What do you think of the prison system in the United States? Do you believe it needs reform? Or would you prefer it stays as is?
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It turns people into worse people/criminals. It doesn't help society at all, except to line peoples pockets with tax dollars.
Personally, I believe that our prisons need fixing. Here are some ideas I would like to introduce.
>Termination of repeat criminals
This will reduce money spent on lost causes.
>Introduction of forced labor for inmates instead of being locked up.
It is far better for low-risk inmates to be doing community service such as cleaning highways than to be locked in a cell for the majority of their day.
I agree. What sort of solutions would you propose?
Death Row should be fast tracked. There's no reason for people to be sitting on death row for 30 years wasting tax dollars.
Non-violent illegals (30% of prison population) should be exported to their countries and placed in prisons their. Illegals that commit murder should be killed immediately.
>keeping murderers and child molesters off the streets doesn't help society at all.
THis is the worst thing humanely imaginable ... youtube.com
I agree that people should not be sitting for extended periods on death row.
While I do agree that keeping murderers and child molesters away from society is helpful, it is not nearly as helpful as terminating them. For people who have been convicted of unjustified murder, and repeat offenders of heinous crimes, termination is the best thing to do. These people have no hope of being rehabilitated into society, and in prison they are only a drain on resources. Would you agree?
THis is the worst thing humanely imaginable ... Cthulhu seal of aprobation !youtube.com
>THis is the worst thing humanely imaginable ... youtube.com
I'm sorry, I do not understand the point you are trying to make. Could you explain?
This, this, and this.
Well I will try .. Prisons are the worst Human creation to repress dissension ever imagined I take Brazenbull before prison ..
I agree that they are not a good tool to repress dissent, but I do not think that they are the worst. What makes you say this?
And also a monument to Global Systemic failure
prison system is fine, it's the laws that need to be changed. any issues with the prison system will be naturally resolved after the laws are changed to focus on actual criminality
>criminalizing a victimless crime like drugs
>wasting billions of dollars on prisons, police, federal agents to investigate, arrest, and prosecute people who voluntarily want to get intoxicated
if you get high on meth and ruin your life, i don't give a shit. if you get high on meth and rob someone, the penalty should be severe.
perhaps add a 'vice enhancement' and increasing sentencing for crimes committed under the influence. the druggies that want to just get high and not be bothered or bother others will stay out of jail, and those that want to be fuck-ups are jailed
this way, we ensure resources are efficiently utilized to prohibit actions that are actually criminal
The criminal justice system is busted as there are far too many nonviolent crimes being prosecuted, plea bargaining is a racket, etc.
That being said, there are a lot of violent niggers in America and if you do a serious crime, you should be executed on the spot by a firing squad of your peers, not the government.
What do you think about life criminals? Those who are let out, only to be incarcerated again?
you dumb down your peoples you fiance cartel You sell drogue take the most vulnerable and week peoples on the planet you pack them together in a cell with a bunch of depraved deviant murderous deviant psychopaths and make them work for a meager salary to pay overprice junk this is WORST then hell it is HELL of HELL
Yes. Child touchers especially.
>a victimless crime
nigga what
Just look at what cocaine did to Miami in the 70's and 80's.
Even today, you can't comfortably go out of the touristy areas.
Drugs = fucktons of money = organized crime.
And don't even say to legalize something like cocaine; it would never happen for the same reason they won't allow a company to sell you cyanide pills for human consumption. Most hard drugs are objectively EXTREMELY harmful to your health, much worse than something even as bad as cigarettes or alcohol.
You're right we should just let criminals and murderers go free and let them get away with everything. Fucking nigger.
I fixed it for you
are they are being jailed simply because of drugs? if so, then their jailing is a waste of tax dollars.
if they are actual repeat offenders of actual crimes like theft/robbery, assault/battery, rape, murder, etc - basically any sort of personal or property crime - then they need to be jailed accordingly. a judge will sentence accordingly
We should go back to the penitentiary system for all violent offenders.
