What does it all mean?

>Study Shows Men Attracted to Transgender Women are NOT Gay. DUH!

>Why Trans Porn Is Hugely Popular Among Hetero Men

>Transgender porn quickly growing in popularity

>Transgender Porn Is A Best-Seller, But Is It Good For Trans People?

>Transgender pornography downloaded in Vatican City

>Transgender-Phobic States Sure Do Like Transgender Porn

>Dear Wendy: “My Boyfriend’s Been Looking At Transgender Porn!”

>Pentagon ends ban on transgender troops in military

>Team USA duathlete Chris Mosier, 35, becomes the first transgender person to appear in ESPN's Body Issue

>Transgender flag rises at St. Louis City Hall

>'We're Not a Threat': Transgender Teen Shares Powerful Message on Bullying

What does it all mean?

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Honestly this is a great thread. I think the idea that men are gay for liking transwomen needs to be dispelled.

There is nothing gay about liking women.


For you, OP.

How gay is it to like porn where trannys fuck women?

I think it means our youth is corrupted, and our media is biased. But what do I know

This is honestly the most blue pilled video I've ever seen in my life. So many cherry picked examples, so many miss representations of data, and the pimozide meme. Kek, I guess you don't care if your information is valid right? As long as it feeds your agenda :^)

If feels like all of this is leading up to something, like some sort of "end game", but what is it? What's the end game?

It means were in the golden age of acceptance where nothing is wrong with anyone and we just need to learn to live with it.

If you think he is a woman, then you are not gay.

If you cannot wait to suck his titties and his cock, then you are gay.

Regardless of whether you call the little punk "She".

the globalist authorities seek the end of PHYSICAL gender and have for some time


Technically not gay, but still degenerate.

>nothing is wrong with anyone

being white and hetero and pro nuclear family seems to be very wrong these days. hetero people are looked like huge nerds that are "missing out" the real cool stuff.

OF COURSE men who are attracted to passing trannies aren't gay. They're literally attracted to the hyperfeminine, because in this day and age it takes a fetish in order to act like a woman is supposed to act.

It is a sad state in this country when in order to find a feminine partner who dresses and acts like a woman, that you have to find a man who hates himself.

Our women are TRASH and are in the dumpster.

>TFW hideous and fat

I am immune to this form of attack, since I never stood a chance with any form of degeneracy.

The West is so open and shameless about sex that less and less people find normal sex exciting anymore because they're exposed to it from fucking birth, so people latch onto filthy fetishes and then proceed to normalise their filth and bring it in to the mainstream. Now we have a generation in which these abnormal sexual desires are seen as fashion accessories and nobody dares to stigmatise it. In the good old days these freaks would have been bullied into cutting their wrists, as they should, but you can't do that anymore because of "muh feewings".

Honestly that chick seems chill af.

>Study Shows Men Attracted to Transgender Women are NOT Gay. DUH!

>Study Shows That redefining the word Gay Makes Men Attracted to Transgender faggots Not Gay. Huh

Fixed that for you. Fucking hate newspeak

>Transgender-Phobic States Sure Do Like Transgender Porn

how is this data mining kikery allowed?
people didnt acknowledge to be used as a survey, why is their data used then? same as with brexit.

>hurrr google says people who live in this perimeter are dumb

that is a very wrong thing to do, how the fuck is it legal to shame peoples votes? its corporation bullying.

Pretty much these.

>every trap thread is filled with mentally ill people jacking off in front of a camera
>videos of traps actually getting fucked are rare
>if they exist they are usually ugly traps
>bailey is the only one worth watching and even videos of him getting fucked are few and far between

life is suffering

You should come live in the UK, we have great privacy. When I say "great privacy" I actually mean that what we have is BBC vehicles driving through neighbourhoods intercepting our WiFi signals and collecting information.

I love traps but
>dat face shape

FACT: Gay men hate trannies.
FACT: You will never notice a tranny that passes.
FACT: There are women with functional vaginas who have XY chromosomes.
FACT: The suicide rate between post-op transsexuals and infertile females is exactly the same.

look up for "crosdresser getting fucked".

It means were losing the battle to jewish propaganda.

You're retarded. It's a private company that doesn't make anyone use their service. People to choose to stream free porn on that website.

Read their TOS. Quit crying you little sensitive cuck.

