Hillary General Thread

>Isn't she great?
>Her enemies sure got stumped!(mysteriously)
>So much better than drumftded
>She sure stumped the Dfumpt

Prove this wrong shills.


Get maga faggots


>Be shill
>Nude women are empowered
>These femnazi boobs goes against the narrative
>Better call her a slut





>Kissing a member of the KKK.

WTF I hate Hillary now!


Just now?



Well yeah, she kissed a KKK member.


Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked

who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous

Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband

who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical

who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations

who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical

who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.

Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow

>She lied under oath
>Rigged the primaries
>leaked secrets
>Has caused multiple deaths from mistakes
>her enemies mysteriously die

But the kkk thing is what set you over...


I love how the shills are silent here :)