Non-violent offenders should get the Sweden/Norway treatment.
i dont get it explain yourself
You ever hear about beer brewers shooting each other in the street? Of course not. The reason drugs are associated with crime has little to do with addicts, it has to do with drug cartels and street gangs fighting it out for a share of the trade.
Dante's inferno, friendo.
I don't think he meant that. I advocate the execution of most hardened/life criminals as well as ones who have without a doubt committed capital crimes.
Well their Is some Evil things that happen in history of mankind .. but never anything like your system .Your sun god Lucifer can be proud of you guyz thats for sure ..
We should release all blacks first.
I would be referring to the latter. Peaceful stoners are, at this point, not a serious threat to society.
>ILLEGAL drugs = organized crime
fixed for you
every problem has arisen from drugs, especially in your example of Miami in the 70/80s, was directly due to the illegality of the drugs themselves and the nature of a black market.
>drugs are harmful to you
so is fast food, playing videogames or watching television excessively, smoking, drinking, etc. this is america, people are free to damage their own bodies if that is what they wish.
what we criminalize is when they harm others - doing drugs doesn't harm others. what harms others is the actual crime that is liable to occur under a the socioeconomic and political effects of a war on drugs
Why can't prison be like basic training?
Make them toe the line
Perform "corrective training" on them for a mess up
If they don't comply then they get more years added onto their sentence, if they still are shitbags then you put them in solitary for life.
>Sweden/Norway treatment
I know I could find out for myself, but would you please tell us a little about it? It would help some of the people in this thread and I will take all the bumps I can get.
There's only two thing you have to do to fix the prison and judicial system.
Abolish the death penalty and eliminate sentencing. Judges don't determine length of sentencing, they determine release.
Why? Many of them are unfit for civilized living currently.
The last chapter of America Forgotten history after Hirochima and Nagazaki corporated prison facilities systemic Purge
>abolish death penalty, life sentence instead
>decriminalize anything that doesn't infringe on other people's rights
>more emphasis on rehabilitation, people only wind up deeper down the rabbit hole when they go to prison
>it has to do with drug cartels and street gangs fighting it out for a share of the trade
This is true.
>The reason drugs are associated with crime has little to do with addict
This is false.
If you're poor and stupid, and got a hankering for some coke, are you going to put in extra hours at your shitty job?
Fuck no, you're desperate and lazy. You're going to get money illegally, and in many cases violently via robbery or mugging.
I don't have a source, but I saw an interview for a prison guard that was talking about how drug dealers themselves weren't much of an issue; it's the things that the addicts do to afford drugs that really fuck up a community.
>just make the hard drugs illegal, surely that won't horrifically destroy many communities
I specifically pointed out that yes, there are other harmful things available to us, but those things are nowhere near as instantly damaging to the body as something like meth or cocaine.
Are you saying that CVS should be allowed to sell failed drugs over the counter that are proven to have a high mortality rate after the first few doses?
Some day we will not look behind and forget all this ..
If you legalize crime, it goes away.
>"I'm so the smartest kid at my highschool, I just don't try. Wake up sheeple"
the post
>what we criminalize is when they harm others - doing drugs doesn't harm others. what harms others is the actual crime that is liable to occur under a the socioeconomic and political effects of a war on drugs
But many drugs make people unable to control themselves. Even with strict laws in place, if the drug were accessible, then these people would not heed laws under the influence and cause damage.
More executions, less "rehabilitation", and we'll be just fine.
Their is a limit of Prisons you can put in prisons .. Your level of Prisons layer is nothing good..past the third level of prison level you start to think about what you did wrong ..
Deport niggers
I think this is what must be done, except that solitary for life is useless. At that point, they are not going to be fixed and sent back into society. They will just be a drain. At that point it would be best to execute them.
>abolish death penalty
Yup, checks out
i think i can still browse chan for 3 hours a week
>If you're poor and stupid, and got a hankering for some coke, are you going to put in extra hours at your shitty job?