>functional vaginas
Please do go ahead and explain to me how a Pringles tube made of flesh is a functional vagina.

>FACT: Gay men hate trannies.

FACT: Straight men will never see trannies as women.

there are developmental disorders such as androgen insensitivity syndrome which causes genetic males to have vaginas and develop female secondary sex characteristics

>they're putting out studies now to justify their love for feminine dicks

We were talking about trannies, not people with physical developmental disorders. So, once again, please explain to me how a Pringles tube made of flesh is a functional vagina.

I think this is a Jewish degenerate plot to encourage men to have sex with tannies and have more people accept trannies.

Stop making excuses for your homosexuality.

it isn't and I never said it was dummy

>So a man who likes transgender women (people born essentially biologically male who are sociologically more like women)

HOLY SHIT I can't believe she got away with saying that.

Listen you dirty foreigner. I'm not looking for some big, hairy ass, hairy leg man dressed up in womens clothes getting fucked. I'm looking for Chloe Salpa to do something other than jack off in front of a camera. That is a waste of time imo. If he would bend over and take a dick that's a different story.

>being attracted to a man that dresses like a women who has a DICK something real women do not have is not gay
The only difference between a trap and a real women is a real women has no dick, so by that statment trap lovers love dick as it is the only thing a real woman lacks

It's literally the same. Trannys have a neurological developmental disorder where their brain sex does not match their physical body. This has been well documented and understood for nearly 2 decades.

Just because you insist on taking the blue pill doesn't mean everybody has to be as deluded as you.

tutors Ochem but does psychedelics on craigslist

literally asking for someone to blackmail her

>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist).

Nice one, lads.

put "cute crosdresser" in the search box then, you retarded cuck.

In the near future you may be dating a hot female whose DNA marker is XY.
Transsexual women are increasingly more beautiful and feminine than previous generations of transsexuals. Medical science has made many advances in the science of gender reassignment, and new experimental advances promise to develop procedures that will make transsexuals indistinguishable from biological females. In other words, transsexual women with a uterus, the ability to self-produce estrogen, and completely feminine skeletal-muscle and organic composition.

Would you consider a fertile transwoman capable of carrying a child a woman?

Would you still fall for the vaginal jew?

Swallow the pill and enjoy the ride, Sup Forums

There are plenty of straight men who dislike vaginas

I said "physical developmental disorder", not neurological development disorders. They are very different things.

But it is a physical thing. It's not a cognitive or mental disorder. It's a physical disorder.

Hair loss in men causes depression for most. Does that mean hair loss is a mental disorder? No, it's a physical issue that comes with mental distress.

Transgender people have a physical condition that causes them trouble.

>It's a private company

everything is a private company nowadays you retarded cunt. still, even if anonymously given, that info should be secured.

I like diamonds. If you give me cubic zirconia ring, I'll say "thank you, that's very nice" -- until I find out it's cubic zirconia -- then I'll beat your face in whilst wearing it, take it off and throw it in the trash.

Other things off are the scent, skin texture, facial/body hair, hair loss, voice... so basically a man who enjoys feminine things. Passing in a still picture is 100x as easy as passing in person, and the vast majority will always be grotesque freaks. I also have yet to see literally any that pass in their 40s.

Vaginas were not created to be worshiped like they are now as if it is some golden bar you aquire because you got some, vaginas have always been disgusting and were only created to be pounded by your dick to recreate

But they're dudes. That's gay.

But user, they're not women.

Dude, you literally just showed how little you understand and how worthless your opinion is on this subject.

Trannys actually do get a female scent, female skin texture and makeup, female body hair patterns and composition. Next you're gonna say, "fake tits" as if they don't grow their own.

>tfw (s)he looks better then my ex-gf

I like watching trans fuck chicks.... Is that gay?

By the time they can give you a working uterus we'll have sexbots and artificial wombs so nobody will bother will all this shit.

About 30% gay.

It shows that they're either being deceived by a "female figure," or that they're faggots who like dick but want someone who doesn't look like a man.

But passing trannies are still dudes. That's gay.

The science behind it is shaky at best. The closest scientists can get is that in certain studies with very very VERY small sample size, they have observed certain debatable similarities between tranny brains and women brains. The largest study I've been aware of had a sample size of about fucking 30.

