>have a family farm
>dad dies
>the government now owns half of your farm
Why is this allowed?
>have a family farm
>dad dies
>the government now owns half of your farm
Why is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not having a will
>he doesnt understand how inheritance tax works
Because socialism is evil.
Eminent domain, goy. It's not about what is allowed or isn't. The only one making those rules is the only one able to enforce them. Maybe you should be the leviathan state body if you think you know better, cuck.
Death tax doesn't care about your will. The IRS is an automatic beneficiary.
shill thread
Is your farm seriously worth tens of millions?
what if your dad sells the farm and possessions and gives you all the money in cash while he's on his deathbed? or what if he "sells" you the farm for like a dollar?
Lurkmoar, faggot
I thought they sold the whole farm and took their share of the money?
This is what people start doing now, but unexpected deaths can still fuck a family royally because of the tax.
It's an estate tax, aka "death tax".
Doesn't matter if it's willed. You have to pay taxes on it, considerably higher than income taxes.
The taxes only kick in if the value is over a certain amount so people think it's for "the 1%" but if you own a farm, the acrage of the land is technically worth a lot of money so you will owe a shitload and the only way to raise that much money is to sell the land.
But it's allowed because Democrats.
Literally Democrats.
income, sales, and property taxes
Because something something you didn't earn it something something not everyone can inherit wealth something something muh 1%.
Really its just greed tho.
The trick is to buy everything you would inherit before your parents die.
What's happening here
Same shit, same tactics to avoid and same problem when "surprise death" round these parts. Big old estates reduced to nothing because state got half every generation
They do, because they are forced to.
They cannot simply keep the farm because they will owe estate taxes on the farm and it can be hundreds of thousands of dollars or more, based on the value of the land.
It was basically an unthought side-effect of some Democrat taxation ideas that were meant to harm the rich. Farmers aren't rich in practical terms but the land they own has value and the Democrats didn't think to exempt the value of land.
>Not using your right to bear arms and defend your property against the tyrannical government
This is a shill thread
I don't remember but i think it was in your country.
Are you fucking joking or are you seriously this retarded
Yeah you have to roll over inherited money into and IRA or some shit to keep the government from taking a large chunk of it. It is bullshit, but if your dad was up to date on paying taxes and the farm was given to you in his will, I didn't think you have to pay much extra for property.
two double zeros in a row.
Yeah I think you can also get around it by incorporating the farm, so when you die, no ownership is transferred. The farm was owned by the corporation and someone else just takes over as "CEO".
I think that's why you rarely hear about this sort of thing happening anymore.
But back a couple decades ago, lots of unprepared farm families lost their farms to estate taxes.
The land was picked up by farm megacorps.
Unless the property is 100% paid off, you can't sell it for less than it's valued.
This is what the militias should be protecting Americans against. How is this any different than some faggot saying "yeah, sorry you father is dead. Your land belongs to the crown now."
How this got passed without blood is beyond me.
Yeah same thing is common here
Smart people put everything they own in different companies or holdings so they don't really 'own' it and then just rent it for cheap to themselves. Then when they die it's still in the same company and doesn't get inherited to anybody.
Taxes are bullshit.
Doesn't matter if he was up to date on his taxes.
What you are paying is levied against the value of what you are inheriting. I think the cutoff now is actually $5 million, so if the estate is less than that you don't pay the estate tax(? I think ?).
But for a farm, you can imagine inheriting something that has $50,000 of actual cash plus $10 million in value due to the amount of land and what it gets assessed as being worth.
If you wanted to keep the farm in the family, you really can't -- you will owe something like 40% of the value of the land, which is way more cash than you're going to have on hand to pay off your tax burden!
So most people sold the farmland just to pay the taxes. Some kept the acre or so of the house but sold the rest to farming corps who were happy to take it off their hands.
Lots of stories about this out there if you're bored.
I've always thought estate taxes were one of the foulest forms of taxation out there.
>passed without blood
Cause so few people are farmers anymore.
Yeah the farmers were mad as shit but what can they do when they're just a handful of people and the rest of the country not only doesn't care, but actively votes in the party that does this sort of thing.
It's being in place for very long time. It's your fault for fucking up. Not hard. Just get an accountant.
>Just get an accountant.
It's fucked tho isn't it?
Some friends of my family are accountants and they are rich as fuck, own a yacht and lots of real estate.
Kinda fucked when you can get that rich just by making sure other people don't fuck up when they get extorted...
because fuck you, that's why.
Also inheritance tax is a great thing, because it tries to stop people from becoming spoiled little faggots from relying and sponging of daddies money
Also your dad could have prevented most of it if he had prepared right.
