CNN fact-checks Trump Live on-air during speech.
I don't recall CNN ever doing this before today; certainly not with Hillary.
Could it be because they are biased? OR.....
Could be because Hillary doesn't blurt out every little insignificant thing that pops into her head without thinking?
CNN fact-checks Trump Live on-air during speech
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Meme this. Discredit the media!
They are scared
Said no cnn headline ever
You mean Obongo isn't literally a founding member of ISIS?
Holy shit
>Could be because Hillary doesn't blurt out every little insignificant thing that pops into her head without thinking?
No. Because the fact check facts on Hillarys lies would leave no time for commercials.
Both. Trump is probably somewhere right now, unprompted, explaining that when he said "blood coming out her wherever" he was referring to Megan Kelly's nose.
It's like CNN has never heard of the concept of "indirect" before. No one sane thinks Obama is the leader of ISIS, they think he produced the environment which allowed ISIS to exist.
kek approves.
pick ONE
Bush created the Islamic State in Iraq in 2006 after he fired the Ba'athist regime and Iraq became a lawless libertarian paradise.
yeah if you want to get loose with it but who armed and trained the current crazies running amok with US gear in Syria and Iraq?
you could argue it was after he dismantled the Iraqi Army in 2002
Lying Don is at it again
Why is the staff down there at Correct the Record all white? Is it a white supremicist organization?
Fact check: al-Baghdadi is a puppet of Obama therefore Trump is correct in his statement
when the orange leader of the right wing retards thinks the US unemployment rate is 42%, then yeah some real time fact checking is in order.
Trump did not mean ISIS is literally the founder of ISIS, but that he allowed for their growth and expansion, and without his action/inaction, ISIS would not be where it is today. Is the media autistic?
good to know that cnn is the bastion of objective knowledge with all their media degrees
>Dan (((Diamond)))
Opinion discarded
God created ISIS by creating the universe (he did).
Trump has said it repeatedly you fucking retard. And don't pretend like I don't have screenshots of you retarded assburgers saying it here too.
Did he literally mean it or not?
except that he was asked directly this, and yes, he said Obama literally funded ISIS
A radio show host tried to suggest this when he was talking to Trump, but Trump insisted that he meant it literally.
CNN has fact checked Trumps claims and can confirm Hillary will not be named their MVP
Because Sup Forums trusts Vox, especially when a Canadacuck cites Vox.
>I don't know why he did it
Sweet merciful crap is this real? Did they really do this?
They started doing this like a week ago.
They tested it online to she how it would fly and i guess are not moving it up to live TV
Checked, spot on the money.
They are doing it because the media is getting so much heat for putting out his absolute horeshit without fact checking it for accuracy.
They have to fact check the Republican presidential nominee because it's such a fucking problem that even CNN is doing journalism
pic related is all you need to know. Trump simply lies more than Hillary. It makes sense to fact check him live.
this Hillary installation must have been in the woodworks for a while
>right wing retards
Still here? Fuck man go make some friends or something.
He was referring to the labor force participation(Which is at it's lowest in decades) which factors in people not searching for jobs, thing is some advisor probably told him this and he just didnt understand it
Good one.
>I can't read
He says that it's "the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS". Trump admits it's not literal, but that he wants to keep using the term because it sticks with people. It's persuasion again.
Politifact is a shill website owned by the liberal Tampa Bay Times, and no one takes it seriously, especially not on Sup Forums.
Politifact is owned by a known supporter they also base that number on statements they choos
Obama did found isis
Hillary the corrupt lying shill for the NWO says Trump is a liar.
Hello who are you?
Also checkem
He was judging that from the amount of people turning up to his rallies, which is a good point in general in all honesty, no one has rallies like Trump does and he has a point, though maybe not 40%, a joking exaggeration on his part, i'd say he's not far off with saying 20% though.
You're only confirming the fact that Trump is mentally retarded. He thinks 80 year old grandmas should be counted as unemployed. The man is fucking clueless.
The CLFPR is not an unemployment rate. The fact right wing retards think it is proves that they are autistic assburgers.
are we being (((mocked)))?
That's a good point, for retarded Trump supporters the unemployment rate is probably 42%. For everyone else it's 4.9%.
>being an intellectual weakling and coward
It was under obongo's direct command that the people who became isis were trained, funded and equiped to battle assad in Syria
>known biased news source
>unbiased fact checking
Fuck off stupid shill, who do you think you're converting?
Nice Cherry picking.
Glad to see I have someone here fighting the ignorance with me.
Politifact is an unbiased fact checking website. That is simply not an argument.
>Churchill: Chamberlin Founder of New German Empire !
>Fact Check: He's Not
The art of the metaphor is dead if this is what the MSM is to make of it.
No, that's what an idiot like you would discern from it. He's obviously using it as a scare tactic but it's still an incredibly important statistic and too write it off like that just shows the extent of your ignorance. We have a smaller percentage of the population attributing to the economy in decades yet older generations are staying the workforce for a longer period of time than they ever had and women now have the opportunity to enter the workplace with men so we should statistically be having our highest percentage.
Don't you have a fire to put out?
