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I've never actually got around to reading this. Is it worth it? I'm just finishing up on Aftermath and I need to read a real book

Tua's dreams of advancing to the next round have been blown to pieces. Shaak Ti advances.

Gonna be honest, realizing right now that I think the only other Star Wars work of his I tried was Knight Errant, the book. And I'm not sure if I couldn't get into it was because it actually didn't gel with me and not simply because I wasn't in the right mood at the time. I should really give it, and his other Star Wars stuff, another go when I have the chance.

>Next Round Padme vs Satine


Result from the last match-up

Well this will be the easiest round ever. It's going to be very chill until Ahsoka and Hera

Good morning you guys! What's going on?

>Ahsoka vs Hera
who designed this thing?
Also checked.

Playing some Marvel Ultimate Alliance wishing there was a Star Wars version of it. What about you user?
It was randomised when waifuanon made it

I'm doing alright how about yourself? My mom just woke me and my brother up and we have to get ready for our summer program.

I didn't sleep last night, so I fucking hate myself.

I'm just sitting in my room, somehow I'm too tired to sleep.

>summer program
Wait, what?

Well it's really all ages tutoring if I can put it that way. It's not really a summer program like camp or anything.

I'm drinking tea and eating some muffins.
I'm bored. I guess I'll play some vidya later.

Huh, I actually thought this one would be one of the more even votes.
I guess everyone really like Satine over Padmé.

>That's a surprise, given it's near universally acclaimed. JJM knows how to write Jedi and the kind of impact they have on others.

That's more of a yes than I can give. It's not the traditional kind of Star Wars adventure (it's a story surrounding Obi-Wan in exile on Tatooine, patterned after the Western cinematic genre with all its tropes and quirks including Obi-Wan as the marshall/new gun in town, and the chance and kindly pass at new love. The climax is also among the best I've ever read in that it does pretty well in translating the skills and experience of a Jedi turned war hero to the remote desert wastes.

It's basically what the Obi-Wan interludes in Marvel's ongoing Star Wars mainline comic are doing, except near the very start of his exile as opposed to depicting his gradual decline.

All in all it's a slow, but comfortable read

>drinking tea and eating some muffins.
That sounds pretty chill. I wish I could be doing that.

>all ages tutoring
What's the age range?

Well this was intense.
I really liked this scene and the suspense. That AT-AT exploding in the sandstorm looked good.
I'm really enjoying Rebels.

Satine got gradually more beautiful as the series went on, and in her final appearance they were finally confident enough in their CGI to let her hair down and flow freely. Her final outfit also featured a cleavage window

Personally though I liked her angle as a jilted lover left bitter but still very much in love with and wanting of her old flame despite the reason for his coming into her life strictly forbidding him to follow through on his end

Hers and Obi-Wan's relationship was unique and tragic in that it simply couldn't and wouldn't happen despite their both on some level wanting it to in contrast to Anakin and Padme's throwing caution to the wind and suffering for it

The guy tutors people ages 6-18 why?

yeah, it's pretty chill. I guess I shouldn't be bored, I'll try to enjoy the "chillness"

My mom made me and my brother mini peanut butter cracker sandwiches and apple slices! I'll see you guys in a few hours when I get back from tutoring!

>Peanut butter cracker sandwiches
>Ritz crackers

Your mother has the right idea, I still eat those well into my 20s

Alrighty then, I'll give it a go. Thanks user

What's the most bullshit feat any Jedi or Sith has ever done?

The Force Unleashed 1 & 2.

That looks like some tasty stuff

I think there's a scene in this comic where the Sith lady falls off a cliff on her speeder bike and then force lifts herself back to solid ground

By far the Force Storm power where Palpatine created some kind of hyperspace tornado that could destroy planets

I feel like this was probably someone taking Vader's line in A New Hope a little too seriously. The "power of the Force" thing was obviously meant as one of those soft, able to enact change on a large scale through indirect influence, sort of things. Not literally blow up planets with mind powers.

It's just another reason I'm glad for the EU purge. They seem to have calmed the fuck out of bullshit force powers in nucanon. I always felt these over the top powers didn't really fit in with Star Wars, it felt too anime. I much prefer the soft power you mentioned.

