Train full of Arty on the way to Crimea

A train full of artillery on the way to Crimea. Krasnodar

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literally nothing to see here

But you can't send tanks and shiet by train to Crimea, unless you are going through Ukraine.

Exactly, Ruskie.

That's why they'll go under.

Those are just regular tanks with DK mode on.

fuck arty, my fellow players of a game will understand

They have the Kerch port and have always been using it since 2014, you can't even stop a bus falling off a cliff, what will your tanks do, drop into mud?

Please based Russians show us your true power and start invading Ukraine, it's been awhile since the countries in Europe had a good fight we're getting soft

The reason I deleted WoT

Oh hail oh hail artillery
The king of battle follow me
For nothing in this world is free
The artillery life is the life for me

How do we know they are going to Crimea. They could be heading to Syria to shell the fuck out of ISIS. They could be staging to invade the kebab homeland for all we know. More information is required

>he doesn't play as light tank
>he doesn't flank the artillery
>he doesn't get any kills

>But you can't send tanks and shiet by train to Crimea, unless you are going through Ukraine.
But that is the plan all along

yeah yeah implying you can get to arty before dying every game

>play light tank
>get behind enemy lines
>find artillery hiding behind a building
>get oneshot as you cross the corner

I love dropping 203mm AP on camping niggers.

i wish you only get city maps for the next 500 battles faggot

Thats fine, direct fire works too.

>not zig zagging
>not using reticle lock
>not using glorious american light tanks
It's like you want to be scrubs forever

just for a single shot, you will get murdered until you can wait out the hour long reload

Plz no ww3 ok thanks

implying americuck lights are superior to french

American tanks:
>great radio
>(mostly) great guns (just avoid heavies)
>amazing deflection
>has Chaffee

smelly frog tanks:
>lol 270° turret
>lol so fast (matched with based Chaffee)
>muh oscillating turret
>muh higher calibers


Gotts keep those refugee children safe, i understand.

>Dat sexy MSTA-S tho


french tanks are overally shit, but their lights are just superior

good luck hitting that arty with the t49s accuracy, but you could try again. oh wait, 45 second reload, forgot about that

good goyim, start ww3 for (((us)))

Does the Russian people want war?
Why is the Russian government trying to land grab so much when they already have so much space?
Does putin really think its "hostile and illegal" for someone to take back THEIR land that he illegal stole just months ago?

The weak should fear the strong. Hohols must be punished for their deeds.

>tfw bolting as soon as match begins to go suicide ram a high-tier arty with the Leopard

what should the be punished for exactly?

>Why is the Russian government trying to land grab so much when they already have so much space?

Because it's mostly wasteland and Russians are not industrious.

Is that the new 2S35? All Russian vehicles look the same to me.

>not getting up close to avoid missing
>not zig zagging to avoid arty fire
>not ramming

>using the t49
>not using the based Chaffee
>not using the based t37
>not using based Walker Bulldog

For killing civilians that were not supporting their jewish retarded revolution and all this mess that we see in the world today. With your support of course. You will be punished too.

put it on the ferry..

Batchat is god tier though

If you make it to the end of the battle you can just pick everyone off, especially TDs

[concern intensifies]

Considering that some dumbfucks in Ukraine tried to smuggle equivalent of 40 kg of TNT into Crimea and killed two of our soldiers in a firefight only sending artillery there is a moderate answer.

Fuck off CIA.

because cia fucked up ukraine

AMX 13 75, 90 are superior anyways

Ayyy fellow PR bro. Where you at?

fuck off Ivan


>cuckservatives on Sup Forums
>why is russia so close to our NATO bases?
Hohol scum overthrow democratically elected government only months before an election in which they could have voted on whether to kick him out
Naw fuck that we Yurop nao
Send thugs into Eastern Ukraine because we glorious Ukraina we speak Ukraina not Russkie
thugs get fucked up Russia decides to annex a peninsula which is 90% russian which a Ukrainian dictator of Soviet Union had transferred from historical Russian control going back to the 1700 to Ukraine in the 1950s for no reason
Oh and this transfer was approved of by 90% of the Crimean population

Nobody here really gives a shit to be honest

They come then they come.

I doubt they will ever get to zakarpattia which is where I live

Sounds fine to me, James

You seem way to worked up about this

Calm down man it's not that serious

In the stinking shithole of Cayey.

sorry just Correcting The Record

>42 second reload


>make america mexico again
This is the same shit the mexicans are trying to pull in the US. Its also the same shit the muslims are going to do to europe as soon as they get enough numbers.
The russians in crimea were guests of that country. If they want to be back in russia so bad, then they should go back to russia.

>Russia now denying the existence of boats in order to support their rhetoric

those look of german design.

Cayey! Sorry for you man- Humacao here. Working in San Juan though and for some reason have Merica flag

Deeply concerned

Fatness is literally pouring out of this post.

Im going to laugh when russia takes you again.


Did we go back in time 2 years?

There is still time to stop Hillary before she runs!!!!