Alright Sup Forums, that's it, we made a mistake.

On the 23rd of June we went out simultaneously, we all had one thing on our mind, to vote for Britain to leave Europe. We had no reason for this, we had no need for this, we had no idea what would happen if we succeeded with this, but we still did it. Blindly and Patriotically we went down to the polling stations, got our slips and put them in the ballot box. And we've been smacking ourselves in the face ever since.

We made a mistake, we were too proud and Europhobic to think anything would go wrong, oh how wrong we were. But admitting to this is something us Brits have been struggling with, so here I am, speaking on behalf of all of us, Man and Woman, Young and Old, Native born and Foreign born, Black and White, admitting to our mistakes, as the first step in overcoming a mistake is admitting to them.

So it's been 2 months now, the drama has died down, the future has became more clear, and if the post Brexit Racism wasn't enough for us to stomach, our economy is descending deeper into the abyss, while our relationships, influence and power in world affairs are at an all time low.

A question many of us have asked ourselves is Do we take all the blame for the result? Well, other than Rupert Murdoch wolfishly spearheading the movement by stirring up fears and racism (oh so many naively fell for it) to help the movement gain momentum for his own benefit, We have to blame collectively blame ourselves, as it was us who foolishly and impressionably casted the ballots.

So here I am, on Sup Forums of all places trying to influence young minds to help reverse our mistake, to save our country from eternal descent. So finally I ask you to sign this petition, for another referendum to correct our mistake (that we all see so clearly now), TO REMAIN PART OF EUROPE.


It's not too late, over 4 million signatures already with months until the petition closes. We can do this!

Other urls found in this thread:









Cuck. Go back to where you belong.

>Brexit is wayciss!!!!

Fuck off


Brexit was a mistake, but only because you're going to keep getting all those immigrants and be a cuck to the EU just to keep trade between you.

I told you from the beginning that Farage and the Brexit supporters dusting their hands off the day after was fucking stupid because THE BATTLE IS JUST BEGINNING. Now, who will be the voice to keep the UK from being uncucked?

"European values"? The EU doesn't give a shit about European values. The EU is participating in the systematic replacement of native Europeans with Muslims

Fuck off you lost, go move to europe. Also you'll find that those petitions dont limit location, and you have to be a citizen to matter. Muh 4 million votes are vastly bloated by votes that dont count


There is no we, Hans. The EU is on a collision course with disaster thanks to Merkel and the other cucks in charge, and the immigration problem is only going to get worse and worse until you faggots can't take in any more """"engineers""""" and """"""mathematicians"""""" and you collapse under your own weight.

Sod off, cunt. Britain made the right decision.

go to bed you have work tomorrow

>Non Brits and Non EU members supporting brexit
See they hate us, they love Brexit because they want to see us fall, they hate Europe and Britain we're in this together, don't let the media fool you

i regret nothing

Butt hurt Remainer detected. The EU us a sinking ship and it's only a matter of time before it crashes and burns. Go move to France or Germany you cuck; you'll fit on perfectly there.

>we won the Brexit
>Trump will be president
>we'll destroy ISIS
>nationalism will rise
>lefties will hang themselves


Thats why the Pound continues to fall, because immigration? This is what we're talking about here, you've been brainwashed by the media, you've been Murdoched

>Brexit is about leaving Europe
you've fallen for the biggest, most transparent lie to Remainers fed. Find somewhere else to shill.

>Waaaaah, my side lost! Do-over, do-over!

Petulant fucking child.

Farage has destroyed the only thing keeping peace between britain and europe, he's fixed nothing.



There is no regret. The only individuals regretting the outcome of the EU referendum are the ones that lost. Every lie that Remain came up with was shown to be wrong within scant weeks of the result, too. The latest polls in Scotland have independence exactly where it was the time of the last referendum, the jobs situation in the UK has literally never been better, and the European economy is leagues behind Great Britain's.

Why do you have such fervent despise for your own nation?

Democracy happened get over it. the people voted and now you want a redo because your side didn't win, to do another vote would be to spit in the face of democracy.

No more EU monies for you, Zogbot.

The funniest thing about that cartoon is that those "EU banana regulations" were copied from British law by the European Union, yet the Brits still rail against it as if it were foreign oppression.

Same goes for the ECHR. Brits think its a Brussels court telling them what to do when a) it's nothing to do with the European Union, b) it was drafted by British lawyers and c) it was forced on Europe by Churchill.

You couldn't make it up, really.

Cry more


How can you be scared of yourself?

I love Britain, I love Europe, I want what's best for both, Europhobia and Isolationism is worst for both of us.
No, the people didn't vote, there wasn't even a 75% voter turn out, Brexit won among those who DID VOTE. But many of the people who voted leave regret that now, and seeing our economy decline and prospects for the future more and more uncertain, another democratic referendum would show that Remain is what the people want.

I'm pretty sure your economy went up.

are u retard? did u not hear that the EU basically admitted they were at fault for the greece shit last year? the eu will not last till the end of the decade without military force mark my words

Should have showed up the first time then

Move to Germany cuck

Then you should have pushed the urgency for people to vote remain, if they didnt go out they obviously didnt give a shit. The people who give a shit about britains future went out and voted and they voted to leave. holding another referendum would be spitting in the face of the people who went out, let it be a lesson to the no doubt majority millenial people who didnt go out and vote that you dont just sit by and let other people do the work for you if you really care.