I tend to draw the line at anything that isn't mental or some form of "push thing." Lightning gets grandfathered in because it's a special, upper level evil power fueled by hate and meant to make the Emperor a violent threat instead of just a political one.

It's what I liked about Kylo Ren in TFA. The only really "new" power was holding shit in place without having to dramatically hold up a hand to do it.

The mental side of things deals with the whole "sensing shit at a distance and being in tune with the universe" and getting into people's heads sort of things. That, more than the pushing thing, gets to what Vader could be talking about. The ability to "Feel" the truth of a situation, letting you figure out the correct course of action. Stuff like Sidious being able to manipulate two sides of galactic war is essentially what the end game there is. It also ties in nicely to the sort of Eastern Mysticism/Zen philosophy schtick I've grown to like about the Force and the Jedi.

Also, keeping things lower key means that when you do break out the big guns, like "push really big thing," it feels more impressive. You can only do that shit once or twice every so often, so you really need to practice restraint. That said, the original Clone Wars was fun for what it was. Kung Fu Windu and all.

I love you, /swco/.

Shouldn't that be possible though?
If Yoda can lift an X-Wing, surely he would be able to lift himself?

I liked Bloodline because it went into something that I always felt was greatly missing from Return of the Jedi: how Leia responded to learning Vader was her father. The movie never went into that and only had her react to being Luke's sister.

Did the EU material ever delve as deeply into that aspect as Bloodline did?

We love you too user.

I love you too. Post tits.

Yeah. I only ever read the first Thrawn trilogy, when it comes to that subplot. There's a big thing with her being Vader's heir by the Noghri (?) traditions, and they are pledged to serve him, so they're torn between serving her and serving Thrawn who came to collect on Vader's orders. It doesn't get much more into it there, but I recall she eventually confronts Anakin's ghost and ends up deciding she won't forgive him like Luke did, but she will acknowledge that he was more than just his time as Vader. Or something like that, I think. Main thing is, she's less forgiving than Luke.

As you wish.

wew lad

>Main thing is, she's less forgiving than Luke.
This sort of links to what I like about the dynamic between Luke and Leia. People assume Luke is like Anakin because both were Jedi/force sensitive and Luke gets close to the dark side in ROTJ and people assume Leia is like Padme because of their similarities in politics. I feel though that Leia has the same personality as Anakin. Both are easily angered, tempermental, headstrong and rush into things, both were military commanders at some point and I like how in Bloodlines it mentions that Leia tapped into the dark side to gain strength to kill Jabba. Likewise, Luke shares more similarities with Padme. Both seem quite sensitive, reserved and looks for the good in everyone. Luke wouldn't leave Vader alone because his whole thought process was to help him. Leia wouldn't have pissed on Vader if he was on fire because like Anakin she finds it hard to forgive those who have wronged her.

It's just a little thing I enjoy seeing.

Oh yeah, it was great. Filoni said he wanted a sort of gritty mecha-kaiju fight, and it worked out pretty well. An underrated gem from the Season. Also great to see some Clones and their old tech BTFO of the Empire, at least for a little bit.

It would be interesting to think of Leia potentially going to the dark side. I never considered it before, but of the two twins, it seems more likely that Leia could tap into that than Luke could.

Do you think this is a literal representation of what Darth Bane looked like in canon, or is it just the dark side doing freaky shit?

Probably a mix of both. I really like how the armour feels ancient. That was my gripe with a lot of KOTOR era stuff, none of it felt like it looked old. So yeah, it's likely a representation of his armour with a bit of dark side edginess

It's probably him in a 'combat' armor in which he was buried in.


i'm glad they abandoned this shit design.

I wish there were an easy way to be a Star Wars writer.

My dream since I was a little kid was to be a writer and I think my life would finally have significance if I could write an official canon Star Wars book. I have an idea for a story and nothing would bring me more delight than to get it realized.

That mask makes me think of something that would be in Majora's Mask but I don't know what specifically makes me think of that.

>I have an idea for a story
What is it user?

So this is how democracy dies

I'm in exactly the same boat as you user. Lots of story ideas and would love to write something canon, even just a little short story.