But oh well, I hope they rase the tax to get back all the subsidies you fucking farmers get blown into your butts every year, while regular people and companies actually have to be profitable by themselves
Shit, I just looked it up for Germany. This country is pretty much a socialist hellhole
>while regular people actually have to be profitable by themselves
There is no incentive to do well in a company. Any costs a business incurs is tax deductible.
that's easily solved by setting some limit
inheritance tax is not a bad thing, but obviously in this case it's shit
people here should stop being extremist fucks, and realize there's often a way to compromise
>it tries to stop people from becoming spoiled little faggots from relying and sponging of daddies money
That's not what it's meant to do tho. You also sound like a jealous bitch. Who cares what other people do with their inheritance?
Agree that farm subsidies need to go tho.
It's getting worse too.
Cool, I'll add orphaned farmers to the list of things Sup Forums suddenly cares about
>Also inheritance tax is a great thing
the governement taking half of your family work is great ?
what kind of cuck are you ?
>inheritance tax is not a bad thing
Yes it is. All the money and property has already been taxed, why tax it all over again?
Here, I will only rob half of what I originally wanted to rob! What a great compromise!
Inheritance tax is literally the most immoral tax there is and it's based entirely on jealousy. Disgusting.
A moderate sized farm goes for 1-2m
LLC muthafuckas
Yes, the so called CDU is wastin tax-payers' money on gifts for babyboomers and try to cover shit up by importing refugees in the hope those guys will somehow refinance this overblown welfare shit.
It feels like they caught themselves in a huge pyramid scheme.
if your family work is like 12 billion $ there's literally no reason to not take 6 billion $ and redistribute it
it prevents neo-feudalism
>b-but m-muh propertah
Good thing you're not taxed until over $5 million if you're single and almost $11 million if you're a couple.
Don't ask us
>why tax it all over again?
I explained it to this French guy
I'd set the limit far higher, like if you're inheriting 10 apartments from your parents, that's okay
I wouldn't tax you for inheriting a fucking farm, that's awful, I agree
am i a bilionaire ?
and why should they ?
you work all your life you pay your taxes and when your die they steal the inheritence from your family ?
You shouldnt be taxed for that either.
yeah, apart from the fact that if your family is 12bln big, they probably evade the whole thing after all
national interest, protection of democracy and overall freedom of society
economic power shouldn't be concentrated in the hands of few
Well I learned something about estate tax today
IRS are dicks!
>there's literally no reason
Sure there is. They own the property. There's no god given reason a person should be forced to give up half of their possessions just because their parents died.
It's literally a "Fuck You. Becasue." tax.
All of politics is pretty much a pyramid sheme imo. Even the fucking FDP is socialist these days. I wish we had an actual libertarian party.
Get fucked commie. Why would the government know better how to spend that money? It will just spend it on useless niggers, whereas the rich guy could actually invest it in his businesses and create more jobs.
But no, let's take it and redistribute it among government bureaucrats and then give like the remaining 5 bucks to some refugees. Great plan.
No shit. The police didn't get Al Capone, the IRS did. Tax evasion is worse than smuggling
I don't think that's allowed in a first world country
for what, having 12 billions or inheriting 10 apartments?
I agree about latter
>m-muh propertyyy!111
interest of the collective>your selfishness
within reasonable bounds of course
they'll face the consequences then
of course modern globalism allows such people to not face the consequences, but that will fail as we can see from recent trends
Your Dady was a lazy duck and relied on subsidies instead of hard work. You deserve it. I hope they for lose on the whole thing and take your double wide too. Hick faggot.
This doesn't happen to Mennonite & Amish farm families because they are OUTSIDE Federal tax system! ... What can we learn from these folks? Sorry about the farm -- that sux
that's absolutely disgusting i'll spend all my money on hookers untill i die then
The first $11 million is tax free. Luv it when tards try to go for feels with the good ole "family farm." If its over $11 million you're in the top 0.04 percent and you can afford your own violins.
nah, I'm pretty sure you can ensure rather proper distribution with good oversight and draconian punishments
if you wanna be rootless cosmopolitan, you should probably go to USA, they're the country for your types
but see how they're doing, not that well eh, 60% white and all
I'd call myself national socialist, only not autistic Hitler type
>that will fail
no it wont
if you don't know the rules don't play the game. there are plenty of other countries you could live in.
It's called a tax. It exists so the government can have money.
Theft is never morally right, no matter what arbitrary treshold you pick.
There is no collective, just individuals.
Fucking commie faggots gtfo of my Sup Forums
why? I'm not talking about average richer dude, I'm talking about extreme cases
of course, if you hate your nation, democracy and overall freedom, then we're bound to disagree
>interest of the collective>your selfishness
That's only something that broke-ass, nigger-lovin'n, socialist-butt-sucking, worthless-never-be-nothin, dindunuffin, buttplug-up-the-ass, loosers like your self say.
