Sure would love for that woman to be my mother
Sure would love for that woman to be my mother
the kid is a half nigger mongrel turd isn't it?
In her 20's. Looks 40.
Look at all those tattoos
dear god
>anything worse
just reddit
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kill yourself
shill thread
>shit cupcakes
>paper towel roll almost out
>water pitcher not in 'fridge
0/10 housewife would be better off strung out on heroin in the gutter getting pissed on by rats
>I miss drugs
Are you really that stupid? Choose one spot and keep them in the same spot, then you don't wonder where you put them. I thought this is common sense. Or maybe she means when she's in the presence of drugs she doesn't notice them, like she's blind or has some sort of mental defect.
I hope her child dies.
Holy shit, I looked at the link and these people talk like fags. I got a dozen lines in and started scrolling and the whole thing is pure cringe. Why the fuck do they talk like that?
Would say liberal single mothers but that's redundant.
>Is there anything worse than liberal mothers?
Faggots who take everything literally and have zero sense of humor.
Come on.
Soulless trash with dead eyes. Gas it.
The main reason I don't visit Reddit, but far and away not the only.
Also, hi Canada. Hope everything's going alright up there.
Some people aren't meant to be mothers.
Some people aren't meant to be fathers.
That's how it goes. It takes all kinds to bake a cake, senpai. I don't really get this idea that all women have to be some perfect traditionalist submissive waifu that obeys your every word. Reality does not work like that and it'd be fucking boring if it did.
>Le drugs are funny meme xD
went on plebbit for the first time today. That pic was at the top.
Site is basically facebook except anonymous. What's the appeal?
Some people are responsible for paying out your Social Security
It's a joke you fucking sperg.
That's the entire point of novelty mugs, novelty.
> Some people aren't meant to be mothers.
You're right.
This women is not meant to be a mother, but has a kid.
That is awful.
nigger wtf, at least that bitch tryin
Hans, you're basing a condemnation of a woman, her parental instincts, and her skills based off a "funny" leddit pic.
Shouldn't you be out gathering women together for Muhammad or something?
>"Haha oh Reddit"
>Nobody pauses to assess the risk of birth defects the child may have, or the mother's risk of relapse and the danger the child would be in should that happen
The mouthbreathing masses truly are fucking degenerate idiots. I thought you all were just memeing, but it's true, they're degenerates.
The cupcakes are really the worst sign, she didn't even try improve the mix somehow, no walnuts or anything she just put them in and followed instructions...what the fuck is the point of making them? No one is going to eat something both unhealthy and bland. They're supposed to be treats and my sister had better kitchen skills when she was 14 years-old. My dudebro friends can probably cook better than this woman and 70% of what they eat is chicken breasts.
This is the kind of woman that society expects 30 year-old betas to settle down with...pundits can't understand why men are choosing to stay single and play vidya and use porn instead.
A rug in the kitchen? The hell is wrong with liberals?
Its not a matter of what is boring and what is not.
Personal desires are irrelevant, they have a duty, and they must fulfill it no matter how "boring" it is.
Why would she be a bad mother? It's just humor you dense fucks
What's wrong with drugs?
I liked this one, leaf.
If you look at her cup it says "I miss drugs" Drugs and alcohol lets free radicals age you by preventing antioxidants from doing their job.
Tattoos, and drugs if she was trully a drug addicted.
There are signs that can be seen in a women that make her a bad mother
At some point, her offspring will learn to read, if they haven't already. When that happens, they're going to want to know why Mommy misses drugs. Then they're going to become addicts, themselves, not that it helps that addictive personalities are genetic to begin with. Why not stick to what you're good at, like waffles and destroying Europe?
She's covered in tattoos, she looks 20 years older than she is, she's complaining about having kids on the Internet, and even if none of those things were true, saying you miss drugs isn't even funny.
Just because you breath dosent mean you try, just because she does the bare bottom minimal effort dosent mean she tried.
>I picked up a tissue from the floor, I tried to clean my home.
>holding coffee cup
>"i miss drugs" written of coffee cup
>coffee cup full of caffeine
looks like my wife but my wife has all her tatts on her back and legs. We were the same, always smoked weed and spent all our time after work looking up shit on the internet and fucking. Our son is turning 1 year next week and we've been sober and depressed since she was preggers. Being an adult sucks ;_;
Its good to see you come around to the right way of thinking user :)
>Why the fuck do they talk like that?
-can't say things because you'll get banned
-parrot other top comments they've seen
-try to emulate top posters for le upboats
-major le don't be a dick vibes don't allow you to judge the OP
-fall out of line you'll get banned
when you read their comments, they are very monotonous,no life. Like robo posters have posted them.
I hate people like you. I do, truly.
To you, your child is a burden keeping you from what you really love: Pot. Fuck you and that slamhog you're married to.
Then why you had a child?
Jewish mothers.
Source: My mother's a convert and she has the biggest fucking Jew victim complex you can imagine. She visited Auschwitz a few years back and came home crying about she felt was personally being chased by Doc Mengele while she was there.
Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked
who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous
Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband
who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical
who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations
who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical
who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.
Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow
Caffeine isn't a drug fucking Mormon fag
A fucking rug in the kitchen? Why is it frowned upon to smack women around, again?
Yes she looks like someone who has never done drugs
>Those tattoos
>That coffee mug
>That look of apathy
Some people just never grow up.
The issues that get passed onto the children is absolutely horrible though. I know way too many people who turned out just like their shitty irresponsible parents covered in tattoos, have drinking problems, and look apathetic.
Don't have kids if you're not ready... too many people acting out of "muh dik" and "muh pussy" having unplanned kids.
>Is there anything worse than liberal mothers?
Liberal Transexuals that now have permission to adopt children in your country.
You failed humanity burguers, you were supposed to guide us to a new age of technological progress and space exploration, instead we now have lgbt-rights movements, black lives matter movements and a sjw controlled PC dictatorship.
Why did you fuck it up so bad?
>area rug
>in the kitchen
Reddit is down likely due to Sup Forums as of 18:42 ET.
PS Resembles my friend's wife; they're both libs. But I still love them.
Don't worry honey, I liked your joke!
I'm 25 and most guys I know my age can cook pretty well. girls are pretty shit at cooking desu
Link not working. Reddit down.
How many kids do you have OP?
I didn't notice it until you said something but now I am livid. What are they thinking?
imagine how different your life would be if your mother had sleeve tattoos
reddit is down
hopefully stays down
Do you care to assess the risk of birth defects the child may have when you tell bitches like her she can't have an abortion? Of course not.
we can only hope
The kids innocent, but in this instance, I have to agree. A very late term abortion may actually provide a better life than this wilderbeast.