You should just write something and save it in case the opportunity ever comes up one day.

nice quads

With dubs. Check 'em

Well, the thing is, even if all the planets aligned and I was given the opportunity to write a canon story, they would veto this idea because it would be a post-RotJ Luke-centric story about founding the new Jedi order and I have a feeling that the story group has very specific ideas of where they want to take that aspect of the lore. Nevertheless, while I don't have a whole outline planned out, one of my ultimate goals is to create an iconic new villain on the same level as what Thrawn was to the EU. I won't get too specific, but I have mental sketches of a villain who is steeped in the dark side yet has a deep-seeded hatred for the Empire, the Sith, and the Jedi. I also had the idea of him tapping into the dark side in ways that haven't been seen yet, such as being able to generate fire from his body, among other things.

There is, just scream real loud on Twitter and have your meager following echo the same sentiments

But yeah, same, user. I've written a bunch of Star Wars fan fics in my day, none of them particularly good. But I think I've finally got one down that would work pretty well with TCW, as a sort of direct followup to the Clovis Arc in Season 6. Portrays a reimagined Battle of Muunilinst from the old Genndy cartoon

Same here, I feel like I would introduce sexual perversity to the SW canon in a subdued and artistic manner

>such as being able to generate fire from his body, among other things.


>such as being able to generate fire from his body
nah, keep that shit in anime

It was just an idea I had going around in my head - I would probably refine it and change things around but I was just brainstorming different ways the dark side could be utilized. I specifically wanted a Force-wielding fighter who didn't use a lightsaber at all.

>There is, just scream real loud on Twitter and have your meager following echo the same sentiments
I hate Cuck Wendig

>I specifically wanted a Force-wielding fighter who didn't use a lightsaber at all.
I get the feeling this is what Snoke will be

The thing about adding new Force Powers, is that it has to be completely believable as to why we didn't see them before.

Even all that Force Vision and Mind Reading stuff in TFA had been seen before in TCW.

That's why Kylo freezing that blaster bolt was a bit weird and many fans don't like it. Because, well, why didn't the Jedi do that during TCW? Why did Vader catch the bolts in his hand rather than freeze them in ESB? Why didn't Kylo just deflect it with his Lightsaber?

So "new" powers are best received when they make sense. Remember, Force Lightning isn't just "electric powers". I saw someone here refer to them better as Hate Bolts. They're literally what happens when you want to hate someone to death. So bringing in more elemental powers like fire, with seemingly no practical differences (point and die, mwahaha!), or believable reason as to why we never saw them used before, can be off-putting and fanfiction-y.

Of course, you could fix these things retroactively. For example, they could just do some Ki-Adi Mundi comic where he freezes bolts in a battlefield situation. Or explain that it was an ancient technique found in some Holocron or something. (Although I dislike that idea a lot, and I doubt the LSG would ever do that, because it would mean that the Rule of Two didn't work because knowledge was still seemingly lost to time. The whole point of the Rule was so that the Sith could only get stronger and smarter with each generation.)

That makes sense, and I definitely see your point. I guess the way I always saw the Force was that it could constantly evolve and be utilized in ways that might be unheard of by most people. Keep in mind that Force Ghosts were a recent discovery that no Jedi even believed before Yoda spoke with Qui-Gon. I don't think it's totally out of the realm of possibility that new discoveries could be made, and I could see Kylo freezing blaster bolts being one of the things he personally discovered. I feel like you take the magic out of the Force a bit if you restrict what it can do to just a handful of set powers.

But yeah, fire was just a random idea I tossed around and not something I was really married to. I would need time to refine it.

I like the idea that Kylo was taught that power by Luke as a form of stopping people without killing them. But Kylo being the edgelord that he is ramped it up to 5000 and now uses it in a dark way. Similar to how you can use the force to lift an apple or crush someones throat. Same power, different intent.

most jedi weren't as good as kylo. kylo is really, really good despite mary sue rey.

rey being so shitty, downplays kylo's talent.

Daily reminder that Rey is a mary sue.

Well the thing is, when you have the power to deflect a blaster bolt back at whoever shot it, why would you ever want to just freeze it in midair? I can see why no one's used it before, but JJ just put it in because it looks cool I guess

The Force Ghost phenomenon isn't a recent discovery, though. The Priestesses are described by Filoni as having existed as one being a long, long long long long time ago, whose consciousness was gradually split over the eons into what we saw in Yoda's arc.

