I'm reading Mein Kampf, something none of you illiterate fucks will ever have the will power or discipline to do. I'm enjoying all the bizarre parallels between the 1920's and the current year. Chapter 11 of volume 1 is particularly interesting, because it's Hitler's summary of how the Jews created "Social Justice Warriors" to use in Marxist subversion. How can it be that someone so famous could have written about this very thing that you're all so obsessed with, but none of you knew about it?
Hitler was the first to write about SJWs
Other urls found in this thread:
>Soon the Jew became the leader of the battle against himself. I am speaking figuratively when I say “against himself” because the “great master of lies” always succeeds in making himself seem innocent and throwing the blame on others. Since he had the audacity to lead the masses himself, it never occurred to the people that this could be the most legendary fraud of all time...
>Without being aware of it, the laborer is put to work for the very power that he believes he is fighting against. He is led to believe he is acting against capitalism, and therefore he is easily made to fight for capitalism. The cry is heard against international capital, but the real target is the national economy. The current economy must be destroyed so that the international stock exchange can replace it on the corpse-strewn battlefield, with Jewish financial world interests.
>To achieve his goal, the Jew proceeds as follows: he creeps up on the workers in order to win their confidence, pretending to have compassion for their poverty and circumstances or even anger at their miserable lot in life. He is careful to study all the real or even their imagined problems. Then he arouses the desire for change. With infinite shrewdness, he stirs up the urge for (((SOCIAL JUSTICE))), an innate desire that is sleeping within every Aryan. Once the fire is burning, the Jew turns it into hatred toward those more fortunate and puts the stamp of a very special World-Concept on the battle; he builds a philosophy designed to correct social injustice. He founds the Marxist doctrine.
Nope, of course you brainless faggots don't care. Nu-pol is complete shit, Sup Forums 2.0 and nothing more.
How is your mom?
Don't worry OP, I'll give you a bump.
It's summer what do you expect?
This summer has been worse than most
Interesting mate.
Have a bump.
Generally it isn't a particularly good idea to insult individuals, that you wish to open a discussion with.
Adolf wrote about these things, because they are aspects of Globalism.
The very thing that turned parts of Germany into disgusting holes of degeneracy.
Out of interest, what edition of Mein Kampf did you get?
What can we do against such reckless ignorance?
el sid guapo
>something none of you illiterate fucks will ever have the will power or discipline to do.
i am not even allowed to do that.
>"nigger with two pills" meme
Kill yourself and achieve enlightenment.
If the jews are masterminding the annihilation of the white race, by subverting them with social justice, tolerance, immigrants and race mixing, then what are the jews going to do when all the whites get bred out and there's all these arab islam extremists in the world who hate and want to kill jews?
What's the point of getting rid of your ally or your slave, whatever you want to call us whiteys?
>something none of you illiterate fucks will ever have the will power or discipline to do.
Wow op I'm impressed, you're reading the book that everybody should have read before being allowed to post on Sup Forums
But seriously everyone here should have read this by now or AT THE VERY LEAST have watched "the greatest story never told"
not sure if rare
There is nothing hard and intelligent about being a nationalist. Even cavemen did it. It's as smart or logical as being proud of yourself because of a local sports team winning. Silly.
SJWs are the real redpill.
and then right next to this thread in the search was "why do you like this guy"
wtf i want to continue reading mein kampf now
A world of urine coloured nothings lorded over by the Jew from Jerusalem. The Jewish Utopia....for them.
shouldn't you be with you local police shooting addicts and drug dealers on sight?
Settle down there fella, it's hard to deal with 50 pol btfo threads posted every minute.
Hitler was insane. Why would I read somethings a literal madman wrote?
>Hitler was insane. Why would I read somethings a literal madman wrote?
To free yourself of the shackles of (((sanity)))
This is like something the Joker would post.
>Mein Kampf isnt the insane ramblings of a madman who couldnt write if his life depended on it
did he died ?
Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked
who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous
Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband
who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical
who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations
who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical
who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.
Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow
You gotta understand how much sliding and shit posting is going on, people aren't seeing your thread because it's all anti trump and cuck Bullshit flooding Sup Forums.
Most great writers were nuts. Hemingway wasn't a great man because he was a boring pussy.
I'm guessing you don't read at all.
this is exactly the situation we are in.
Hitler was a fucking genius about decyphering the jew's tricks.
post more mein kampft quote ameribro
He knew it all..thats why (((they))) made him the devil
If you are seen buying this book somewhere, or you look it up online, do you get put on a list
>Believing Meme Kampf is a challenging book.