That sHill knows exactly what he's doing.
Why couldn't he just say his policies led to the creation of ISIS or something? I feel like he's overdoing this "not a typical politician" thing and actually getting into conspiracy theory territory with 9/11 Truthfags and shit.
Why anyone would take the media seriously after that happened is beyond me. It's not even entertaining propaganda either. Just flat out retarded lies and shit reporting.
thats "bill" !?!?!?
Typical Drumpfkin. Rather than engaging in debate he would rather just name call.
he did
Wow, your use of adjectives and speculation have swayed me to vote for her.
0.02 shekels have been deposited in your accound.
Trump and right wing retards don't understand what the labor force is, how U3-U6 rates work, have never read a fucking job report in their worthless, miserable lives, so they have to make up autistic numbers to make themselves feel better.
It's all very sad and pathetic.
He's playing to his base, who blame Obama and Hillary from everything from death and taxes to the Hindenberg crash.
He doesn't seem to realize that he's just pushing more middle of the road voters away from him.
Trump talks past the sale because thats how you pierce an impenetrable media propaganda curtain. They wouldn't talk about it if he put it in the way you put it.
There is hope for the Trump voter.
>Fact check: al-Baghdadi founded ISIS (He didn't)
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi did. Get your shit right, CNN.
But he said "Literally" when he was first asked to reiterate, did he not? He's using the word like we do, then. As in, the exact opposite of what it means.
do you have a job or do you get paid to post?
dont care faggot
So your rebuttal was a butthurt ad-hominem? Seems about right from your type, enjoy your time shilling here all day for free NEET
Lmao you fucking dumb nigger.
Go do your own fucking statistics, video record it, go ask every fucking household in the USA if they are unemployed or employed then get back to me.
I've seen a fuck ton of people in the USA that are struggling to find work or work to cover their running costs, though a stupid nigger like yourself that probably voted for fucking Trudeau will simply bend over and let government fuck you in the ass and lie to you.
Yeah i'm sorry we're not all completely fucking autistic like yourself m8.
Sometimes there has to be people that will call out you fucking retards to actually see what's going on with the world, the government doesn't fucking care about you, they'd rather just allude you to think everything is okay, such as the fucking bubble america is in in regards to the economy at the moment; but yeah "america is absolutely fine" isn't it MR WEEDMAN.
>calling Trump supporters retarded
point out to me where he said "literally"
Remember who these people are. They are people so hopelessly embedded in liberal outrage culture that they have chosen to become employed by the Hillary propaganda campaign. We laugh about "triggered" liberals but it's important to realize they have been indoctrinated into this behaviour. Their entire function is to react to opposition with violent rage and shut it down. The problem is most of the people that fall into the libtard category are lazy shits that need to be paid to shitpost. Hillary is obviously terrified and desperate and her only solution to problems is to throw money at it.
>Trump and right wing retards
What's interesting is that you think HRC somehow isn't right wing.
>don't understand what the labor force is,
We do, which is why we post the LFPR in relation to the other rates.
>have never read a fucking job report in their worthless, miserable lives
Being paid to shitpost from my comfy accounting office in sweet USD.
>so they have to make up autistic numbers to make themselves feel better.
How do you explain the metric reduction in the very post you replied to?
>It's all very sad and pathetic.
>Bush says the economy is not that bad
>He's lying
>Obama says the economy is not that bad
>He's telling the truth
continue saying nothing because you can't admit that trump is a retard for thinking my 80 year old grandma is unemployed. She's retired jackass. She's out of the labor force a reason. Go read a fucking BLS jobs report for the first time in your life.
>says the person employed to shill for her on a Cambodian hat weaving forum.
Your adjectives have no value here.
how many have you made?
As someone who was at the rally yesterday, when Trump said that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIS, he meant that due to their incompetence in the Middle East, the Obama Administration allowed it to happen.
CNN needs to put it in context. I'm not going to watch Clinton News Network anymore if they keep this stupid bias.
>Bush says the economy is not that bad
>He's lying
>Obama says the economy is not that bad
>He's telling the truth
The Bush economy created 1 million jobs.
The Obama economy created 15 million jobs.
Even you morons should be able to do the math.
>How do you explain the metric reduction in the very post you replied to?
So you admit you right wing retards have no fucking clue why the CLFPR is falling.
Much more likely that a slobbering retard such as yourself, watches CNN for some scrap of reassurance that your candidate, along with her party, aren't crumbling down into oblivion. See you on the Trump landslide election night retard.
not as many as these
Don't worry, they won't keep peddling their stupid bias anymore (They Will)
Women with the minds of 14 year olds are doing the fact checking at CNN
only explanation besides (HE'S NOT)
obama "economy" created 15 million jobs because 9 million were lost and gained back thanks to the economic cycle and
> thanks to the economic cycle
Thanks to the GOP.
Republicans crash the economy
Democrats fix it.
We get it.
seriously seek help
Hillary doesn't think. She just regurgitates.
I'm not the right wing retard who thinks the US unemployment rate is 42%.
Thanks to the business cycle desu
if CNN says hes not the founder then maybe he really is
the clintons set up 2008