Nazi Hollow Earth

What happened to U-209 edition.

Other urls found in this thread:



Posting link again with full translation of the map thing.


You're not shutting this one down Shlomo.

Space niggers got it.

They got a well-earned Lebensraum.


Does anyone know how to find Kreigsmarine naval records? Finding records of Heinrich Brodda would be a good start.

New hint guys

THE PIRI REIS MAP FROM 1513 depicts antartica 300 before anyone knew it existed

Piri Reis must have known about antartica from old ancient sources

Another curious thing with this map is that it shows antartica ice free with islands wich is confirmed by modern science that under the ice there are islands

According to Dönitz, the national socialists were very curious about this Piri Reis Map

To the user that was talking about the 3000 German women that went missing from south America. They more than likely got sold into slavery. Especially after ww2 when the holocaust propaganda started flowing. No one would notice a boatload of them disappearing.

Doubt of the real facts, as I must reveal them, is inevitable; yet if I suppressed what will seem extravagant and incredible there would be nothing left. --- H. P. Lovecraft

Are there any Sup Forumsacks working at McMurdo or any of the Antarctic research stations?

Keep in mind, this was 300 years before anyone antartica existed

Antarctica has nearly 90% of the ice and 70% of the fresh water on Earth.

The third-largest continent, it is one and a half the size of the US.

Nations including the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, France and Argentina

carry out experiments at bases dotted across the continent.

Every Sup Forumslack has taken an oath to shitposting from there if they ever make it so we can get at that there rare and tank the market


Damn, I'm genuinely surprised there isn't one. All the scientists there that I've seen love to drink, fight, and fuck.

Reposting because this seemed to get lost in that last thread:
This ties frogs (KEK), Vril, Nazis, Antarctica and the goddess of magic Hekate together.

I did back in the 90s. You're there to work and they make sure you understand that. You don't really get enough free time to explore, and you don't have the equipment you'd need to go, say, bug out of the base to explore.

However, the most intriguing news coming out of Antarctica had to do with the extremely powerful “magnetic anomaly” located in the northern end of the lake’s coast: a discovery which would give rise to a number of conjectures and would be compared with the fictional TMA-1 (Tycho Magnetic Anomaly-1) in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Yeah there are. Earlier this year we had a thread about it and like 4 posted here.

heres something interesting another user posted in the thread before
>Get ready for some meme magic, lads. Found this article linking Frogs, Vril and Hekate (A Primordial Goddess whose symbol is similar to a Swastika)
>“I understand that,” said I, “because Frogs this enormous are, according to our eminent geologists, who perhaps saw them in dreams, said to have been distinguished inhabitants of the upper world before the Deluge; and such Frogs are exactly the creatures likely to have flourished in the lakes and morasses of your subterranean regions. But pray, proceed.” “In the Wrangling Period of History, whatever one sage asserted another sage was sure to contradict. In fact, it was a maxim in that age, that the human reason could only be sustained aloft by being tossed to and fro in the perpetual motion of contradiction; and therefore another sect of philosophers maintained the doctrine that the An was not the descendant of the Frog, but that the Frog was clearly the improved development of the An. The shape of the Frog, taken generally, was much more


And they all made it there because they didn't waste their time on 4chins my man
Give us two or three years(assuming Trump wins and we don't all go innawoods)
If we can get people literally inside the belly of Congress, we can get to that God damn ice hell

So how do we go about organizing an expedition then? Also is it plausible for us to make it to the site of the supposed nazi cave entrance without dying?

Its a map depicting the Atlantic ocean and the European coast (top right), West African coast (right), South American coast (bottom left) and a tiny bit of Antarctica (at the bottom).

People look at it the wrong way and mistake the south american coast (bottom left) to the Antarctic coast.

>without dying?

There was an user that was either USAF or USN that was getting stationed there soon. It would be ideal if we could summon him somehow.

Yeah. I have actually done some cold weather exploring. Not in the temps like in antartica but still pretty cold. They get a thing called condition 1 weather. You will die in about 13 seconds in the weather unprepared. It will also cost a metric shit ton to even go there as if you go you will be questioned by all the bases there.

most of us can't even go to a party without dying nigger.

