Haven't they basically built America?
Sup Forums why do you hate black people?
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I don't hate Black people. I hate Niggers
Potato potatoe
I love my brotha KANGZ
I can't name a single black architect
Blacks are niggers
Nobody hates them, you are delusional
Black people primarlly picked cotton. Everything in America then and now is made of cotton. Who would have thunk that blacks bulit America??
But you make that deterimination yourself. It's a self-suck.
You think you're being objective, but you're actually just going off your fee-fees: everyone you don't like is a "nigger," everyone you do like is merely black.
It's a self-suck.
How's the war going
They are truly the driving force in American infrastructure
I don't
If slavery freeing others from work is so beneficial then why isn't Brazil light years ahead of the US?
No. They picked cotton for 70 years and then hung around acting shiftless and complaining about it for 150.
Nah, niggering has a pretty specific objective criteria.
I love black people. I hate the black culture that's formed from white guilt and denial.
>the back of our 2$ bill literally shows you who "built" America
>Haven't they basically built America?
They picked cotton and that's about it.
It's okay.
Ghouls (Africans) are an utter blight wherever they are, they are the Europeans natural enemies and their hatred, primitive nature, low intellect and aggression lead to not a single aggregate benefit of them to non-ghoul society. They are also hideous to behold.
They are WILLFUL pawns of the Jew, because they cannot wait to slaughter every last one of us, so it must be us or them.
>I don't hate Black people. I hate Niggers
The only time blacks don't act like niggers is when they're surrounded by so many whites they have to at least pretend to act human. Whenever you get enough niggers in one place they all go full chimp every time.
>tfw black
>tfw no white Sup Forums friends
You fuckers said you would always be with me.
But didn't cotton picking drive US economy?
We can be Skype friends when you go back to Africa
dey bult da white house blood.
All of the supposed economic gains were wiped out after the civil war.
They built nothing!
But I'm not from Africa. I was born in this great nation, also I bet the internet sucks in Africa.
Anyone can pick cotton.
Khufu, the pyramid builder.
Black people were brought to America as farm machinery, was the Wild West "built" by horses?
but but muh black wallstreet.
>Haven't they basically built America?
No, they plucked America bare.
So ya'll just really that racist, I got it.
>"Cu fu?" is Sicilian dialect for "who was it?"
You mean the North American Pavement Ape?
If you did not want to hear about reality why did you ask?
If you want to believe that a tiny minority of blacks built the nation that is your business.
What about black men who support the Democratic globalist agenda?
Men like Barack Obama and Eric Holder are definitely not niggers, and are probably more intelligent than most Sup Forums posters. Yet their agenda makes them all the more dangerous.
>and are probably more intelligent than most Sup Forums posters
What are you basing that of off?
You're gonna have to come up with a stronger slur, calling everyone racist is not working anymore
I just said it to rile people up, I have no idea what your IQ is nor the President's.
But he's definitely not a nigger, the guy obviously has excellent verbal IQ from his days as a writer and community organizer.
I don't hate black people, I hate niggers.
There is a difference.
>It's an everything was made of cotton post
What have they built exactly? The only thing they're good for is ruining neighborhoods and cities
>tfw my Ukrainian friend went to Ukraine of the summer (he always does so), but lives in Lviv. Would he get drafted to fight the rooskies?
Successful African-Americans should re-integrate into Africa.
Maybe American Blacks need to take some responsibility for the shithole they left behind. Half a million white men died to set them free. Our part is over. Go back to Africa, and i mean that in the most empowering way possible.
Fuck black people in America, period, regardless of anything else. If they're civilized and successful they should fix their race.
Why do black people hate whites, when their own people enslaved them and shipped them all over the world?
It is simple, blacks don't accept the reality of history and just ignore it.
Or they make up shit like "dey be just bying dey kin folk in sheet"
[spoiler]They're the same thing[/spoiler]
I'm not insulting anyone, just thought racism in Sup Forums is ironic. Apparently not.
They did a bit more, rails are pretty important although they were designed and commissioned by white men. Also the trade and profits America made off the slaves worked propelled the economy instead of having costly white workers.
This place should be labeled a hate site if it's not already. Matter of fact I should make sure of it.
It's funny. I grew up in a mixed poor black white hood in michigan. Had some close black friends. Problem is, the older generations fought to be equal. But all generatios after them have glorified blacks as being dumb hatefull racist savages, and so that's for the most part the reason why places like detroit, flint and other shithole nigger cities exist. Now they will blame whites, the government, rich people, but never ever will they take responsability for their actions.
Dude, you say that we shouldn't make reparations for slavery because no niggers alive today were slaves, not even their parents.
If they were never slaves why the fuck should they go back, it wasn't exactly their choice to leave in the first place. No niggers don't deserve free money but they shouldn't have to be forced to go to a foreign country.
I hate coons to but you're just a retard.
Not the poster your replying to, but i think if black african americans want to go back as a collective, then it's good. Not forced. But the real back to africa movement could be seen if trump is elected.
Yes because blacks are responsible and had the power to move the auto industry out of Detroit and ruin the city.
Would still be standing if you didn't agitate white Tulsans through crime
I don't hate black people. Just ghetto niggers.
btw I'm a spic
White people actually believe that. You're a naive fool and no wonder the Jews run this country now.
kek this photo reminds me of all the commercials where nigger families are just doing normal shit. goddam hollywood and the media are funny motherfuckers
It would have to be voluntary, and I would be completely fine with it. The average American nigger is smarter than the African nigger, they may go far in the continent and help improve it as a whole. Africa can be a good and productive continent if they get their fingers out of their arse and do something apart from spreading aids and killing each other.
They wont hate the white privilege there and will be with their own, hell they can make themselves kangs and sheet.
Rather stay here and make white racist lives miserable...plus no reparations.
I hate niggers, not black people.
Because statistically speaking, that picture is missing 1 more male who is in jail
A lot of European blood floating around in that family.
Huh built by blacks? What revisionist historian have you been reading? USA was built on the backs and blood of German, British, and Western European diaspora ever since the first pilgrims from England. Fuck off back to your poor country shill.
>Built America
In what way? There tends to be this thought that the poor build nations through their labor, but this is simply not true on the individual scale. I.e., if your wage is extremely low, it's assumed that your contribution is rather low as a business cannot pay money wages lower than utility.
This only becomes true in any meaningful way, that the poor build nations, when its reinvented to mean the majority of persons. So, in this sense, the majority of people contribute more through their small contribution than the minority with large contribution.
This doesn't apply to blacks, because even considering this, they've never been a substantial part of the country at large.
you like the "WE WUZ" meme, don't you serbia