>something none of you illiterate fucks will ever have the will power or discipline to do
Just give me the link to the original version, not the (((one))) available.
where can you find this book and is it safe to get it
Australian proxy or newfriend?
Maybe, probably not.. If you're that scared go to an old bookstore and pay cash lol
No you don't. I have a PDF and a paperback, no spooky black vans following me. Reynal and Hitchcock version only.
Hitler could tell the future
>land of the free
>can't read Mein Kampf
Here in Eastern Europe I can read this book easily. My old history teacher even had a copy in a public school. Maybe ask your old history teacher, or go to some historical library?
well this is a possible reason:
Jesus fucking christ
He really did nothing wrong did he
What's the best version of Mein Kampf?
God damn he was a good speaker. Why aren't modern politicians this eloquent
Bumping because I need a reply to this
>I'm reading Mein Kampf, something none of you illiterate fucks will ever have the will power or discipline to do.
babby's first book
>ever have the will power or discipline to do
Yeah, because its so painful to go through.
This has been known for a long time. Lurk more newfag. pic related
Mein kampf is pol required reading you faggot.
Are you seriously having a tantrum because no one wants to talk to you about the precious book you BARELY started reading? On a Taiwanese Bird Watching Forum?
>Mein kampf is stormfront required reading you faggot.
ftfy, fagela.
>Taiwanese Bird Watching Forum
this shit makes me kek every time
>Polish Cigarette Trading Board
kek, best meme on Sup Forums atm tbhfam
>tfw Weimerica
The Autism flag
>Generally it isn't a particularly good idea to insult individuals, that you wish to open a discussion with.
You must be new. Everyone knows the only threads that get attention have "Sup Forums COMPLETELY BTFO ASSBLASTED BLACKED CANT COMPETE CANNOT RECOVER" somewhere in the OP.
>what edition of Mein Kampf did you get?
Ford Translation
The parralel is even bigger.
Replace Germany 1938 with modern Russia. Replace Czech with Crimea and Danzing with the Ukraine. Replace the France with EU. Britain with the US. America with China. And you pretty much have the lead up to WW2 in modern times.
Russia has legitimate claims to the Ukraine as territory stolen by NATO agression after the collapse of the USSR. EU and USA gurantee Ukraine it independance. Eventually Russia say no more, over run EU. US gets locked stalemate. China intervenes to help US beat Russia. US economy crippled after fighting war. China new superpower. Communism rises again.
What in the... I thought "hitler did nothing wrong" was a meme...
No he wasn't.
Holy shit how the fuck are we still falling for the same tricks so many decades after this was written?
Oh yeah I forgot please someone screencap this.
It doesn't matter who writes a statement but the worth of the statement itself.
>how the fuck are we still falling for the same tricks so many decades after this was written?
The wrong side won the war, so they got to write their lies into the history books.
He wrote that hews pose as champions of the poor, not out of altruism, but to rally an economic stormtroop for Bolshevism
>literally everyone knows this
That exlains why you never hear about it, ever, and hear constantly about how "NatSoc = communism", or other libertardian Jeish memes.
pic related
>social justice, an innate desire sleeping in every Aryan
This is true, it seems like only whites are capable of pathological, destructive degrees of empathy. I wonder why?
In our previously insular societies, this trait was a strength. It made us highly civilized and creative, idealistic. There are many strange things about whites that aren't shared by other races, even when those races are highly intelligent.
Seems to have something to do with Neanderthal heritage. Neanderthals were highly sentimental, very family oriented.
>China intervenes to help US beat Russia
This would never happen.
I don't feel like typing out more quotes from Mein Kampf, but here are some good speeches:
Hitler's Warning
Leon Degrelle
>Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor
>Hitler Honors Germany's International Army
>Hitler Speech Censored in the United States
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Antimony Group Right-Wing Archive
>Believing Meme Kampf is a challenging book.
It is for Sup Forums you low reading comprehension fuck.
I remember that passage in the book, too bad this board doesn't pay attention to it. In fact, all of Chapter 11 on V.1 is quite good.
>"It is not true, as some people think, that Japan adds European technology to its culture; no, European science and technology are trimmed with Japanese characteristics. The Foundation of actual life i no longer the special Japanese culture, although it determines the color of life -- because outwardly, in consequence of its innger difference, it is more conspicuous to the European -- but the gigantic scientific-technical achievements of Europe and America; that is, of Aryan peoples. Only on the basis of these achievements can the Orient follow general human progress. They furnish the basis of the struggle for daily bread, create weapons and implements for it, and only the outward form is gradually adapted to Japanese character."