Hopefully traitors like you will be hanged one day.

Nah. You're probably a nigger anyway. Fuck off.

Oh yes lets send taxpayer's monies to other countries. Eat shit Globalist. Europe is pretty fukn gay now anyway.

Not that user, but have you considered, that you too are just saying things other people have told you. AKA brainwashed as well

>Brexit means Brexit
What does she mean by this?

Off to the block you go you pathetic republican cuck.

Parliament already said this isn't going to happen cuck

Commencing based Nige dump to counteract the EU shilling





Feels pretty good man.

> As the Prime Minister made clear in his statement to the House of Commons on 27 June, the referendum was one of the biggest democratic exercises in British history with over 33 million people having their say. The Prime Minister and Government have been clear that this was a once in a generation vote and, as the Prime Minister has said, the decision must be respected. We must now prepare for the process to exit the EU and the Government is committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for the British people in the negotiations.




They didn't give a shit because they didn't know what would be best, the media was lying to them so they skipped it.

fuck off with your normie facebook memes op


why is nigel so well represented in jpgs but we hardly ever see him in gifs or webms? my theory is that those formats are too technically advanced for the hobbit niggers



He's a cunt still at school. Here we feel the 9th of February vote effect full force. Every person working here can feel it. and it smells like trouble.
There is a link between that vote and the decision of the SNB to stop defending the peg like policiy with the euro and usd.
Nobody dares to talk about it both left or right because to all side of the political spectrum it shows their incompetence to grasp reality.



If you don't vote then you're indifferent to the result. It's the equivalent of checking "Don't Know" on a ballot.

As he said, the only people who regret it are the people who regret the result. Project fear is exposed as more of a fraud every day while the EU descends into refugee chaos. Get over it or move to Germany and be enriched. They're even taking Chinese tourists are refugees now.

You didn't even give any real facts against Brexit. You just half assed it all.


wow, the fact that Brits overcame that MASSIVE FEAR MONGERING campaign says a lot.

very pleased they left the EU, which is dissolving into chaos in the next decade or two.

>expecting a coherent argument from a remainer



fear mongering is a perfect word, just look at this >Farage has destroyed the only thing keeping peace between britain and europe
>implying that leaving economical union will cause a war
>between allies
OP really gotta take a few steps back and look at bigger picture

Did you see how you guys voted? Should have given you back to Spain.

Funny how remainders on Sup Forums were the only ones to use logic on that's day

I'm glad you left but I was hoping we wee going to cut ties right away, instead it's a 2+ years until you leave for good

>bulgarian flag

Vested interest in remain - opinion discarded. This country has enough car washers Bogdan.

If anything support for leave has strengthened.
Even remain voters say get on with it.
No one wants a second referendom that would be patronising to say the least.
We voted out all that is left is the left over remains, it's time to bury the remains and move forward.

Someone find out who's behind this thread, I'm insulted they'd try to convince us with this piss-poor propaganda.

>rehashing the same project fear shit that caused voters to switch off entirely
>using the word "europhobe" constantly, because if you don't like the EU you clearly don't like european nations
>"xenophobic old men" bogeyman
>posters look like someone wiped their arse on instagram

What a load of bollocks

nigga what's wrong with you?

you post like 10 times in a row and you still don't get the hint?

we ALL think you're retarded.

fuck off outta my country.

We want a brexit of our own and we need you to lead by example.
Our version of the Brexit, if you decide to stay, will be a civil war that will engulf all EU member and leave no white people alive.
Still want to stay?
Only you can elude such dire fate.

>he said this on Sup Forums
>a place where regards talk against the interest of their country 24/7

fuck off nigger

Fuck off m8



The pound was indexed on the false value of the EU-dinar.
It is a necessary self correction, you don't wanna be there when we crash for real.

Fuck off. It was brilliant, and I would do it again.

Who gives a fuck about normies and their house prices or economies or exchange rates- what really counts in life is waking up on that sunny morning to hear triumphant flute music on Sup Forums, and posting memes like this to stick it to all the lesser nations.

Whose with me lads?

Your economy recovered almost immediately shut the fuck up shill.

People who still cry about not remaining deserve to have there parents killed. Because they have failed you and they have failed themselves.

Everything is not about the money, m8

Brexit hasn't happened yet you mong

lol fuck off with your slide thread

that feeling when I woke up on June 24th will stay with me for the rest of my days lads.

Lotta national loyalty for a small island

The EU are the same as Hillary. They both funded by Soros too aren't they? Just another "Muh multicancerisms"

Albion Akbar. We salute you abusive daddy!

May's stalling lads. Reese-Mogg has pointed out that if she does'nt sart the process by 2017, the 2 year period could see a general election bring in a pro-eu party

Sign me up

why is george soros bad

Voted out would do again

Up your shitter

The Tories will win 2020 without even campaigning. Have you even been paying attention to the state of the opposition? The only thing that could possibly fuck it up for them now is ignoring this referendum.