How will Trump ever recover from this new Time magazine? Sup Forums on suicide watch!
How will Trump ever recover from this new Time magazine? Sup Forums on suicide watch!
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Jesus christ this is the biggest campaign explosion in US history. Has there ever been a more poorly handled campaign for president in US history ever?
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this is now a rimming thread
wtf I hate Trump now
Trump says mean things. Hillary does evil things. If you're willing to put feels before reals so you can pretend you won't live under a tyrant then by all means vote for the saudi whore.
good plan
Wishful thinking from the leftist media when they are the ones melting down.
Thank you for correcting the record
Wew lad that tears it. Looks like I'm a Cruz missile now
>Sup Forums
What's a Pol?
TIME Magazine has managed to sink below the level of acceptable bird cage liner.
>say it enough times and it will be true
>say it enough times and it will be true
>say it enough times and it will be true
>Trump does stupid things.
Fixed that for you.
How's it a meltdown? If anything Trump is getting more traction. The liberals are overreacting to every little gaffe and assuming the worst.
>pointing out your neighbors dirty exterior while your structure is crumbling to the ground
Nice try, thanks for correcting the record, faggot.
Vote for the saudi whore cuckboy.
Have fun friends...
Link to 7 page email released by Judicial Watch.
The government was complicit in the formation of ISIS, it is time to know who the Muslim Brotherhood really is. They are the driving force that is using our laws to push and spread Islam a cross the world.
Incoming dump. You must know who is ultimately behind the creation of ISIS.
Stephen Coughlin
Short intro:
"Red Pill" Lecture
Remarks on Benghazi
Long Form:
Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Abrogation and the Milestones Process
Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring, and the Milestones Process
The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
The Boston Attack and Individual Jihad
Books & Book Reviews:
If it looks like Trump has a chance to win I will. He is the worse of two evils.
>time magazine
Literally DOZENS of people will see this! Drumpf stumped guys!
You had better. Wouldn't want to have an accident.
wtf i hate trump now
wow another TIME magazine cove?
It's a movement people! They never seen anything like it.
He's the best candidate this country has seen in at least 50 years.
I think you mean
Sure, vote for Donald "take out their families" Trump, that doesn't sound like a tyrant at all.
Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked
who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous
Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband
who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical
who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations
who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical
who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.
Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow
wtf i hate trump now
Media debacles used to consist of awkward photos of the candidate in a tank, now it's one candidate suggesting people kill the other.
At least you aren't arguing that Trump isn't the worse.
Let me ask you this. If it was Trump and not JFK handling the Cuban missile crisis do you think Trump would have thick enough skin to not feel like he is being made a chump and backing down to provide a for a diplomatic solution or do you think he would feel the need to be strong and kick of a military exchange with Russia?
Or you could vote for Hillary "I frequently kill political enimies" Clinton
You must be new here or trying to allege some sort of connection to a political organization.
>countless lies
>80% of that post is a lie
Is this a normal thing in elections? The whole media fixated in bashing a candidate?
Trump is going to win and the lefties at TIME will whine about it day and night but no one will care because their magazine is intellectually bankrupt.
What's the point? He'll never match her kill count? How about silencing rape victims? Nope Trump can't compete there either.
Guaranteed you don't give a shit about any of those things but you're trying to appeal to others.
The media is controlled by communists so they naturally attack any candidate that is anti-communist.
>The whole media fixated in bashing a candidate?
When the candidate in question is the biggest fuck up ever, yes.
Hasnt Obama droned weddings?
As for the second part of your post
did they neglect to give you any material on Trump and Russia? You know the one candidate being criticized for saying he doesn't want to fight Russia and would rather let them take out ISIS?
You're inept.
>What's the point?
That's why I didn't address the "does evil things" because it would be pointless.
If there's one thing we've seen about Trump, he can be unimaginably gracious when it suits the big picture. Just see the Nikki Haley thing.
He pretends to have a big ego because it allows him to set clear boundaries that he dares people to cross at their own peril. He's gotten where he is because he doesn't let people walk all over him.
Contrast this with HRC, who can and does destroy countries for what the fuck ever reason.
I honestly don't understand how anybody can still defend Trump
He's a disaster.
He's plummeting in the polls.
He sabotages his own campaign on a daily basis.
He needs to be replaced with somebody who actually has a chance of beating Hillary.
It doesn't matter who: Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Bush, anybody would be doing a better job.
I would even look into calling Gary Johson and asking him to be the Republican nominee.
But Trump just isn't going to cut it. He needs to go.
Its crazy how corrupt the media and government is. They focus on what a man says instead of what fucking hillary actually did. Jesus i never hear any stories on the news about the email leaks
>You're inept.
At least I can respond what others post. If I'm inept that must make you retarded.
Trump would do way worse than hillary as president. It's about picking the lesser of two evils.
Go... Straight to the White House. Because if thanks to the 2 party system, if it ain't Trump it will be Hillary.
Well, yeah. Everyone knows Hillary's an evil bitch. Does it really matter at this point :^)
>If there's one thing we've seen about Trump
There is clearly only one thing you've seen about Trump if you think he can see the big picture when it comes to personal offense during this election cycle.
Absolutely soulless.
And yes, I do care about being expected to follow a criminally insane woman who married her way to the Presidency.
Obviously Trump isn't going to have blemishes on his record like Benghazi when he has no experience whatsoever. Put him in office, and he literally promises to create scandals.
>Everyone knows
Thank you for proving my point.
