being gay then fine, but take the good with the bad.