The entrance is supposedly through an ice cave underwater. The only way you can get into it is using a submarine

Considering no one owns any part of Antarctica we could do it as civilians that pledge allegiance to no nation right? I know they are big on leaving no trash or human waste and I'm cool with that.

>implying I post on this nazi echo chamber without owning a fully restored U-boat

so what's the cave about?

>here is a 1 microtesla magnetic anomaly on the east coast of the lake, spanning 105 by 75 km (65 by 47 mi). Researchers hypothesize that the anomaly may be caused by a thinning of Earth's crust in that location.[43]

>a thinning of Earth's crust in that location


Tell me more about this sub.


It was either the south or the north pole where a peace agreement ends in 2050. After that it is open game to the world.

A well regulated Kriegsmarine being necesary, the right of the people to keep and maintain submarines shall not be infringed.

Apparently a letter was sent in 1947 saying that the sub made it to the inner earth. Some user in the last thread posted a nazi document that contained coordinates and instructions on how to reach the inner earth. Officially U-209 went missing in 1943 but I haven't been able to find any info on it other than that.


Just came in here, let me see if I get this right.

>Germans find map
>Map says something about a cave in Antarctica leading to?
>Germans knew and hide the secret so what is down there?

Can anyone debrief? Thanks

>ywn blast commies from your space battleship

Life is suffering

okay ill help
>germans collect shitons of ancient artifacts
>put 1+1 together
>suspect there is something in the antartica
>explore it, make new basis
>possibly some underground base or inner hollow earth thing
>there is evidence from some high ranking nazi officials who confirmed in published letters that they found this "paradise"

If we find the Fourth Reich in the inner earth your memes might not just be dreams. Start digging for info.

I have been getting to "explore" the region via my company's work on un-manned long range "submarine" drones.

The "save the whales" people are investing as much money as countries that still allow whaling. Also some oil companies hoping it could let them scout area for capturing geological readings.

We have two really well performing hybrid engine drones and one prototype solar drone that has managed to not be destroyed yet given how much of a shit design the paneling system is on it. I attribute it most to my expert guidance software.

As far as all this /x/ stuff.. lol...

It is really not worth it for anyone with "clandestine" jobs or information to talk about it.

We get called "fake" and "gay" when we try to relay some fun secrets to you niggers. If shit really hits the fan, like say Snowden who was willing to "sacrifice his freedom" to let you turd wallets know you're being spied on just so you could call him a traitor?

I mean really guys, would even the best of you be open to anything that might be outside your extremely narrow wold view or doesn't jive with your favorite conspiracy fairy tale?

That last article is 2speewwky4me

>Krauts explore Antarctica and claim a large chunk of it in the '30s
>They find an underwater cave that leds to an entrance to the hollow earth
>after the war is lost they use their submarines to colonize this new land
>spend the rest of their days building ufos n shit


Its most likely not real but its a fun read.

There's always hope user

I enjoy exploring the unexplained. Even if all of this ends up being nazi era bullshit it's still fun to research.

I guarantee some of us are. I've been researching the German and American expeditions to the Arctic for quite a while. I've seen and experienced things that science doesn't support. I know there's many anons with a similar M.O. here that would not 'Snowden' you. Do it for us. Self sacrifice is an inherent part of the dissemination of truth.

So I just did a little reading, so apparently in our "hollow earth" there are "civilizations" down there. Would make sense that the Germans were producing UFO like aircraft. Hmm interesting.....

Ill fucking dig my way throught the earth if i have to. Come to Denmark and help. Bring a shovel and we will be there in no time.

Dident become /fit/ for nothing.

Well I've never been to Europe before. This sounds like the beginning of an adventure.

>I've seen and experienced things that science doesn't support.

Go on, leaf...

>tfw there will never be a Wolfenstein game about /fit/ and Sup Forums fighting Nazi-ayy hybrids in the underworld

bumping for interest.

>Sup Forums fighting the National Socialists

Get the fuck off my board...

I know right? Who said the age of exploration was over.

>imlying we wouldent be fighting with them.

The inner earth is truly the last frontier my friend. We will be the first to breed with the superior beings we meet.

I didn't found anything about it neither.