And on he goes about races, as influenced by Rosenberg and his work.
Although, I would argue that Japan has reached a point of complete technological autonomy now.
Good job OP, you took the red pill.
Bump good sir
I wouldn't be so sure this wouldn't happen.
While China and Russia may be allied, this is an alliance of convenience. Both compete in each other spheres of influence. If China saw a way to knock Russia off and weaken the US enough to take away their super power status, as what happened to Britain after WW2, I think they would take it.
China is already poised to become the new economic super power, the US just needs a tiny push. Once that happens, the US will cease to be a hinderence to their globalist ambitions.
Very little would be to gained by China if they honor their alliance with Russia. They might defeat the US, but then they still have each other to worry about.
Better to kill two birds with one stone.
My absolute favorite video
I wouldn't be so sure this wouldn't happen.
While China and Russia may be allied, this is an alliance of convenience. Both compete in each other spheres of influence. If China saw a way to knock Russia off and weaken the US enough to take away their super power status, as what happened to Britain after WW2, I think they would take it.
China is already poised to become the new economic super power, the US just needs a tiny push. Once that happens, the US will cease to be a hinderence to their globalist ambitions.
Very little would be to gained by China if they honor their alliance with Russia. They might defeat the US, but then they still have each other to worry about.
Better to kill two birds with one stone.
Fuck that Shabbos Goy piece of shit.
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>I'm reading Mein Kampf
Reported to FSB.
Italy: youtube.com
Croatia: youtube.com
Slovakia: youtube.com
Hungary: youtube.com
Romania: youtube.com
Bulgaria: youtube.com
Japan: youtube.com
Germany: youtube.com
Falangist Spain: youtube.com
British Union of Fascist Britain: youtube.com
Finland: youtube.com
Vichy France: youtube.com
Metaxas Greece: youtube.com
Rexist Belgium: youtube.com
Free Russia: youtube.com
Verdinaso Belgium: youtube.com
Estado Novo: youtube.com
Serbia ZBOR: youtube.com
National Socialist international laws.
1: We do not seek any enemies in the world, and our revolution does not go against the interests of any nation.
2: We do not seek to destroy nations.
3: We do not hate other races as a default.
4: We seek out friendship and alliances all through out the world.
5: We are bound to help the peoples struggle for racial freedom and racial sovereignty.
6: We do not tolerate Marxism therefore Marxism must be exterminated.
7: We demand racial purity as the first priority of states within our control.
8: We do not seek war although we do not fear war, we only wish for rationality and respect for our will to be maintained.
9: We do not tolerate anyone going against the interests of our goals and truths.
10: We do not tolerate hatred without jury to fellow comrades.
11: We do not tolerate the unauthorized to tell us what we can or can't do.
12: We do not tolerate warmongers, and criminals.
13: We do not tolerate anyone breaking these rules.
Hitler's Warning
Leon Degrelle
>Hitler's First Speech as Chancellor
>Hitler Honors Germany's International Army
>Hitler Speech Censored in the United States
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Antimony Group Right-Wing Archive
Hitler was also a lefty though. It's like green party writing about how much they hate commies.
>said the man who claimed to love whites then proceeded to carpet bomb Warsaw, Rotterdam etc while conveniently sheltering his Jewish allies in labour camps for the duration of the war as his Aryan """brothers""" killed each other on the battlefield.
His analysis is spot on because he was part of that very Jewish plot, idiot. Hitler was the greatest gift to global communism and soviet expansion.
Have a bump
>britbong flag
Why are Brits such easy victims to Jewish propganda memes?
Cyclic history pal, everything repeats itself. It's been going on for so long it's become routine for them to destroy societies like this.
>Hitler was the greatest gift to global communism and soviet expansion because he let us beat him for International Zionism
>how dare he not stop us from cucking for Israel?
The Anglosphere was the greatest gift to global communism, and Jewish hegemony. Obviously still is judging by your brainwashing.
He sent you 19 peace offerings and every single time your anglo leader turned them down.
It's a shame Britain wasn't bombed into non-existence. Literally nothing of value would have been lost.
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
That quote is so falsely attributed to Churchill by some neo-nazi, to lend credence to his words.
There is however a similiar italian saying along the lines of "in italy there are two kinds of fascists, the fascists and the anti-fascists" but can't remember who said it.
This deserves more attention.
I thought this was a laotian cat fan club
I stand with the jews
Explain what he did to Dutch and Polish cities then.
This is God Like Redpill
This. It's a strength when a society is homogeneous.