Collapsing the birth rate of racial undesirables. Imagine you're Hitler and western civilization is your jew.

>Just because you insist on ignoring what y chromosome does doesn't mean everybody has to be as deluded as you.

suicide rates for post op?

Ok. Show me 3 trannies in their 40s that still look passable.

Wow haha it's actually true

This man speaks only the truth.

>dirty shitstain pooinloo foreigners

Yeah, but XY is what makes a guy a guy. That's pretty gay.

This is just one step in the acceptance and normalisation of tranny bullshit

I'm not falling for it schlomo

That's actually gay, is what it is, user.

I would say way less gay than enjoying blowjob videos.

Such a comfy mommy.


You are willfully ignorant. There have been studies with fantastic sample sizes and controls. More than you expect.

>Brain activation-based sexual orientation in female-to-male transsexuals.

>Kisspeptin Expression in the Human Infundibular Nucleus in Relation to Sex, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation.

>Neuroimaging studies in people with gender incongruence.

>Anatomical and Functional Findings in Female-to-Male Transsexuals: Testing a New Hypothesis.

>Gender dysphoria "cured" by status epilepticus.

>Neural Correlates of Psychosis and Gender Dysphoria in an Adult Male.

>Regional volumes and spatial volumetric distribution of gray matter in the gender dysphoric brain.

>The transsexual brain - A review of findings on the neural basis of transsexualism.

>Hypothalamic response to the chemo-signal androstadienone in gender dysphoric children and adolescents

>Neural network of body representation differs between transsexuals and cissexuals.

>White matter microstructure in transsexuals and controls investigated by diffusion tensor imaging.

>Brain Signature Characterizing the Body-Brain-Mind Axis of Transsexuals

>Cortical thickness in untreated transsexuals.

>Sex dimorphism of the brain in male-to-female transsexuals.

>The microstructure of white matter in male to female transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A DTI study

>White matter microstructure in female to male transsexuals before cross-sex hormonal treatment. A diffusion tensor imaging study.

>Neuroimaging differences in spatial cognition between men and male-to-female transsexuals before and during hormone therapy.

>A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity

>Male-to-female transsexuals show sex-atypical hypothalamus activation when smelling odorous steroids.

>Male-to-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers in a Limbic Nucleus

>A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality

But user, that's putting yourself in the position of the guy getting blown. Definitely not gay.

It means we need a third world war.

that thing looks like a man playing dress up.

>But they're dudes. That's gay.


Are they though, are they?

it means indoctrination, tho.

I occasionally jack off to traps and I agree.

Yeah, because they have XY, and they also have a penis. (Destroyed through surgery though)

I'm afraid I will fall for the trap once in my lifetime. Technology is advancing. Goddamnit.

Trannys are NOT women. It IS degenerate AND fucking gay. To each there own, but call a spade a spade. Quit rationalizing this shit.

>Hey monkey do you want to eat this banana?
>You do, well it's actually a piece of shit painted as a banana
Monkeys confirmed for loving to eat shit

It's only gay if you're on the receiving end

Most traps just want to be fucked and dominated as if they were true women.


where do you get the eggs tho?

epic mene

you can easily tell that's a tranny, he has a barrel body. Nice try though schekelstein.

Whatever you want to call it, it's abnormal and delusional.

passing means you don't know they're a tranny

What the fuck is with all this Trans spamming !!
this board been taken over by trans spies pushing there tranny propaganda !!

USA needs to get it's shit together, it is turning into the fag central of the world.

XY is dudes, breh. Way totally gay.

But user, you're XY fucking another XY. That's like, the most gay thing I can think of.

Giving or receiving, male on male is homosexual user, even if you contextualize the situation by a tranny's intent or state of mind.

It's a sliding thread, obviously. Don't forget to sage.

says the fag

Is it gay to get head from a shemale?

Men are better at being women than women, so trannies look more appealing to many men than women.

What is the difference between a female's asshole and a male's asshole? Nothing.

So there is no difference between a traps asshole and a females asshole.


Whew, that's a relief.

I swear the mental gymnastics you faggots do is incredible. Your mind must be so worn out when you get to bed.

The prostate is right there. Fucking a guy/tranny's ass means you're almost directly stimulating another male's seminal fluid gland. Mega gay.