I know that just after the war, some German cargo-submarines appaered in Patagonia ports. They were empty, while their livre de bord stated that they left Europe with an "unnamed cargo"...

Case unsolved.

It also shows Antarctica physically linked to South America, something we know not to be the case.

Ancient cartography was seriously messed up. To give you an idea *how* messed up, Columbus got funding for his expedition to Indonesia by convincing the court that the Bible was a more accurate source for the diameter of Earth than mainstream science was.

>We will be the first to breed with the superior beings we meet.

My god, I cant wait. Imagine the pump we will have from just digging through untold kilometers of earth. The underworld nazi girls wont be able to resist us.

>Hide in your igloos and do nothing while watching white people across the globe get bent over by international Jewry

>Have massively advanced technology yet allow Israel to exist in peace

> Still National Socialists

Good goyim

People still claim that today.

German submarines showed up many places after the war.

Most famously perhaps in Brazil and Argentina.

Please keep roleplaying to a minimum.



>Physical hollow earth

>Pocket dimension

B-but muh fantasy.

They'll save us in the last moment, when all seems lost.

Just you wait.

Die Entdeckung des Vierten Reich wird nicht von Ihrem jüdischen Tricks, die Sie Drecksau behindert werden !

Ok guys. Well first of all navigating and navigational tools when writing guidance software for this region is really quite insane.

Basically you can't depend on magnetic north. The ability to use GPS signals also is next to impossible in this region.

So what we have done is we have networked the drones with little "gps buoys", these guys are kind of drones unto themselves as they will try to stay within an area and fight drift / currents and will submerge when needed.

They stay out of the range of the magnetic disturbances but in the range of our drones.

Think of a "repeater" in terms of short wave radio.

However, the magnetic interference will get so bad in some of these areas that even the repeaters don't work and we have to depend on the software's image processing for guidance out of such "hot spots".

To get to the /x/ stuff, seeing as it is image processing, that I write a lot of, that gets these guys out of the "hot spots", I get to see a lot of good stuff. Not just pictures, but all the instrument readings, radio wave recordings and other goodies.

Now keep in mind the question of "hollow earth" really questions astrophysics and how / if it applies to the earth.

From what I've seen, the earth doesn't not appear to be "hollow" so much as it appears to be... coming from somewhere else. That may sound really fucked up or hard to grasp at first, but please picture what a hole or leak would look like if something was pouring out of a hole in space time.

So, if you were to "find the hole" which is not always visible due to nature of a "leak" being unstable, you would not be going inside a hollow sphere that is made of rock, but rather you would be venturing further along the surface of the earth, it's just it would a bent surface ( you wouldn't see the bend, you would be part of the bend )

Scottish geologist here.

Hollow earth is just no.

It's just... no.

Go read on mantle plumes, convergent margins, orogenesis, lithosphere-aesthenosphere interaction, refraction seismology.

Mantle-core interactions and even chemistry are well-studied, and the effects of mantle convection cells form the foundation of our entire understanding of the geological processes which create the geomorphology of the planet and its entire ecosystem and by reduction, all life on Earth.

The earth is not hollow.

Get out of your basement you delusional faggot.

Thank you based Swiss bro. Is this something that your organization actively researches or is it something you all ignore and don't talk about?

For a civilization there would need to be some kind of dwarf sun inside. The hollow earth being something like a Dyson sphere makes more sense.

Jokes on you, I don't own a basement. WHERE IS YOUR SCIENCE NOW?!?!?

I dont really think the earth is hollow either. But, enormous pockets or caves surely exists under the surface. Just as oceans/huge pockets of water do.

It could also be something completely different, but the fact that the germans spend so much time and effort researching something and the fact that we do not know what this something was, is still interesting.

But that's all just shit you read in a book somewhere. Theories with zero proof.

christians were the ones who pioneered in accurate maps of the world though

>roman engineer here

>people flying in vehicles in the sky is is just no.

>its just.. no

Geology is a relatively young science which has only received mainstream attention and funding over the last 50-70 years.

This would explain some rather exotic ideas back in the 40s.

There are caves in the subsurface, but only in carbonate rocks. It's known as karst and is formed by the dissolution of soluble calcite by acidic meteoric waters when the rocks have been exposed at the surface and then subsequently buried after renewed periods of sedimentation.

