Eurobros, how do you wake up everyday knowing that we're being invaded and we cant do anything about it?

Eurobros, how do you wake up everyday knowing that we're being invaded and we cant do anything about it?

I'm really starting to contemplate suicide and taking some politicians with me



I had to actually.

But i dont want to die or go to prison. I want to live and see what happens.

If a civil war will start i will be sure to fucking gear my shit up and fight this shit.

hello gestapo
Yea me too. It's just so fucking demoralizing. I really would love to see a sort of riot/civil war/ revolution in my lifetime

>we cant do anything about it?

you literally can but you're all too pussy to do it

thought about it actually*

Lets just hope shit really hits the fan.


Who cares?

>tfw roasties are getting fucked en masse
>tfw the EU is crashing with no survivors

Im petrified and im in aus. Im thinkin about moving to japan

Yup. This crisis might be the occasion to do something good.
Hell even finding 400k people and go to Rome to create a huge protest would be nice

go, our hero

>killing a bunch of kids fapping on an island? No thanks.

We need a true revolution with many people matching on the capital toward the fucking parliament.

God damn, it feels good to be British right now.

You can do something about it. Grow some balls and leave the EU.

-Britbong abroad


>Not in a European country

I hope you anons are from Europe...

If Brexit is so great why don't you move back to the UK, faggot?

I am in a few months.

Dare to dream.

Northern Euros are first of all very racist against us southern and eastern Europeans.

Second, I can't force or influence them to do anything from a position of weakness.

I have traveled nearly all of northern Europe and I have seen how they no longer care about their culture and heritage, money and sucess is their god now. And it always amazes me how strong and Greek culture and Christianity is entrenched even in young peoples minds in Greece, it's like a whole different mentality.

It saddens me, but you cannot save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

>Eurobros, how do you wake up everyday knowing that we're being invaded and we cant do anything about it?

Feels batman. On the upside, my spider sense is tingling. I bet Europe is about to make history soon. I give it 5-10 years max

I'm friends with a Greek here and he's the only one who is based when it comes to the EU and Brexit. Stay strong, Vasilis, the Brits are with you.