Post your unpopular opinions - Sup Forums edition
abortion is a horrific act
Flat earth.
OP is not a faggot
The Falklands are british and not argentinian.
the jew is not our enemy
there are no higher powers that give a shit what we do, good or bad. we must give bad people, hell on earth. And i doubt there is an afterlife.
trump is a good man
Unpopular for real life or unpopular for pol?
The earth is hollow.
Theism is philosophically more logical than theism.
Sup Forums is half echo-chamber shithole, half shills and "ironic" shitposting. There is maybe 1 good thread per day when politics is quiet, this place only gets good during happenings.
Forms of government doesnt matter as long as the birth rate stays high
bad practices result in poor birth rates, not bad governments.
There's no point in saving our race, whites have already been outbred to the point of no return.
The only valuable thing to do is to redpill other races so that they can accomplish what we want which is to destroy the jew and globalists
>The UK and the USA betrayed the white race to the Jews
You need to go back to the donald. JUST FUCK OFF I WANT TO BACK TO THE HAPPENING DAYS
>unpopular opinions
I masterbate to Ohio
There's no Jewish conspiracy, it's just a distraction story created by gypsies so nobody notices they're the ones pulling the strings.
i like weed but hate all the bob marley nigger shit associated with it
i like black people and jews
KYS kike shill
Those slutty little fault lines. Hnnnnnnnnngh
me2 tbqh
desu senpai
>i'm voting Hillary.
wtf i dont even want to type it.
Recreational drugs are the greatest threat to society and should stay completely illegal. If the government were to shrink to such a small size that it could only fulfill one purpose, that purpose should be keeping drugs out of the hands of the American people at all costs.
I live in Ohio
I want to fuck an ayy lmao.
I like the Jews
I'm Mormon
I don't think West is going to crumble or taken over by Islamists anytime soon. European societies are far more resilient than that. We survived shit like black plague and over a thousand years of non stop wars. Islamists are just another bump on the road.
From an ontological perspective, where do women even get the fucking audacity to think they have a right to escape childbirth?
Its insane. Its how they themselves were created. How could anything BE if not for BIRTH. Abortion is open warfare on REALITY.
Fuck the little gore images of fetuses, think of how insane it is to reject life, its evil.
i once on drugs got on an astral plane and rapped a reptilian godess.
Ohio, Topographical maps make me hard.
The cucks were right and Trump really is shattering the republican party.
Polan does not exist
it is literally a meme
tfw I remember that pasta
my dad is old and thinks like this
University health care is not a bad thing.
It is when the fetus is well into its development, however , dumb cunts shouldn't get free abortion if they were being slutty and not using protection.
florida is a shithole
Holy szit I support yuo fully!
Are you a Cuckholic or something?
Sex is literally meant for reproduction even if it has other uses.
Also another unpopular opinion: all religions share something common.
good thing you don't have a tree i could've had you ruined friend
From Sup Forums Perspective or mainstream perspective?
There wont be a race war. People will just keep on moving to white areas and dont have kids.
Trump is USA last hope of ever getting a republican president. Your rights will slowly get taken away, even your guns.
Also, I would put my dick in this qt, Poo in Loo
There is nothing wrong with trannies as long as the keep it to themselves and don't go full SJW. The people on here that feel the need to constantly go out of their way to argue against letting them do their own thing, and feel the need to keep making threads about it, are rather pathetic.
The thread is for UNPOPULAR opinions, not shit tier normie fedora opinions.
Jesus Christ died for our sins, God is real and Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Mormons are pretty cool.
East Germany and West Germany should have never united.
Prove me wrong.
>inb4 muh communism vs caputalism
the sexiest thing a woman can wear is an adult diaper
Sup Forums is satire. This whole "praise Kek" and "meme magic" shit proves it
I think marijuana legalization will be a slippery slope towards widespread hard drug addiction like opium in China was
Race and culture are separate, but one can override traits from the other, and there can be no absolute superior for either. There will always be exceptional individuals in both directions.
We need diversity at the species level, not the community level. And I'd be fine with every race and religion getting their own homogenous planet if it motivated us to finally colonize space.
Jews are not evil or wicked or inferior.
Race has no influence on the behavior of an individual. It's the education given by the cultural environment in which the individual is born and brought up that influences his behavior. We should hate cultures, not races.
Palestine will return and the Jews are gonna get fucked
IQ diferences in race do influence behavior
Donald Trump has a good brain
Sup Forumsllacks who aren't in good physical shape and dress like shit do not deserve to be taken seriously, either here outside in the real world.
The lack of discipline with how you treat your appearance betrays your credibility more than anything.
You don't have to wear an expensive suit or be a trendhopping fuckboy. Just be able to look good with clothes on or off.
Sup Forums's level of shill paranoia is fucking ridiculous. It's gotten to the point where you morons think 50% of posts are by PAID SHILLS ATTEMPTING TO DESTROY Sup Forums.
>Theism is philosophically more logical than theism.
Correct me if I'm wrong but are you saying that the belief in one God is more logical than the belief in multiple Gods? Monotheism vs. Polytheism?
If yes, then I agree and this is an underrated post.
