>these are 10/10 to European women
what the fuck is wrong with their brains?
>these are 10/10 to European women
what the fuck is wrong with their brains?
>he thinks european women race mix as much as american women
Women care about masculinity not effeminate toilet seat complexion pussy bois like you
>African men
kek they're like the skinniest people on earth
>He thinks European women will even touch these people.
All the shit you hear on the Internet is the vocal minority.
They don't want pussy men who bow to their every whim. And biologically they assimilate so they don't die when another tribe invades their lands to ensure their survival.
Seriously m8, stop watching Blacked porn and Jewishwood movies, it's damaging your brain.
t. racemixing capital on the planet
They are.
wtf they aren't libyan.
t. Americucks.
10/10 to ugly fat ones who cant get a white man
The wrong thing is the femenine penis of white males, you can actually say europe has been a full women continent since the alphas died in WWII
Women grab hold of nogs because they won't challenge them intellectually. Most women are insecure in this way. It's dumbdick, that's all.
That's why your women come here for cock?
>>these are 10/10 to European women
They are if they say so. Also they are kids.
>Implying they can afford toilet paper nevermind a plane ticket.
you're right they're European now :^)
No they're not. Very few white womenz are interested in negros and those that do are quickly noticed and discarded as subhuman. user, outsideof fatties and drug addicts, no one wants to date sambo.
What do you mean? They go after anything that can speak weird.
White women that mix need to publically paraded through the streets
>b-but user it was just out of curiousity we where all wild back then right?
>so what if there was 3 of them? Its because they where black isnt it? Goosh you are such a child!
>Omg! Grow up its 2016 and i am not like that anymore!
>I cant belive you had sex with Cindy 18years ago! How could you?! You fucking pig i am leaving!
Westren women
No they dont. At least not teh normal woman.
You can divide these kind of ( german ) women into three types.
1. Typical leftist Students who see them as some kind of project, More like a Puppy than humans. Interesting for a short time to lift up their social status inside their retarded Groups but nothing they fuck or want a relationship with.
Today them, tommorow some environment project it doesnt really matter.
2. The old fat and often divorced hags no normal man wants to touch. They want Shitskin dick and the Scum wants social security/ a passport.
3. They typical all the time drunken whore without dignity who fucks with everybody no matter the race.
The common german women avoids them for being they typical Scum they are.
Everything else is just mornic cuck fantasy mostly coming from US anons who have some kind of strange fetish about this.
No. Only in Sweden, France, Germany and UK.
>sends his women to Europe with stomachs full of drugs
Fucking kill yourself degenerate spic
Kek agrees
This is the correct answer. It's just propaganda in movies and tv shows albeith der juden has been working overtime to promote it. Still not working.
they gather in libya and stay for a year or two untill they gained enough money to buy a one way ticket to europe.
gaddfi tried to warn you. now there are some cities that specialize in sending refuge in boat rides for money
>these are 10/10 to European women
No, they aren't. Such claims are an attempt to demoralize white men and nothing more. Studies repeatedly show black men are lowest on desirability scales, even amongst black women.
Subhan Allah! The lucky 7 quints have spoken. Let this be so!
Can they be nude?
Pajeet, don't suck white people dick. It's not endearing, it just pisses everyone off
Pic related (Simon Mol) infected 80 Polish women with AIDS. Whenever they wanted him to use a condom, he'd say it was "racism" and "stereotypes" that made them think he was diseased.
Niggers and White women are separated by 40,000 years from their last common ancestor. White women want to diversify their offspring as per Darwin's laws.
Those gets. Kek has blessed you child, go forth and spread his word.
>80 Hambeasts SJW infected with AIDS
And that is bad because?
he fucked whores. he didnt raise families with them
Why is it so hard for you fags to admit that black men are physically and sexually superior to white men?
No he could just live in their countries and bitch about them like you do Chang.
But they kill and rape without second thoughts about it. Women love that.
I see coal and oil burning whores in Vienna every day.