To clarify: oil and gas and hydrous aquifers are stored in mm-micrometre pores in sedimentary rocks, or in some cases open fracture networks within the rocks, and often both.

>scottish-tier ejewcation

I'll pass.

>1 post by this ID

There's always a random poster who parachutes in and "debunks" one aspect of the conversation. It's funny how they are always some expert or person-in-the-know.

Have you been to the center of the earth? Have you drilled down to the center of the earth? No? Then you don't know what's down there.

Just theories in dusty books.

We actively research just about everything we can. We are not "compartmentalized". The reason for this is we are actually a private company.

We are however heavily funded by government, so private in the way the federal reserve banks of the world are private.

We have successfully navigated into "the bend" and back.

... and Chile.
But no one knows what was their cargo, and where it went. They weren't military subs, they were special subs geared for a special mission at a time where Germany had really better to do than spend efforts for merchant stuff.

You are correct, there are civilizations inside the inner world. However, the Nazis never succeeded in colonizing Antarctica - you might recall that they gave up on Africa because it was 'too far'.

Approximately a quarter of the colonists were consumed by various nonsapient inhabitants of the inner world. Many of the rest died in early encounters with the native civilizations, before retreating to a barren cave-riddled landscape that the Mahars avoided. A few went feral or got lost and joined the native humans, though the genetic differences meant that the offspring of hybridization were unviable - in wild tribes, while they could hunt effectively, they could only reproduce with surface humans.

The cave dwellers, once they realized they were in a place where they could safely walk under the open sky, rapidly civilized, building stone cottages and attempting crude agriculture. Most died of cumulative poisoning or nutritional deficiency as a result of misunderstanding the native plants. A few lived to see, for one brief and glorious moment, why it was that the more technologically advanced (which, at this point, includes the local savages) groups avoided that patch of badlands. They saw, and they understood. They would have shot themselves, but they had used up all the bullets long ago and had not the skill to construct bows. In the end, it turns out to be surprisingly hard to stab yourself to death - and suicide would stop the children you carry from being born, so it was not permitted. Forty-three of them managed to die. Three hundred and seventy-four lived to see their limbless children born from orifices that, according to their impregnators, humanity had always been meant to have.

They could be shills, but it's also a psychological phenomenon. He probably IS a geologist. Certain personalities of people who have studied a certain topic their whole lives become EXTREMELY wedded to those theories. They're very hostile to any competing theory because that would mean they know much less than they pride themselves on knowing.

This is usually the type of person who is smart, autistically, in terms of being able to memorize a lot of information, or collect a lot of data and categorize things. But not the type of person who is creative, or will develop groundbreaking new theories. Those are the genius types who make groundbreaking new theories, because they are not wedded to the scientific consensus.

tl;dr Autist scientists are extremely hostile towards alternative theories, and this is also why they never discover anything new

What did you find in "the bend"?

>We have successfully navigated into "the bend" and back.

And I'm the King of France


fix your shit country then.

i want to believe


....What the fuck?

the surface is not so bad after all..

You're one to talk Mahmoud

Geology is a pseudo science :D you guys are really only good at pointing out formations on instrument readings.

Geology, as are most "Natural Sciences" is complete shit. A waste of time and money.

If we removed "Geologist" from all universities and higher learning institutes and replaced you with "Ghost Hunters", we would at least get a few laughs out of it.

Instead we get people who are as boring as rocks to speculate about how, why and where rocks came from.

I'm all for murdering jews RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

It's just fucking self-defence at this point if you're white living in a white country.

And the last?

The ferals lived among the tribes, but their gene pool has constricted and a short generation time has quickened evolution. Proud Aryans of the inner earth, their pure blood is kept alive because their host tribe hunts for them. They still live. They service their tribe by providing the use of their natural orifices to their hosts. They do not need to bend over, for the it has been thirty years - long enough that only their hosts can remember it - since the last bipedal Aryan in the inner Earth died.

The two surviving larval hosts do not count as bipedal. They have not moved, save to turn themselves to avoid sores, since 1966. Their children tend them well, for their flesh is still fecund.