I don't care about homosexuality and transgenderism. I think this is a complete non-issue especially compared with demographic displacement.
And all the morons LARPing as christcucks like Common Filth talking about "muh degeneracy", muh "soddom and gommorah" are just memers trying to outedge to current most edgiest movement and don't care about politics or society.
kpop is shit
I will shitpost my unpopular non-opinions: Poles are culturally closer to Russia than to the West. Denying it is a source of great confusion. Deal with it.
Often neither good is rewarded nor evil punished at least locally.
I think shit skin is a particularly and excessively mean term and I don't like seeing it all the time on this board.
I like Jewish women. I dislike Jewish men.
Common Filth is neither a LARPer or a Christcuck, and the fact that you attribute those terms to him shows that you don't know what either of those things are.
Why don't you go run off to your "superior trap waifu"? Better hurry before "she" becomes a statistic.
Reincarnation is proven real by Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker. Consciousness does not necessarily end after death.
As much as I hate to say it, little Benji Shapiro is righ...
I can't do it.
If there is no visual way of separating a transgender person from the sex he or she identify as. Then the person is that sex.
A sort of Turing test for genders..
Chromosome is more or less irrelevant; it comes down to physical appearance when determining a persons gender.
Because human pregnancy sucks and can literally kill you even if technically the mother stayed healthy throughout the whole period.
Some people would rather not take a risk.
>His major work was the 2,268-page, two-volume Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects (1997). This reported two hundred cases of birth-marks that, he believed, corresponded with a wound on the deceased person whose life the child recalled.
I prefer Israel (and Jews) over muslims countries.
The British Empire should be restarted with 100% of the barbarity it employed before.
Top lad.
>that mustache
of course you would, because you are a faggot with no self respect
Blacked porn is very high quality and is hot as fuck
It sounds unbelievable, yes. But there are recorded instances of children knowing specific details that nobody could have possibly told them of because they weren't known by anyone until the claims were investigated.
Despite its origin in Judaism, circumcision is actually medically beneficial and not a big deal unless you're insecure about your cock.
Alcohol and smoking of any kind is degenerate.
Our votes matter, and the system isn't rigged, people just don't have the maturity and intelligence to vote responsibly.
Far right nutters are just a bunch of closeted fags and white trash.
It's kind of boring to me dude. They never go to pound town it's all slow strokes.
i dont think that sexual liberation is bad
Blacks due poorly in life because of culture and because the government keeps them on welfare to be used as a voting block completely dependent on the state, they aren't genetically inferior
Even if we assume you are correct (which I don't think you are).
Then culture is hereditary in a lot of ways and in many aspects it is more difficult to do something about, than if the issue was genetic of origin.
How will you make Mexicans stop having Mexican culture? through TV? through public school?
The kids will anyway spend a large portion of their time with family members (same race, same culture); furthermore then they will to some extend identify as Mexican or Mexican of heritages, and their idea of themselves will be forged by Mexican culture - because of their race.
mature white gays are redpilled as fuck
I think Globalization and Trickle Down Economics Works
see If they are not genetically inferior; but culture is hereditary.
What is the difference? whether it is genetic hardwired, or your reptile brain has been hardwired from birth to make you inferior.
Genetic can often be counteracted, alcoholism is to some extend genetic determined - unless you live in Saudi Arabia, then the genetic trait becomes irrelevant. You can counteract a lot of the genetic misshapes in your life - culture is very difficult to do something about.
Most black people you will encounter in your life have grown up in a "black cultural" environment. How will you change this? how will you make these people change culture and tradition, so their children wont grow up in a black culture..
It is significantly more difficult than combating genetic differences; no amount of affirmative action, will make a black person adapt white culture
I think self-produced child porn should not be illegal. I think if a 13 year old girl uses her own free will to post a naked picture of herself on the internet, it's wrong to kidnap someone and lock them in a cage for looking at it.
Africans wuz kangs. They also created white people
Intelligence is not entirely genetic. It is also developed trough education. If your "education" is entirely about building mud huts and running from lions, because you live in a barren desert land and that's the best thing your civilization was able to achieve in 2000 years, chances are that your IQ (and that of your peers too) will end up being lower than the one of the averagely educated western world citizen.
Disabled people of any kind should not reproduce and they represent a burden to society.
most people at their mid 20's suffer from temporary surge of depression
Holocaust happened
My unpopular opinion: I have the biggest crush on the woman in this photo. I have for over a year now, I go to The Onion hoping that I'll see a story that uses this photo. I think she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, and the face she makes gives me a boner. I wish I knew her and could have sex with her while she looks at me like that.
I meet the most intelligent and diligent people of every race working in medicine, but I also see the stupid unhealthy masses that certain cultures have produced.
"Degeneracy" is a very real phenomenon - we could fix it with an overhaul of the education system. Imagine culturally indoctrinating a generation to practice skepticism and trust in natural science - ignorance and apathy become highly shameful. A decade of media campaigning could create a zeitgeist for, let's say, a new space race. Nationalism and public service are encouraged as we all strive for betterment of the species through exploration and expansion.
Reproducing is wrong