>giving a fuck about white women in 2016
>be Canacuck
>get cucked
I lived there for 9 years. Saw it every fucking day.
>Image search
>US websites
Really makes you think
Hide niggerposts.
they will be...as heroes. the first to welcome the new overlords.
enjoy your feminism and eventual divorce, cucklord
Come to China, white man.
>these are 10/10 to European women
>implying cunts have any value
Fucking whiteknight
I can't speak for Europe, but all women in America being coalburners is just a meme. And if they are, it's usually ugly/fat ones that no white man wanted anyway.
Enjoy you half breed untermensch and your smelly niggerfem.
Where can we find racemixing stats? Sup Forums acts like it's so common but I don't see it that often and when I do see high quality white with a black usually the black person isn't ghetto or trashy.
I do see fat trailer trash with skinny hood niggers but does Sup Forums really care what fat white bitches doing?
Just seem like racemixing way over blown on Sup Forums. Only coal burner I know is with a nerdy gamer black and he's a really good dude who treats her well. Maybe my area just not as bad as others I guess.
Enjoy jacking off to chinese cartoons while I have 6 kids in a marriage that lasts until death
>these are 10/10 to European women
Fucking nigger cucks
I met Robin Thicke in a Hollywood bar once. Dude is hilarious as hell for a Chad, his dad is also cool as hell.
>until death
...in a few years by the hands of RWDS for being a racetraitor
Oh and Anime is mostly japanese, idiot.
>Marriage that lasts until death
>Uses divorced couple as pic
In my area in Michigan at least half of the children I see are disgusting half breed niglets with their pompous white trash fatty mother.
I never see them with the fathers of the children.
It's an epidemic.
White women want to have nigger babies now
Kek smiles upon you, child. You are one of the chosen ones
what kind of faggot speak is this?
Only because the guy was a Chad who cheated
>what kind of faggot speak is this?
go back to plebbit newfag
>all the women I know either turned into drooling leftists or far right bat swingers thanks to immigrants
Not like I had any chance to begin with, but I know not to stick my dick in crazy
This sucks either way
yo Libya user!
Glad to find you still here
Can you confirm that there are italian special troops FIGHTING with you to retake sirte?
So basically bootleg Arabs?
I'll never forget that the last german girl I met was tongue deep kissing a mexican guy who could barely speak english, long black hair, ugly aztec features and brownshit skin. Mexico city is a weird fucking place.
>he thinks half of sweden is the entire europe
Damn, are they the types of coal burners who fuck ghetto niggers? I'm guessing so since dad's aren't around.
That's what I don't get, there are quality blacks who don't bail on their kids but it seems like white women go for the ghetto ones who bail and don't have jobs.
I know quality blacks who act like finding a white woman is hard but seem like deshawn from section 8 has no problem finding white sluts. Why do white women like the hood niggers over the high quality niggers?
Maybe being a dumb ghetto ape is alpha?
yep. pretty much normal here. thanks hip-hop culture!
I never see white women with brown skin Mexicans. I see them with lighter skin Mexicans but never with dark skin ones.
Is it common in Mexico?
yup there are also helping in treating the wounded and other stuff confirmed.
but i hoped you guys would let them kill each other
it just like watching isis and fsa fighting
It's basically legal beastiality
One friday or saturday night I had to walk trough that area "Stadtbahnbögen". pic related
This place shouls be bombed with napalm.
we have this monkey to thank to for the current state in libya
Vienna is pretty much a shithole (drug dealing in broad daylight, violent leftists, police doesn't give a shit) but the U6 is some kind of subhell.
Fuck all niggers
There are no 'quality' niggers
>Dutch humour
Not willingly though lol, fukken Germans
we have to help our (((greatest ally))) the USA, you know...
Josefstädter Straße and Nußdorfer Straße are the worst.
Could it be cause of their proximity to 16th?
Fair enough kek
virtue signaling
>genociding your own race just to virtue signal
what the fuck is wrong with you people?