>Fuck no, you're desperate and lazy. You're going to get money illegally, and in many cases violently via robbery or mugging.
Addicts do commit crimes, but so do alcoholics. They are on a low level and are a general nuisance to society, not something where people live in fear. You can't reasonably expect to eliminate addiction from modern society.
If alcohol is legal, all drugs should be legal. If the addict commits a real crime, then they can be arrested and thrown in prison. But until they show themselves as unable to function in society, addicts should be left alone just as other people with mental illness are left alone.
I agree with your last two points but as for the first I disagree. What point is there to keep someone in a cell for the rest of their life, knowing that they will not achieve anything? They would be fed, housed, leading to money spent on them. It would be better to execute them.
There are not nearly enough niggers in jail.
Agreed, I was being nice.
Yeah, this will help vets out. Hire them to be "Drill Sergeant" like and treat the convicts like little bitches.
Red phase is the only phase in prison.
Line them up to march everywhere.
There is no free roaming in prison anymore.
What makes you say this? Please contribute or leave.
Find an Island and deport. Waste my money on trash
Holy bootlicker.
you live in the US? I would've expected you live in the fucking UK or something. Or Ausfalia.
Might as well move there if you want a fucking nanny state you numale twit.
Wouldn't be a bad idea, not a great one but not too bad. Get rid of 13% of the population and decrease violent crime by 50%
They are all born Rapist !
I think there are too many.
Ready up the electric chairs and firing squads and there will be far less. No need to cage them and waste money.
And their is a Facility for every one and each of them ..
Next step Privatize Firefighter !
cocaine and meth aren't "instantly" damaging to your body. in fact, they both have legitimate medical uses in appropriate doses: cocaine in dentistry and methamphetamine as a decongestant. "the dose makes the poison"
>Are you saying that CVS should be allowed to sell failed drugs over the counter that are proven to have a high mortality rate after the first few doses?
>implying CVS doesn't already sell alcohol and tobacco over the counter, and opioids and amphetamines in their pharmacy
and yes, cvs should be allowed to sell drugs that people will be able to get from jose or tyrone on the corner anyway. i'd rather have cvs ensure the drugs don't go to minors, that the products are sold and taxed like any other commodity, that employees get a wage, that security is provided on site, etc.
white market > black market
uh, so we should reenact prohibition since crime rates and public property damage was much better than having alcohol legal?
OK I cant take no more of this lvl of stupidity
They're stereotypically edgy 17 yearold opinions.
gitmo is based
the us needs to hold onto it
you act like some PTSD fag who got raped for being a child molestor
I had a drug problem 8 years ago, and went to prison for 3.5 years. 3 years was in maximum security, in what was basically a bathroom, with another man, 22 hours a day. It sucked, but i got in good shape, educated myself a lot, and played game boy advance games.
There are worse fates. I would argue that being street-tier homeless is much more terrible. And probably still better in USA than other places.
>white market > black market
Good point.
I do not think we should re-enact prohibition. Actually, I think that rather than outright banning drugs that can cause people to be uncontrollable, we have a better police force equipped to handle these types of people, and enforce fines/jail time for offenses.
You are not explaining anything. Please explain.
realistically is there any way we can get the niggers out of this country or are we stuck with them forever now?
drugs don't cause organized crime
organizations causes organized crime
Your most basics values of ethic is corrupted you to the bone you have a nation of dumb and Brainwashed vampires thriving on pure vice a degeneracy you guyz are screwed their is no such things as solutions this deep in corruption.
People always say the prison system in America is barbaric and needs reform. In some cases it does, but truth is people are idealist and naive. They seriously underestimate the magnitude of the average criminal in America - they're bad, really fucking bad.
Europe is just starting to get a little taste of it with their EU enforced globalism and immigration. You're just starting to see it. Your reformed prisons will do nothing - your system is for your own people. It's not going to work anymore.