I'm just waiting for you to say anything of substance. At least you're not even attempting to refute anything.
Cause no one cares what you think desu... you can keep posting these threads here, on reddit, 9gag or whatever else but you will never get any sort of reaction other than from reactionary posters (these "drumpfkins" you speak of) because people can see you are trolling and maybe even "shilling" - and you will have no effect on anybody in the long term because your "message" will be forgotten upon the next article or dismissed immediately.
The only thing you are doing is trying to convince yourself that you are on the right side of history and fighting for a good, honest and sane person. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact that reaction is just an evolutionary imperative. It's human. So do you and all, but really, don't delude yourself into thinking that your voiced opinion matters or even has an effect. Because the stage is set already, but that is only partly why your opinion ultimately doesn't matter.
Also daily reminder to stay hydrated. Thanks for reading.
holy fuck trump MTFD
It is fucking over for this bloated, orange meme.
Your point that the public knows what kind of scum she is? Sure you're welcome.
I think this really points to how influential he is.
You can say what you will about his politics, but its clear he's a crowd attraction. He's already won the minds of the youth of America, he'll do it with the rest of America too
>I'm just waiting for you to say anything of substance.
How completely arbitrary of you.
>I don't like your question so I will conclude it is not of substance.
Discussing the thickness of Trump's skin and it's probable affect on international relations is clearly a substantial issue in this election cycle. Only an ignorant twit would argue otherwise.
>see flag
Nice shitpost
They can go with them then.
Let me ask you in all seriousness. Do you want to actually discuss Hillary's qualifications and history using facts and citations or do you want to merely sling mud?
So I posited and example of Trump's remarks on Russian activity in Syria against ISIS to which you offer no counter-example. You're posting a whole lot of nothing.
>So I posited
You did not answer my question and yet you expect me to answer your question?
I also note how you completely abandoned the "substance" argument.
If you say that then you haven't been paying attention to which attacks he responds to with graciousness and which he retaliates against. Your being new here (post-primary) explains your lack of familiarity on the topic.
I voted for Trump in the primaries and watched every speech for a couple months.
I then went on a Trump-break.
All the recent news about Trump having a melt down and losing it and his campaign in shambles made me watch one of his rallys live.
He seemed a lot more calmer and on message than he used to.
I was actually surprised because I thought okay the news is blowing it out of proportion but maybe hes railing against the rigged election and such.
But he just comes off better than months ago.
This season of president elections has just made me hate the mainstream media more than ever before.
Newshill having trouble reading IDs I see. Keep being a blowhard.
Is it just me, or is it like Trump is already president? At least this is what you'd think when you look around, everyone is talking about him all the time. How could he not win with all this melodramatic overexposure, while meanwhile Hillary continues to avoid the press and draws virtually no crowds at her rallies?
lol and you expect Trump to avoid these scandals? he was literally calling going after the families of terrorists and he got in a flame war with a gold star family. They were muslim and their son was an American patriot that died trying to save his fellow soldiers. Trump is going to have an entire presidency of plunders which will end up in far more damage getting done. You're in denial if you think he's the lesser evil than Clinton.
Regardless it doesn't matter what we discuss because Trump is destroying his own campaign. He has no self control or self awareness
>bimbo eruptions
>If you say that then you haven't been paying attention to which attacks he responds to with graciousness and which he retaliates against
You provided one example of him responding to attacks with graciousness. One in this entire election cycle. How many were there in with viciousness in the last two weeks?
>Think Skinned Trump would want war with Russia
>KGB Plant Trump doesn't want war with Russia
They said the same thing about Ron Paul and Sanders.
I'm sorry, I'm not a paid shill with experience and practice in keeping track of every poster's ID.
Just type it in to the ol jewgle.
>KGB plant
Who isn't these days right? Thanks for fixing the ledger.
Donald Dump
>They said the same thing about Ron Paul
This. Most Sup Forumssters are idealogues and best and sycophants at worst.
Idealistic idiot detected.
Great argument as always, I'll jot that down so I don't forget.
Big W and small g right?
Ron Paul had serious competition while he was running, and Bernie was doomed from the start for playing on the same team as his enemy. Also, Trump has many more supporters than Bernie ever did.
h | e | l | l | o | r | e | d | d | i | t
blow hard things
Trump is done. The only shot he has at winning now is if Wikileaks releases a huge bomb shell (they won't and even if they do, the media won't cover it or it won't damage her like the DNC leaks did), Hillary has a campaign ending seizure (I pray that this at least happens so we don't suffer Hillary), or by some miracle he beats her in the debates.
Even ex-CIA director is saying Trump is a shmuck. Watch this video
Putin doesn't give a fuck about the USA or Trump he just wants to exploit divisions to push his agenda and NATO is a big blockade and he's running circles around Trump. I've seen some peopel in here so deluded that they think Putin and Trump can work together
So talking about killing people is somehow worse than actually killing people?
Not on the first date.
Unless she's a slag.
All the left's attacks against trump are protection. You are the tyrants
are you using polls to make that call by any chance? because the polls say Hillary is a lot more popular than Trump
You guys are incredibly easy to spot, you know this right?
These CTR shills really suck at their jobs.
That CIA? Kangaroos can't adjust files for shit.
Her plan is to avoid all publicity and let him destroy himself. She knows she's unlikable so she wants to make the election about pro or anti Trump.
But if she does this too far, it could end up being like people forget she exists. It's going to be if you like Trump you'll go out and vote for him, and if you don't like him you'll stay home.
>not liberals