Shill thread do not reply
trump is finished
Yea. Pretty anti-climactic end too. Sad!
He can't defeat the media in full propaganda mode.
Adios Dumpf
And in a few months time he's going to be six feet over her.
It's over. Sad!
When you have to pad your polls with more Democrats than Republicans then no.
Guys I just can't do it anymore
I stuck with trump through the primaries even though I knew he had no chance in the general. I was deluding myself then into thinking he had a chance.
I now know why he is losing. It's because he's a bigot. It really made me think about my life and how I was a bigot for supporting him. I am now #WithHer
Please be like me and acknowledge the error you have made her, Sup Forums.
He's losing so hard he's starting to turn black.
>doubting Trump
The man is God's chosen leader. Show some faith.
died after the DNC
>damage control
I know these are satire but it still rustles my jimmies.
these really corrected my record
Thank god
WTF!? Look at how white Hillary is compared to Drumpf!
I was going to vote for Trump, but this picture made me #MentallyHill
You just vote for merkel pls
Ew is he eating a tapeworm
>20 years of bsdnc??
People said the same thing in June after that other drop in the poll, and dozens of times throughout the primaries. He'll close the gap again like he did in July.
The last 2 polls from Reuters show that the lead is already shrinking, she's only at +5, and that was a poll with a lot more Democrats (46% Dems, 30% Reps, even though Gallup says 28% of the US identify as Dems, and another 28% as Reps). than you will see the in General Election,
Rasmussen only has her at +3. Plus in the key swing states like Florida and Ohio he's still doing well, he might even flip Iowa.
Is this gonna be the new "I'm now a #CruzMissle" but used against Trump this time?
wtf this really made me hop on board the #trumptrain now
>posting on Sup Forums
>not being on the Trump train
git out
Same answer as applies, according to Betteridge's Law, to news headlines framed as questions.
yes desu its over for drumpf
He's overcome worse. Just wait til the country sees Hillary's face as she scurries off the debate stage to relieve her falling bladder on national tv.