Western Degeneracy

Why has the west embraced faggotry? Look at the divide on this map. Why are Eastern Europeans so much less suceptible to faggotry?

Whats the point with this thread?

Westerners face no real problems in their lives, so they make them up to.

where the fuck did you get your stats leaf ?

France was 50% against


>Sweden ja
Kill Sweden someone

I don't know maybe it has something to do with IQ

no kikes


kikes = carrier rats of faggot disease
its ancient history really

The USSR, for all its wrongs, managed to squash out every single one of the degenerate western movements behind the iron curtain before they became a thing. The east is liberalizing now but at a much slower rate than the west, and they're farther behind, which is good

the only outliers on this map are the czech republic (blue despite being in eastern bloc) and greece (red despite being western bloc)

I don't give a fuck if you like to sucks cocks, as long as your sister let me drill her ass.
What are you? A muslim or something?

But the real reason: those former Eastern bloc countries were massively behind from others thanks to communism. When UK had their first gay drama on TV, Romania was trying to control their sewer kid problem. Gay rights are strongest in free countries with good economy.

A retard blog

>southeast asia in general
>arab states

>which is good
If it's so good, could they at least stay out of our degenerate countries? We have more foreigner than native burglars in this country thanks to Lithuanians, Romanians and Estonians.

Pink = Lithuania
Green = Estonia
Blue = Russia
Yellow = Romania
Red = Sweden


The faglovers socialists didn't want to do a referundum(about the fag marriage) because they know we would have voted against it.

USA is one of the most liberal countries when it comes to gays. Sure they have religious branch as well but it's still where everything roots from.

Japan has never had laws against homosexuality. It's just viewed different way there.

>Arab states

Not free to you but free in Muslims eyes.

Liberal democracy is the objectively the only true freedom.

We are trying to make it look like western Europe is cursed. That anyone living there for a considerable time turns into a faggot. As you point out, there is already plenty of evidence. All we need to do now, is spread the word in like 20 different arab dialects

atleast we got finnish meth market under our control ;^ )

Yeah as long as you follow the trend.

Because of Socialism

They know it already. That's why they hate America too. They think Americans dropped gay bomb in Iraq and now because of that they have gays when before they didn't.

That map is bullshit. Half of these countries neither democracy nor free. Having election doesnt make a country a democracy.

It makes it electoral democracy though. We know Turkey is dictatorship.

t. faggot

So much this

leave goatmoon alone