It doesn't mean anything.
Wow america is this for real? Father/son level death tax? Since when? What the fuck happened?
Is that true?
I don't know who to believe anymore!
You can also get your land evaluated based on what it's worth in terms of farming land vs. what the market value is. Bitching about estate tax is one thing but using farms to make a point is a joke.
We've had it for like a century by now.
yes, it will
see how someone like Trump manages to get a lot of support even at the heart of globalist empire
globalism is collapsing
maybe next try will go better
again, I'm not a communist
Because might makes right...
It's the same reason that when ISIS kills people for political reasons it's terrorism. While when the US government does it it is not.
Just because one part is powerful enough to say that it's ok. Might makes right. It is ok because you will be sent to jail if you avoid it.
>arguing for taxes and using freedom as a reason they're good
>if you wanna be rootless cosmopolitan
Where did I say that?
>calls himself natsoc
>rambles about democracy and freedom
Top kek
I understand that statists believe in and revere taxation, but you gotta admit that inheritance tax is just foul.
Also, those 'extreme cases' avoid these taxes anyway, and also bring far more prosperity to their nation if they could freely invest their own money.
>Democrats didn't think to exempt the value of land
That's not true, they just didn't exempt land value because then the rich would invest in land even than they already do, and buy land instead of shares.
I'm middle-class
I notice you didn't disagree with anything else he said.
overall freedom of society
see, if you have some feudal lord with a lot of wealth and armed men, he's quite free, but his serfs aren't
freedom is a relative thing, and if everyone chased absolute freedom, soon we'd have absolute slavery
with your denial of collective
there it is again
if you don't feel like a member of German nation, then feel free to fuck off to America, a land of mutts designed for people like you
>m-muh free market
again, you sound like an American, go there, stop ruining your nation
these immigrants and shit you see? who do you think lobbies hard for them?
that's right, rich corporations
those ''free investors'' are replacing your native population
but in the end, why am I wasting my time, you're all lost cases over there in West
enjoy your terminal decline
>I'm not a communist
Same difference
I don't care what particular brand of fascism is trying to steal my money
because it's just childish insults
I already said I'm a nationalist socialist
>some guy is rich
>somehow makes me less free
Too bad your estate needs to be worth more than 5 million for it to apply. It only applys to the 1%, Obama isn't trying to take half your trailer when you die.
the way you type makes me feel like you should consider suicide.
Maybe lower-middle class.
None of my upper-middle class acquaintances are willing to give their wealth away to "muh collective".
you enjoy many things from being a part of the collective
you have to give something back to the collective, in the end point is finding a balance, not rejecting both individual or collective
''m-muh money'', nice brainwashing
let's see how much good will your money do to you when Ahmed and Hassan form 20, 30% of your nation
So you can create your own limited liability company, then sell a house that you have to pay a mortgage on to a family member for $1 USD? I don't see how that would work.
Ethnicity or nationality have nothing to do with statism. A statist is someone who believes that only the state can bring prosperity and progress to a nation, but a state does not make a nation.
You are right in that large corporations lobby for mass immigration, but they are not the only ones. Governments do it as well. What you fail to understand is that the corporations would have no place to lobby if government wasn't so powerful.
I've also never once referenced the USA or the free market, so stop with the strawmen.
Because the government owns you and your father
You are just a little ant to siphon resources from to buy 5 more minutes of peace and welfare
It sucks, and really shouldn't be, but unless the laws were extremely specific and made people with less than like ~$2 million in total wealth exempt, the rich would abuse the shit out of the exemption of land value from estate tax and buy up most land, like in England.
it does, in a capitalist society
inequality is tolerable and normal up to a certain point, then it becomes dangerous
I specified I'm only talking about extreme cases
no, more like middle-middle class
>give their wealth
I don't want to give my wealth, but I would gladly give part of it for the betterment of society as whole, because in the end I benefit from it too, and so does my family, my block, my city, my nation
it's about balancing things, but a deluded extremist idiot brainwashed by Jewish poison like yourself can't comprehend it
and don't cry about ''Jewish'', main libertardian theoreticians were all Jews
I had no idea other western countries had inheritance taxes, we removed all ours 15-20 years ago and I thought we were the last because of our leftist indoctrination.
Because you're not free.
Nigga, I'm 'giving something back' to the 'collective' by providing and buying services to and from other individuals.
Why should the state be entitled to any of this, especially when it's the state bringing in Ahmed and Hassan?
Thats literally steal.
Its no different than putting a gun in your head and take half of your money.
Its actually worse, because the government would be profiting with the death of citizens.
Merkel has deposited .05 cents into your account.