There's no problem in discovering new powers, just have them work within the confines of what makes a Force power. The most important thing is that, barring Force Lightning, they cannot have visual presence because the Force by its nature is already "there"

We're not doing this again.

>Keep in mind that Force Ghosts were a recent discovery that no Jedi even believed before Yoda spoke with Qui-Gon. I don't think it's totally out of the realm of possibility that new discoveries could be made
Oh that's very true. I actually quite like the idea of Force Sensitive alchemists and shit. I remember the EU delved into that and I liked it.

That's true. Kylo is literally the only fully trained character you see fight in the movie. He even does all those twirls and spins people love so much!

Yeah pretty much. I guess it is true that there wouldn't, yet, be much need anywhere in the movies, for blaster bolts to be frozen. I'd argue this is still true in TFA though, and it really was only in the movie to look cool. Especially because it doesn't even mean anything later in the movie. Kylo still got shot, damnit.

To the Jedi, the ability was a new one. Obi-Wan is, possibly, the first Jedi to ever do it. He transcended all known knowledge of the force to reach a higher ground.

>Animeposter is a shitposter
Like poetry, it rhymes

Likely how he looked. Statue behind him looks the same.

Didn't Ventress control blaster bolts with the Force in Dark Disciple? I remember seeing that and taking mental note of it, but I doubt I could find the exact quote if I tried.

Prove me wrong.

About what?
Some bullshit nobody cares about?

Dude, just post more SS and enjoy the thread.

Here's your (You), user.

>That's why Kylo freezing that blaster bolt was a bit weird and many fans don't like it. Because, well, why didn't the Jedi do that during TCW?
I have no idea how people don't understand this. From the movies alone, connecting to the Force requires immense concentration and training. Even Yoda had to close himself off to helping Anakin and Obi-Wan with the falling pillar breaking his combat and fully immersing himself in the Force. The same happens in ESB. The movies never portrayed the Force as easy to use even by grand masters. Heir to the Jedi highlights just how much effort it takes by moving food. Now throw a Jedi in the middle of a battle with his friends and allies dying, explosions rocking off and asking him to fully in-tune himself in the Force.

>Why did Vader catch the bolts in his hand rather than freeze them in ESB?
Why would he freeze it? It's more impressive to absorb the bolt. Also, he could only hold the bolt for so long before it hits something.

That's pretty dumb though, restricting the possibilities of what the Force can do to only what we've already seen.
Why wouldn't a character be able to "unlock" new Force abilities by studying the Force?
The Force is so unexplored that I think it would really, be able to do anything.

Restricting it to only what we know so far is stupid and not very forward thinking.

So anons, who's your favorite canon character



True, I just wish there was a few more powers showcased in TCW if I am honest. Feels like the best place for it.

You are 100% right too, honestly. It's why the Jedi and Sith almost never use Force Speed on the battlefield either. Good points.

Blue art critic guy.

Kanan. Good comic, good book and a good TV show.


Dash Rendar?

what about little soka cAnon?

It was a good choice of them to flesh him out in TCW, and I am pretty excited about how his story is going to end.
Will he continue his tries of scheming until it ends him? Or will he stop before it's too late?

You mean characters exclusive to the new canon, or canon characters that existed before the EU wipe like Luke, Anakin, Yoda, etc?


the only canon that matters, user
the "new" canon


zeb is pretty cool

>True, I just wish there was a few more powers showcased in TCW if I am honest. Feels like the best place for it.
I guess.
But I think that works really well with how the Jedi during the Clone Wars weren't really "in-tune" with the Force.
They were way to busy running a war to be able to uncover secrets about the Force.

We did have the story of how Yoda was taught by Qui-Gon how to live after life though, which was something.
And we're definitely getting more of that with the upcoming Bendu stuff.

I have just lately grown very interested in the Force and what is possible with it. So I love when they add new things you can do with it.

>Some bullshit nobody cares about?
Yeah, that's what I felt about TFA too.

Ahsoka, Sheev and Vader

In that case, I can't pick Ahsoka or Obi-Wan.


Kanan is pretty cool. I like Cienna Ree, too.


That's one swell looking guy!

(You) are trying so hard to ruin this thread.