America has some extremely hardened motherfuckers.
They need to be audited. Anyone in for violent crimes would be brought before a firing squad and piled into a mass grave. Anyone for non-violent victimless crimes would be freed and their records expunged.
I would fucking hate to go to any prison.. state or federal. County jail usually ain't shit tho
>half of all crime is still committed by blacks yet we lock up most of them
we need more of them. somewhere far off shore.
I think if we started executing lifetime criminals as well as ones incarcerated for life we would be able to fix this problem.
I found this online. It shows white prison population as higher than blacks, but it does not include a hispanic section so I assume that those are included in the whites. Actual whites might be only 20 to 30%.
Slowly, as African descended males go into prison, many of them will be terminated.
And that is why I advocate a different kind of reform, not the type that neo-liberals do. They say that we need to reduce the number of black males going into prison.
In reality we need to reduce the number of criminals and violent people, period. And for that reason I think that lost causes must be executed, and the rest be put into forced labor.
I leave this here so you may have the opportunity understand at least ..Its a bit desperate at this lvl but who knows !?!?
Death row inmates are exonerated all the time. Fast tracking will lead to innocent deaths. We're bound to see on after Florida, state with the most death row exonerations, passed the timely justice act.
I support DP in principal but unless it is applied flawlessly, which it is not, I don't think we should have it
if you bring back slavery you wouldn't need it to be competitive
And here the only remedy for your very serious Illness I am so sorry for you guyz please be well before its too late
It should be segregated and death sentences should be sped up
I think the death penalty should only be used when there is undeniable evidence, such as video evidence. if it were a murder, then there should be no death penalty if it is reasonably likely that it was in self-defense or otherwise justified.
You're right you should just ignore a mature body of research and centuries of experience with actually dealing with criminals and keep throwing people in cells victorian debtors prison style even though it's proven to generate more crime.
If you deport all non-whites the prison system suddenly works
YOu know you can find me on Sup Forums if you need more drawing ;) but books with words on them is the key ..
The only thing that needs to change is the death penalty
instead of putting them to death, lets get some use out of them and sent them into human experimentation
And if you deport them they create a magneficient country with Kangoroo and shit..
Bring back chain gangs, make executions the punishment for anything involving the intentional loss of human life, give guards real guns and the order to kill on sight if shit goes down. Feed the prisoners one meal a day and keep them isolation when they're not working. If someone is a repeat offender then the punishment and time served is doubled.
I don't think this rehabilitation shit works most of the time, some people aren't worth it and those that are will never want to be back in prison. Criminals are criminals. They loose their rights when they break the law.
i dont understand you please explain
Hard to believe she descend from murderous degenerated rapist bastard ..
Mass deportations and executions are tickets to an even more bloated prison/lea industry.
Just turn the other cheek.and let the niggers rape your daughters.. sorry i mean limit LEA to actual crimes and soften punishments.
commit crime, go to jail
I have the impression that you can get sent to jail pretty fast in the US. So maybe that needs to change. Normal hard-working citizens who make a small mistake should not come into contact with hardened criminals in a jail...
On the other hand, I'm currently having some problems with the police that I would not have if I lived in the US.
Deep down inside your prison country lie a evil creature without called Ignorance and it will be the end of you
Good brainwash you can go back now now thank you here your cookie
Like speaking about 6 gazillions ?! did you get 10 years of jail for that in Belgium !?
No. I defended myself against some drunk asshole who stole from me but now the cops are on my tail because "I am not allowed to do policing work". Really blew my mind because we are turning into a criminal jihadi country.
Anyway, they want to convict me for battery.
Stay aways from school kids ! youtube.com
>life sentence instead of death penalty
Kys boomknuffelaar
And yes, denying or minimalizing the Holocaust can lead to a fine or a prison sentence. I don't understand why people still lick the boots of cops and the justice system, provided that we have such Best-Korea-tier laws