holy fuck just let the nukes come. I'm ready
>concern levels
I'm going to Kiev in November, can't really do a lot when it's all just ash
Fuck sake
The moment the war starts, Romanian and Polish armies moved for Bukovina and Lvov respectively.
My body is ready
Let the shit hit the fan, Europe needs another war
Could there actually be a conventional ground war between nuclear powers if it was limited to one country, the Ukraine? Could either country accept losing that war without having used their most powerful weapon?
If it ends with a partition, no nukes, If it ends with NATO chasing Russia back to their border: nukes
but not white on white dude.
it's not the 19th century when we were the main game.
I'm kinda out of the loop, anyone have a hood tldr of the whole Ukraine conflict?
we still are the main game desu, still lots of darkies to kill now to make it a multicultural event
This time, America loses.
how out of the loop? like you followed the first one but not recent developments or you didnt follow the first one?
Just like HOI Putin still needs his war claim first
Come on, I want some happening.
I followed the first one but I was kinda confused about what was going on exactly
Pff the strong stay to fight, the lib cunts will run to the south where they'll be either butchered by those sandnigger or they'll get tough as fuck and return in force
see pic related
Russia claims Ukraine secret police sent operatives to crimea and assassinated an FSB agent and an RAF soldier earlier this week
well... gg ukraine.
Conventional war is a meme for Russia. They will nuke Kiev or Lvov to send a clear message that continuing to play this game without them winning is hopeless. That is if they want Ukraine in the first place.
Just look at all their previous conflicts, they were all half arsed. Georgia: Peacekeepers move in to designated areas, whereas one chechen battalion with shitty communication with higher command decides to go on a roll and move towards the Georgian capital for shits and giggles.
Chechnya: Training ground for FSB/Chechens
Ukraine: Swallow Crimea and send a few operatives to donbass so they can make sure all the deluded slavs with patriotic/nationalistic/commie complexes keep in line while fighting that pointless conflict just to remove attention from Crimea, slowly bleeding Ukraine while Russian units got 'lost' a few times to make sure they hold out.
>The President of Ukraine decided not to join EU trade treaty
>The US, EU, and various private actors stage a coup in Ukraine
>Russia annexes Crimea and finances several proxy forces in eastern ukraine which take over a big chunk
>several awesome battles encirclements and sieges occur
>conflict goes semi frozen in agreement called minsk agreement
>both sides ignore main provisions and skirmish/shell for the last 18 months
>now russia says Ukraine killed two russians
>division sized russian units positioned at ready on ukraine border and allegedly inside nororussia
>large scale naval and aerial "exercises" being conducted by both sides
That first comment.
Base Ivan Ivanovich
>The US, EU, and various private actors stage a coup in Ukraine
This is what Sup Forums ACTUALLY believes.
>non foreign financed revolutions are a thing....
US shills will claim it wasnt the US behind coup
Russaboos shills will claim that it isnt Russia sockpuppeting the novorussians
Anyone trying to be objective can see that shills on both sides are wrong
All those "color revolutions" are foreign financed, that's why the georgian ex-president who went against Russia is now governor of Odessa.
>concern levels
Is this an actual thing? How do they determine their concern levels kek
>pro russian government
>strategic importance to russia
all the criteria you need to be targeted for a foreign backed coup/rebellion
No such thing.
That bottom comment
It's common knowledge, go and be shill somwhere else.
I'm sure Sup Forums denies there were snipers also.
Clueless britbong being clueless.
if their so concerned y dont they just declare war on putin??
It will never end. We've always been at war with Eurasia.
what "ukraine"?
Nobody will want to illegally immigrate to add irradiated wasteland
White people will be fine
We are adaptable
This is so pathetic
Of course we killed 2 Russian soldiers, the easiest type of people for their government to fake as dead
First comment best comment, US, or the people currently in charge can go fuck them self with their with an extremely concerned dildo.